The_Technomancer said:Next year he's remaking Avernum 1, I'd be surprised if it didn't get an iPad release
Oh sweet. Avadon is nice but its pretty streamlined and even a little dumbed down. The Avernum remakes are going to win a lot of fans I think.Cryptozoologist said:He said on his blog all future Spiderweb releases will be on iPad. Good news.
So what are your, or anyone else's, positives & negatives regarding the iPad app? I just picked up an iPad2 and I'm strongly considering purchasing Avadon.Jugendstil said:Picked this up for the iPad. I've only played a bit and I can see where some of the annoyances others have mentioned are coming from, but buying it was a no brainer because I want to support the developer for porting the game to iOS. I definitely want more CRPGs on the iPad.
Reluctant-Hero said:So what are your, or anyone else's, positives & negatives regarding the iPad app? I just picked up an iPad2 and I'm strongly considering purchasing Avadon.
Its not the best Spiderweb RPG but its pretty good. Too linear for my tastes and it takes some pointers from BioWare, but its pretty well written, the combat system is fun, and exploration and questing is a good time.Reluctant-Hero said:So what are your, or anyone else's, positives & negatives regarding the iPad app? I just picked up an iPad2 and I'm strongly considering purchasing Avadon.
Alextended said:Totally feeling ripped off with the iOS release being so much cheaper.</terrible rant>
I disagree, I think it's as simple as what I said which did take sales in account despite your implication that it didn't.DangerousDave said:Is as simple as:
Alextended said:I disagree, I think it's as simple as what I said which did take sales in account despite your implication that it didn't.
IamMikeside said:I wish I had time to put into games like this - I used to be so addicted to RPGs, but I simply can't put enough hours into a session these days![]()
jon bones said:same here, i bought avadon and it really reminded me of those Infinity Engine games i loved so much back in the day... but i rarely find myself with time to dig in.
Then why reply? I think it's clear and have no other way to explain it. It's how I feel based on the dev's decisions. That's all there is to it. Feel free to feel however you want.DangerousDave said:I don't understand
His market is now larger than previously since he also offers an iOS version of the same game. Or is the iOS version not selling that well? Given his hasty "all our future games will be on iOS too" blog post I imagine it's doing well. If not, too bad because it still tells me the game is only worth $10 after all so despite not yet owning iOS platforms I'm not gonna be willing to pay more on any platform if that's how he handles his future games so all he's gonna be seeing from me is either $10 or nothing at all which is much less than any of his previous games. Too bad but I don't wanna be the reason random strangers who happen to own another platform get to pay less than I did by helping make up for his costs via an evidently overpriced version. I'd rather help myself. Selfish gamer and all that, much like anyone else.If it's the first, the answer is simple, he won't be able to get enough benefits of the game for living.
I'm not gonna snoop around his IRS records or anything like that to make my decisions, I'll only speak as a consumer based on what I see, and what I see is practically the same game offered for $25 on one platform and $10 on another. If others have done it before makes no difference to me, I'd oppose that also had I cared about those games.Clevinger said:The guy barely makes enough on these games to support his family and one employee. Relax.
IamMikeside said:OK, I've got a plan
You can do my job (but I'll take the money), take care of my girlfriend and all that stuff for a year in addition to living your own life & I'll just play awesome huge RPGs, then next year I'll do the same for you...that way we'll both have time! Sound good?
jon bones said:that sounds reasonable
jon bones said:already taken care of in the post you agreed with.
