MoG EclipsE
Well, folks. It's time to suit up! (Seriously, this bit of news is pretty awesome.)
One of the best Iron Man Suit up scenes![]()
I love that scene so much that I ignore the fact that Whiplash has a perfect opportunity to beat on Tony Stark while it suits up, and doesn't. Obviously he's not going to kill him ("make God bleed), but he can work the gut with a few whips ya know?
Anyway, the scene is utter boss. And people say Favreau can't direct...
I agreed but I think the idea was the actually beat him whilst suited up to prove a point. Even when he was chasing him around a bit he was toying around with him.
To be fair, there was an Interstellar trailer in front of GotG.
People talk so much shit about Iron Man 2 but it has some really great moments. That scene on the raceway, the drunken brawl, and the scene with Iron Man & War Machine blowing the shit out of the drones were flashes of brilliance in an otherwise middling film. That final confrontation with Whiplash was so underwhelming in comparison![]()
People talk so much shit about Iron Man 2 but it has some really great moments. That scene on the raceway, the drunken brawl, and the scene with Iron Man & War Machine blowing the shit out of the drones were flashes of brilliance in an otherwise middling film. That final confrontation with Whiplash was so underwhelming in comparison![]()
and the scene with Iron Man & War Machine blowing the shit out of the drones were flashes of brilliance in an otherwise middling film.
It also had best Nick Fury ('SIR, I'M GOING HAVE TO ASK YOU TO EXIT THE DOUGHNUT") He was legitimately hilarious in Iron Man 2, and fun, and competent. Like Iron Man is dying, and Fury's all 'you got this, right?'
I also love 'wait, you're Tony Stark and he just TOOK your suit?'
That was like Prime Fury to me. Where he basically doesn't give a fuck about Stark and leaves Coulson to deal with it. Though I do like his characterization in later movies too; just feels like he has less teeth.
I like him in CA: TWS. But Avengers... For me I like SLJ as Fury when he's so completely exasperated it's hilarious.
The only reason I'm not excited for Spader voicing Ultron is that it's kind of a waste of his acting chops.
His writing in Avengers was weird, but kind of necessary. He couldn't really do that stuff he did in IM2, it would've felt out of place.
I liked him a lot in Winter Soldier too; a lot more serious. Avengers felt like a middleground, which I didn't like. Play it one way or the other.
There are no strings to his performance tho![]()
Yeah Fury and Coulson were great in the movie too.
Aye. Iron Man 2 was blatantly SLJ/RDJ just ad-libbing shit at each other. The Avengers can't really have that. Then CA: TWS was the exasperation but with an actually good script.
I like him in CA: TWS. But Avengers... For me I like SLJ as Fury when he's so completely exasperated it's hilarious.
"Warning, window integrity compromised"
"Yah think?"
The only reason I'm not excited for Spader voicing Ultron is that it's kind of a waste of his acting chops.
The only reason I'm not excited for Spader voicing Ultron is that it's kind of a waste of his acting chops.
"Communications array damaged"
"Well what's not damaged?"
"Air conditioning is fully functional"
That got a huge laugh in the theatre.
People talk so much shit about Iron Man 2 but it has some really great moments. That scene on the raceway, the drunken brawl, and the scene with Iron Man & War Machine blowing the shit out of the drones were flashes of brilliance in an otherwise middling film. That final confrontation with Whiplash was so underwhelming in comparison![]()
Russo Brothers are God-tier at mixing comedy/action. The slow set-up through that scene for the pay-off with the gun was perfection.
The suit itself is huge.
Yessss. As low as IM2 is on my overall list of MCU films, that scene in particular made it worth watching again for me. It was like something I imagined while playing with my action figures as a kid come to life. The second they let loose and are just mowing down the drones with all their firepower... comic's come to life man. It's what these films do so well.
"Wanna see my lease?"
How tall is Thor supposed to be in the comics? He towers over Iron Man and everyone else, makes him seem Shaq size.
I loved how Iron Man used literally none of the firepower he displayed in that movie in Iron Man 3. Or against Thor, for that matter. The beam he used at the end to cut all the drones in half might have done Thor some serious damage.
I loved how Iron Man used literally none of the firepower he displayed in that movie in Iron Man 3. Or against Thor, for that matter. The beam he used at the end to cut all the drones in half might have done Thor some serious damage.
He used that beam while repairing the Helicarrier in Avengers.
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! MAH HYYYYYYPPPPEEEE!!!!!!!Have these been posted yet? Saw them on the MCU Facebook group:
Have these been posted yet? Saw them on the MCU Facebook group:
Have these been posted yet? Saw them on the MCU Facebook group:
Have these been posted yet? Saw them on the MCU Facebook group:
Oh my god. Based Mahvel.
:QHave these been posted yet? Saw them on the MCU Facebook group:
OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODHave these been posted yet? Saw them on the MCU Facebook group: