Ydahs said:It wasn't meant to be.
This is why I don't like the AFL discussion to creep into this thread. We have an official thread for a reason...
Ydahs said:It wasn't meant to be.
It's still on wherever you're at? My bad.Kerrby said:This is why I don't like the AFL discussion to creep into this thread. We have an official thread for a reason...
Ydahs said:It's still on wherever you're at? My bad.
3chopl0x said:I generally watch anime subbed because most dubbing sucks ass, is cowboy bebop an exception?
hamchan said:It was the ending you hated. Like 90% of the series is good robot vs monster action with emo kids then they suddenly add all this crazy bullshit that nobody can understand at the end.
Ugh, I know. S2 DVD comes out soon and I think I'm going to import then rip it for media player awesomeness. Not much of an incentive to buy legit media when it's been bent over on the transfer AND the anti-piracy trailer. Hopefully the US copy won't have it (I've never seen it on any of my US DVDs or HD-DVDs).bodyboarder said:That will teach you for buying a dvd.
Also this weeks futurama wasn't too bad, only one episode to go though for the season![]()
I watched it when it was first shown on SBS here many, many moons ago. I did enjoy the vast majority of it but then when it got REALLY weird towards the end, it soured my previous experience with it. I seem to vaguely remember they were going to reproduce the ending or retcon it or something. Am I right or does my memory fail me?hamchan said:It was the ending you hated. Like 90% of the series is good robot vs monster action with emo kids then they suddenly add all this crazy bullshit that nobody can understand at the end.
I remember hearing that they ran out of money toward the end, but had no idea about the creator losing it. If it was a gradual descent into madness (ie. it started with a few episodes to go, then got worse) then you can definitely see it in the story. Some seriously weird shit going on with it later in the series.Jintor said:The creator had a mental breakdown and the studio ran out of money. I'm not kidding either.
markot said:I dont get the point of cameras on tablets though >.< everyone tends to have mobiles with better camers, and their smaller frame is much more suited to photo taking!
mandiller said:err yeah. That's the one. I was under the impression it was called Machinegun Jetpack for some reason.
midonnay said:wow, just saw anakin the friendly ghost ...
thats some first class trolling by george lucas.
midonnay said:wow, just saw anakin the friendly ghost ...
thats some first class trolling by george lucas.
I recommend either buying cheap $20 pair every 9 months as they will always get damaged in transit to and from work or buying a fancy wireless headset where there are no wires to get pulled out.Jintor said:Once, just once, I'd like to buy some headphones that don't lose hearing in one ear after approximately 9 months. Sigh.
Anyone have any headphone recommendations? Preferably flip-ones that I can store in a pocket when unneeded. Price range $100 - 150, but willing to pay more for ones that won't nuke themselves after 9 months.
Darklord said:That was in the dvd release too.
Getting it now. I have a mate who's into some anime who loves the shit out of it. Hopefully it's a bit easier to get into that the "harder" stuff like Robotech/Macross.reptilescorpio said:Also I have the remix DVDs of Bebop that came out in 2005 and they look great, Jb Hi Fi should have it in stock still.
I would argue that Bebop is the perfect introduction to anime for nonwatchers. Easy to get into and full of pop culture references. Lots of fun.Shaneus said:Getting it now. I have a mate who's into some anime who loves the shit out of it. Hopefully it's a bit easier to get into that the "harder" stuff like Robotech/Macross.
Glad to hear it! Might down a few episodes before I have to head to the folks' for Father's Day stuff.reptilescorpio said:I would argue that Bebop is the perfect introduction to anime for nonwatchers. Easy to get into and full of pop culture references. Lots of fun.
You might have to scour through, but this thread is bound to have the answers you seek. If it helps, someone suggested to Google "Star Wars despecialized" but I don't know if that's for the original trilogy or just A New Hope.reptilescorpio said:Just read all the changes that Lucas has made over all the years... How the hell can I watch a copy of the original movies? Would love to watch them remastered on bluray but the Vader scream and Obis jibber jabber scream just rub me the wrong way.
Funny you should mention that. I've been recently converting my DVD collection for my WDTV and that was moved to the top of the list yesterday as I've been on a bit on an animation fixation, lately.Omi said:All the anime talk makes me remember Mysterious Cities of Gold.
Jintor said:Kerrby, if you ever go to an AusGAF meet that I am at, I'm going to have to kick you in the nuts. Just a warning.
Have you tried TinyEye? Usually does the trick for me and it even has a Chrome extension so you can run it from the right click menu.Darklord said:I went to request a HQ version of a picture on 4chan
It is a change of pace but still brilliantly performed. Just like the recent Thrice albums. The newest of which came out the other day and is brilliant and everyone should listen to.Omi said:Opeth. 8)
My Monday at work is set.
Opeth never disappoint.reptilescorpio said:It is a change of pace but still brilliantly performed. Just like the recent Thrice albums. The newest of which came out the other day and is brilliant and everyone should listen to.
Holy shit. Watched the first episode and even my ADHD-riddled brain is able to follow and enjoy it. Soundtrack is fucking awesome, too. Really different.reptilescorpio said:I would argue that Bebop is the perfect introduction to anime for nonwatchers. Easy to get into and full of pop culture references. Lots of fun.
Rahk said:Yes.
The only anime I've seen where I'm happy to watch dubbed.
Ok sweet, I'll have to watch it soon then!Jintor said:Bebop is the only anime I know of where even the creator said the dubbing was superior to the Japanese
This is probably because it's a space western
More detail is needed on this thinly veiled insult. What is wrong with Anime? Or are you living in a world where the stereotype of underage school girls showing their panties off is correct for the entire usage of the word? In that case since you are Australian you are a racist criminal.Agyar said:Anime? Are you guys Benjamin Buttons, reverse-aging your way through hobbies?
3chopl0x said:Ok sweet, I'll have to watch it soon then!
Anyone else getting into Usagi Drop? Taka picked it up recently and have done 6 episodes so far, supposed to be really good.
What is wrong with solar panels? I hate paying my electric bill.Bernbaum said:So I burn up to the sunny coast for Father's Day only to learn that my hippy lefty parents have installed solar panels on their house so they can "do their part for the environment" and I've never been more disappointed as a son.
I have the first and second of the original Madman release if you want it, because I don't? :|Jintor said:I'm pissed off. I lost the third dvd of my Bebop boxset somewhere and will have to buy a new one.
I'm not really pissed off, I like buying anime, it makes me feel good.
Good luck! I have high hopes that we can somehow get off the bottom! So close against the Dons before our usual aneurysm.jambo said:Off to the footy at Adelaide Oval!
Agyar said:Anime? Are you guys Benjamin Buttons, reverse-aging your way through hobbies?
reptilescorpio said:Not too far until summer now!
DeathJr said:Another one confusing anime with cartoons?