No sight of Vision in the trailer, dammit. Or am I not looking hard enough?
Caps shield shattered. Guess it's roadtrip to Wakanda.
Caps shield shattered. Guess it's roadtrip to Wakanda.
Avengers: Age of Ultron |OT| There are no strings on me
Bet that's a dream sequence of sorts.
Whats the original source for all this?
Avengers: Age of Ultron |OT| There are no strings on me
If this is the CC trailer, it's just a vision from Wanda.
...Ballerinas ?
April??? Is this the intl trailer? I thought the release was 5/1/15?
Guy from cbm released the trailer
Holy shit that's a fuck awesome trailer. And Capt's shield broken!? I didn't know it was possible!
That was... beautiful.
Fucking May is too far away((((
You guys better save it and trip load it. Link is already dead.
Yeah, I'm guessing he's in the really spoilery scenes.Hawkeye is like "hey guys I'm also in this movie".
Fuck I can't see this on mobile. Anybody know a way to do so?
Hawkeye is like "hey guys I'm also in this movie".
Epic. I wish I knew why everyone is still fighting each other though, in the midst of a robot invasion no less
I got to see it once, and then the link died. Said too many people have viewed the file. Didn't know Google Drive was so stingy with bandwidth.
I wonder if that's Quicksilvers final costume or if the one we always saw on set is?
Guys hold me
Yo Dawg, we heard you like being Iron Man so we put some armor on top of your armor so you can be Iron Man while you're Iron Man.