Alextended said:Then why reply? I think it's clear and have no other way to explain it. It's how I feel based on the dev's decisions. That's all there is to it. Feel free to feel however you want.His market is now larger than previously since he also offers an iOS version of the same game. Or is the iOS version not selling that well? Given his hasty "all our future games will be on iOS too" blog post I imagine it's doing well. If not, too bad because it still tells me the game is only worth $10 after all so despite not yet owning iOS platforms I'm not gonna be willing to pay more on any platform if that's how he handles his future games so all he's gonna be seeing from me is either $10 or nothing at all which is much less than any of his previous games. Too bad but I don't wanna be the reason random strangers who happen to own another platform get to pay less than I did by helping make up for his costs via an evidently overpriced version. I'd rather help myself. Selfish gamer and all that, much like anyone else.I'm not gonna snoop around his IRS records or anything like that to make my decisions, I'll only speak as a consumer based on what I see, and what I see is practically the same game offered for $25 on one platform and $10 on another. If others have done it before makes no difference to me, I'd oppose that also had I cared about those games.
Did I kill your dog or demand that you feel the way I feel about the whole thing? Other people are constantly replying to challenge what I think/feel for myself, my money, my games, as if I should change my mind, now you come with the same attitude because you're a fanboy that would pay any price for it. Feel free to send the guy cash for nothing if it makes you happy, I didn't ask and I don't care about that shit. I should be the one going "ffs why is what I decide for me so important to you guys?" or whatever, not you, lol.LocoMrPollock said:Oh ffs dude.
No, though he could have informed us, since there were debates about it on various forums, including his, but he did not.Everyone knew it wouldn't launch at $25 on the ipad.
Riiight.But please, continue to act like a 5 year old brat if you need to.
Alextended said:There's a good price now. Buy it folks (per what The_Technomancer said). It's still weird he sells it for more on his website, I imagine there are more people like me who, when they happen to see a Steam game they like yet somehow missed previously, they like going to the developer's website for the actual purchase to support them further (rather than give Steam a cut or whatever). But they won't with the price disparity.
Alextended said:I think that's just a figure of speech, he's been mentioning trying to get his games on Steam before and always getting rejected. Including Avadon a while ago.
In that case, how does that explain the Mac App Store version still being $20? It has many of the same characteristics as the iOS App Store and Steam, and yet it's still being sold for a higher price there.Stumpokapow said:The price stratification thing is pretty obvious. Spiderweb has a strong brand and a loyal following, and can easily command a $25 price. On the iPad, they have no brand, no following, and more intense competition, plus the iPad lends itself more easily to a lower-cost-more-volume model, so a lower pricepoint made sense (even leaving out any content/interface stuff).
Spiderweb's games have not historically been on Steam and I think at least some of the reason why has been their premium price. Steam has a similar value proposition to the iOS App Store; high volume, but stiff competition and a strong downward pressure on price. Also, while Spiderweb has a premium brand on PC, their brand is not well known to a large segment of the market including Steam users. Finally, at this point the Steam release is a fairly late "port" so to speak. We've seen this before; VVVVVV was $15 originally, released for $5 on Steam. Many of these emerging marketplaces help developers reconsider their pricing/value strategies.
I don't think Spiderweb were out to scam anyone. It's a transition period, both the iPad release and the Steam release are experiments in relying on an outside marketplace, which is at odds with the fierce independence Vogel has had before. I hope it works out well for him.
Already own it for iPad. Must...resist...double...dipping.The_Technomancer said:The game is the daily deal today on Steam, grab it for $4.99
The_Technomancer said:The game is the daily deal today on Steam, grab it for $4.99
It takes a while. First several hours feel linear and grindy, but then it begins to open up a bit.Fewr said:Played a bit of the demo, and got hooked. If you guys are saying it gets better, I'm definitely buying.
It's alright, I'm a consolite peasant in the transition to pc gaming, so I'm used to linearity.The_Technomancer said:It takes a while. First several hours feel linear and grindy, but then it begins to open up a bit.
Keep us updated on your impressions, I'm curious what people new to the brand think of Avadon as its a bit different in structure then most his titles.kyubajin said:I just got the iPad version, this is my 1st Spiderweb game and I'm really excited about it after the amazing time I had with the Eschalon games. I know they're rather different and all, but I'm happy nonetheless.