Online Ho Champ
Yup, during the Oregon/Ohio State game. 8:30pm EST start. Don't know when the trailer hits exactly though.
we need hydra to leak it early.
Yup, during the Oregon/Ohio State game. 8:30pm EST start. Don't know when the trailer hits exactly though.
This is from the EW cover:
That said, the Ultron with teeth doesn't look that bad in action. Joss must want him to emote more with his face.
In my ideal AoU, we see Ultron's final form as being more akin to the comics and what we see in those pictures above, and that's kind of symbolic of him relinquishing his last ties to humanity, whereas beforehand he's still modelling his being physically and mentally after humanity.
Do we have any moments where the teeth/first trailer design is referred to as the final form? I feel like media has either assumed that or it's been put out there explicitly. I don't put it past Marvel at all to lead us all on and it not being the case, though.
Well, then, can he start kicking some ass ceremonially, then?
As awesome as that moment is, it is followed by Ultron basically curb stomping everyone.Well, then, can he start kicking some ass ceremonially, then?
I never understood why Iron Man's hands are glowing green here, context?
also, HYPE
I hope tonight's isn't just a rehash of the first trailer with 10 seconds of new shots..
Oh shit, there's a trailer today... why hasn't it leaked![]()
Oh shit, there's a trailer today... why hasn't it leaked![]()
Oh shit, there's a trailer today... why hasn't it leaked![]()
Hydra failed
Bob failed
I'm sure there's a plot point about Ultron becoming more and more 'human-like', and it'll be pointed out.
One of the long term things about Ultron, he hates humanity, but he keeps doing human shit,What I would like is for his first few forms to be increasingly human-like until Tony or someone points out that it doesn't make any sense for him to build himself in humanity's image, and his next and "final" form would be the very NOT human-like form we're used to. Feige and Spader keep saying Ultron is like a child, and that to me seems like a very childlike or naïve thing for him to do.
Sorry but that looks awful to be honest... he's supposed to be cold and a machine. Why would he need to emote like a human? He's not a human. He looks like a sad Ultron because it seems they took his eyes and rotated them down.
The EW cover, he looks like the form we've seen from the trailers except maybe his eyes glow when he's not talking.
I don't get this rationale either. That's to assume that he, at one point modeled his being after human kind because... why?
Even the bots have the normal human angled eyes:
They could've gone with the bad ass Ultron design, this one just screams mundane and a mishmash of Michael Bay meets Terminator.
One of the long term things about Ultron, he hates humanity, but he keeps doing human shit,
Wanting a mate, creating children, etc.
Some thing I'm going to really miss about Ultron with the excising of his Hank Pym origins are the ramifications of Ultron being based on Pym's own brain waves. That alone caused Hank exceptional amounts of mental anguish and gave some insights into the mind of Ultron's creator. Unfortunately, I don't think Tony is going to take Pym's place as the mental template.
In the MCU, that could eventually translate into the realization that Banner's reproduction of the Captain America super soldier serum was perfect and it created Hulk instead only because of the whole "good becomes greater, bad becomes worse" rule.
I doubt they'll do this, but I thought that Banner would be a great alternate mental template for Ultron. Because then they could start opening up the door to some cool Hulk stories about how Hulk exists mainly because Banner has always been crazy.
In the MCU, that could eventually translate into the realization that Banner's reproduction of the Captain America super soldier serum was perfect and it created Hulk instead only because of the whole "good becomes greater, bad becomes worse" rule.
That would be a very bad idea from a creative standpoint. The writing is already on the wall with Banner - the last thing a scientist would wanna do is try to copy that mind. At least if it were Pym it would be uncharted territory since the audience hasn't met him yet.
Tony might be arrogant enough to do it without telling Banner. I mean, he might think that he'd be able to control any anomalies and that Banner's personality would be easier to work with.
Tony is an asshole, not crazy. At most it would create a robot that wants to gamble and get hookers. Pym is legit mentally ill.
I meant that Tony might create a robot with Banner's mental template because he'd think it would be easier to control than one with his own. Since they're friends, sort of.
if only we coulda had pym in this movie ._.
And it's based off his brain pattern.My theory:
Ultron is an AI offshoot of Project Insight hidden in a bunker in NYC similar to Arnim Zola in Winter Soldier.
Bonus: in the 1960s, Hank Pym worked on this project under orders of Alexander Pierce.
I don't like Banner or Hulk being crazy though. Bruce has dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities) while Hank is bipolar schizophrenic. Tony is a narcissist but also not crazy.
My favorite theory is that the mind gem generates a spark of consciousness from the remnants of an old AI project started by Hank Pym that had been corrupted by the project insight algorithm.
2 hours, 8 minutesHow long until the trailer hits?
Is the trailer airing during the first commerical break? I know the game starts at 8:30, but is that when the trailer airs too?