And in the same shot you got Hulk stabbing the Leviathan with a piece of its own armour and then Thor striking down on it with Mjolnir. Awesome sauce.
The awesome sauce clip.
Thanks for linking this
And in the same shot you got Hulk stabbing the Leviathan with a piece of its own armour and then Thor striking down on it with Mjolnir. Awesome sauce.
The awesome sauce clip.
Just auper hero movies or comic book movies in general? I really liked a few of the scenes from Wanted. Wesley's final assualt on the Fraternity, the whole train sequenceBlade's opening and Spiderman 2 train sequence remain the best action sequences in any super hero movie ever.
Man, I forgot how fucking good that scene was. Christ on sale, Nightcrawler!
Blade's opening and Spiderman 2 train sequence remain the best action sequences in any super hero movie ever.
Idris Elba confirms that Heimdall and Loki will appear in Age of Ultron.
Idris Elba confirms that Heimdall and Loki will appear in Age of Ultron.
I think Loki was already confirmed?
Who is Heimdall and Elba is in the MCU aready?
Who is Heimdall and Elba is in the MCU aready?
I hate that character what a waste of Elba.
Hmmmm yes. I can agree with this. Off the top of my head i can't think of much that comes close.Blade's opening and Spiderman 2 train sequence remain the best action sequences in any super hero movie ever.
Was he? I thought it was just Thor 3 and IW movies.
I am pretty sure that I heard it the first time early after the movie was announced.
I am pretty sure we will only get some Ragnarok foreshadowing... Maybe Heimdall notices that Odin/Loki is not the person he pretends to be...
Idris Elba confirms that Heimdall and Loki will appear in Age of Ultron.
According to the Cap/Iron Man conversation, Thor leaves the Avengers to investigate something. It's a pretty good bet he returns to Asgard.
Oh wow he should have had a bigger role.
Ironically, yesterday I had to Elba chuckles. Hes not meant to talk about this, but he clearly enjoys doing things hes not meant to do. Im in Avengers, he reveals.
I dont know, since Loki is still considered, dead, it means that we have to see Odin, but Anthony Hopkins seems still not to be involved in the movie?
Idris Elba confirms that Heimdall and Loki will appear in Age of Ultron.
It's at 1:32 or so of this clip and was completely different. They replaced it with a CG double.
You really have to be good at acting to not think: "God I must look so silly doing this."
Though in the end result, that scene was pretty cool.
EASILY the best.
I saw that film opening day, with a beer. Absolutely phenomenal on every conceivable level. And a friggin' revelation given how subdued the first X-Men was fight wise. At the time, that was a game-changer for how creative and inventive superhero film action scenes could be.
Ew beer in cinemas is so disgusting, the smell is so obnoxious for everyone else.
Maybe if you're a kid or overly religious... Many of the best theaters serve beer, such as The Alamo Drafthouse. It can make the movie-going experience more laid-back and enjoyable. I don't find that it bothers the other movie watchers, but they're all grownups who know what kind of theater they are visiting.
Thanks! That scene is so good! I wonder what Tony means by telling Cap "he'd like to see the team pulled apart" (if I'm hearing it right). Also confirms Scarlet Witch does something to everyone's head and Tony "does something stupid".
I hate that character what a waste of Elba.
I love Elba as Heimdall. One of my favorite things about Thor 2 is that we got more of Elba in the role.
Hell yes!
I suspect this could be an after-credit sequence, given that Joss Whedon and Tom Hiddleston have both previously said Loki would not be appearing in the movie...either that, or a last-minute change has been made to the script.
Or maybe they just lied.
Just thinking....damn, AoU is going to kick off the insane Phase 3 for the MCU
Poor Ant Man.
Poor Ant Man.
So what's the likelihood that Thor gets "killed" in this move, leading to scenes in Asgard, that trailer scene with a shirtless Thor coming out of the water, and opening the doors for the events of Thor: Ragnarok?