Dedication Through Light
Trickster not being in the OP is very disappointing to come back to. Its best of the season.
I'll look into getting my hands on those then. I love the performance scenes, so to see them played out fully through the entire piece will be something special.
Polar Bear's Cafe - 1 (Rewatch)
Face game was on point this episode.
Damn, out of nowhere, like a ton of bricks falling on your head. That was pretty harsh, especially after the conversation and events right before that happened.
Well Rugby players aren't afraid to get dirty.I'm really disappointed that All Out isn't just Keijo with dudes.
So after some rough beginnings, as the Soul/Black Star/Kid combo of obnoxiousness was a bit too much to handle and made me drop it for a while, this has hit the groove for me. It doesn't really do anything amazing script wise but even with its somewhat aimless and unfocused nature so far, it tugs along nicely (and with the appearance of what looks like a major villain it seems the introductory phase is behind me.) It's yet another Igarashi helmed show where I eat up his stylistic flourishments and comedy, which, after really bad start, got much better. (Black Star/Soul vs Kid had some amazing moments). I'm also loving the art direction, it's got this superb cartoony halloween vibe that even some CG background usage doesn't sully. I've long heard tales of how horrific the ending is so I'm keeping my expectation in check but so far so decent enough.
ClassicaLoid Episode 4
After two episodes that were pretty dull, this one actually worked for me. Watching Franz respond in a mix of stoic confusion to the world, seeing danger where there was none, but leaving a trail of mayhem in his wake was great. Not sure if the production hit a snag, or if they brought in a new director for this episode, but it looked much more pleasant than the previous two.
Is this the Akihiko Yamashita episode?
Yeah, there's an extended cut that shows the entirety of the Hawaii battle as well as some additional slice-of-life island scenes. It sets up the whole of Exodus really well, and is worth looking into.I'm going to guess that I did not as mine was just a standard length?
Soul Eater 1-10
I'd suggest reading the manga, but you've already watched 10 episodes, so enjoy the inferior version I suppose. At least it seems you enjoy the visuals, which is a good enough (and probably the only) reason to watch this.
It's not even that the manga is that great, though I think it's one of my favourite shounens because of its style and vibe, but the anime completely butchers any attempt of a cohesive story and character development, and it manages to come up with an ending that makes the manga's mediocre finale fantastic in comparison...
Gargantia could have been a masterpiece if it trimmed down the design by committee aspects (episode 5 mostly) and had more episodes to work with, but instead it was merely a "very good" show that felt a bit rushed in places. The OVAs fix a little of this with some flashback scenes that fill in what should have been 1-2 episodes of additional development and exploring the world that Gargantia takes place in, I recommend checking them out if you have the chance. Sadly the planned sequel that they were supposed to lead into ended up being canceled, and the fact that there won't be any more after so much effort was put into the world and character design (I have the art books for this show and it's like 800 huge pages of design material with a lot of pages having 3+ designs on them) feels like such a waste.
I'd suggest reading the manga, but you've already watched 10 episodes, so enjoy the inferior version I suppose. At least it seems you enjoy the visuals, which is a good enough (and probably the only) reason to watch this.
It's not even that the manga is that great, though I think it's one of my favourite shounens because of its style and vibe, but the anime completely butchers any attempt of a cohesive story and character development, and it manages to come up with an ending that makes the manga's mediocre finale fantastic in comparison...
[Fafner: Expodus] 7 - 10
[Fafner: Expodus] 7 - 10
That entire episode 9 insert song sequence was hype as hell.You know things are going down hard whenever an insert song starts playing.
How about that episode 9?[Fafner: Expodus] 7 - 10
How about that episode 9?
when you self-pwn yourselfThe Under the Dog commentary track got released to backers. I'm still in the middle of it, but here's a taste.