Admiral Woofington
Ledouch will be reborn?
Still wouldn't mind if the show would listen to Rei's advice.
That's awesome, I'm curious as to what many people here think of it, I'd expect impressions to be all over the place. One thing is for sure, seeing it on the big screen was amazing.
I had very mixed feelings when I initially saw the film years ago. Revisiting it on the big screen, seeing the incredible 4K restoration, I was able to appreciate it so much more. It's not only a brilliant film, I also consider it one of the best anime films ever made. It can be difficult to watch at times due to how disturbing some of the content is, but it's still absolutely worth a look. See it in a theater if there's a screening near you, it's the best possible way to watch it!
Not very much is done to connect the characters to the audience. It also has nothing to say about depression and the imagery and vocabulary it uses around it is plain and regularly stops short. Stuff like the intro sequence on this episode where we end at Rei wants to "go somewhere" as a means of getting away instead of having a destination hits completely flat and stands at odds with the theme of complacency that otherwise dominates the episode.March comes in like a lion 06
I have a history of depression so I can 100% see where this show is coming from...but I'm still finding it hard to get super interested or invested. Dunno why.
Izetta #5
Cool action and their plan was pretty neat. Good episode. what I wanted to say before that last bit at the end happened.
Of course Jonas overhears that the whole thing was a setup, because of course they just have to talk about this highly confidential piece of information somewhere in the woods and of course the Germanian spy is someone near Jonas.
Ugh, I fucking hate contrived drama like this, drained all my enthusiasm.
Debating whether I should even continue to watch because sure enough I don't want to see this contrived piece of shit scenario unfold.
Izetta #5
Cool action and their plan was pretty neat. Good episode. what I wanted to say before that last bit at the end happened.
Of course Jonas overhears that the whole thing was a setup, because of course they just have to talk about this highly confidential piece of information somewhere in the woods and of course the Germanian spy is someone near Jonas.
Ugh, I fucking hate contrived drama like this, drained all my enthusiasm.
Debating whether I should even continue to watch because sure enough I don't want to see this contrived piece of shit scenario unfold.
Occultic;Nine 6
Yo finally that first twist!!! The speculation of previous episodes were right! This is so those last few minutes! I mean with this it's official if it just keeps giving like this each week, this will beat haikyu in my AOTY rankings.
The story itself is super good, each episode gradually leads us to the *mystery*. Every episode we are dropped hints as to what things will happen. For example, the twist for this episode was clearly teased at a few times, withthe lack of shadow and reflection to the now known dead characters.
Without spoiling anything I can say that you should continue watching.
On hindsight, the whole thing didn't even matter that much, it's just there to highlight one point. It pretty much concludes on the next episode.
Tiger Mask W 7
Impressed they emulated the original show's art style for the sake of flashbacks. Unnecessary yet appreciated attention to detail.
Looks like this show would be good if it was ep 4 tier all the time.
Sadly that does not seem possible.
The show demonstrates that the best way to deal with depression is to surround yourself with kind people and many cats, I'd agree with that prescription.3 Lions Episode 6:
This may not be the best thing to watch given how much I can relate to crippling depression in the here and now.
Were you in that anime art style thread on gaming side?
The show demonstrates that the best way to deal with depression is to surround yourself with kind people and many cats, I'd agree with that prescription.
Danganronpa Despair 03
I love this arc way, WAY more than the Future arc. Can I please just skip Future and focus on Despair? I don't care about any of the jerks in Future aside from 1's returners.
It's 39 episodes of Toei anime. Figure the best I can hope for is all the big matches being like episode 4 and hoping the rest doesn't delve too far past average. Who knows how things will shake out though what with the bad guys finally beginning to strike back in earnest.
As long as we never get another episode as horrid as the idol episode was I'll be okay.
March comes in like a lion 06
I have a history of depression so I can 100% see where this show is coming from...but I'm still finding it hard to get super interested or invested. Dunno why.
I'll crack open my Cinelicious pics copy of Belladonna in the meantime...
I hate to say it, but the only time March Comes in like a Lion works for me is when it's focusing on Rei.
And even then it's kinda clumsy.