Willy105 said:Alright, here you go:
The feeling you get while highlighting that is as close as I can find that will give you an idea of what the intro is like without actually spoiling it for you.
You are an evil person =(
Willy105 said:Alright, here you go:
The feeling you get while highlighting that is as close as I can find that will give you an idea of what the intro is like without actually spoiling it for you.
well since doc has teenagers with Mary now, it IS a substantially older Doc than the one we spent time with in the films (that last moment in 3 ignored). so i'm okay with him sounding olderdream said:Wait, what? That's actually Christopher Lloyd as Doc in the game?
Platy said:You are an evil person =(
Reluctant-Hero said:Finished the first episode last night. Damn, it was sooo good. But I did get stuck on one puzzle,, but when I finally figured out where I had to "click" I was wishing that you could "highlight" the interactive parts of the environment.triggering the elevator in the soup kitchen
Can't wait for episode two. I can see myself double dipping on the PS3 version if it ever gets down to $15 or less. Hell, I might buy Strong Bad on PSN since I'm on vacation next week.
Just finished!HadesGigas said:You can highlight interactive parts, not sure what key it is, but it's RT on a 360 pad.
I find controllers a lot more comfortable for the control type Telltale has been running with for their last few games.
Damn, didn't even know I could use my wired '360 pad with game! I thought it was KB+M only!HadesGigas said:You can highlight interactive parts, not sure what key it is, but it's RT on a 360 pad.
I find controllers a lot more comfortable for the control type Telltale has been running with for their last few games.
Willy105 said:
I am trying to be nice. Why would you want to spoil yourself?
Platy said:At best I will only play in february (for free .... and even if i payed i have some indie blundles to finish xD) and i already spoiled myself that itand i don't want to be spoiled by anything beyond that ... i just want to know what this intro is about specialy becausebegins with a dream sequencei already saw some pics in the flickr that looks like the begining of the movie !
Also i just wanted to have all the spoiler i need in one place for me to stop to highlight every spoilered text just to get an anser to my question =P
MasterAJ22 said:Diehard BTTF fan here. Loaded it up with my girlfriend, a non gamer, and we both loved it.
Any talk about releasing it as a complete disc in stores down the line? I'd definitely double dip and buy it again were they to do that.
Yeah, works fine. I played with what seems to have become my preferred PC setup of controller/mouse, walking with the controller's analog stick while clicking on things with mouse.Jake said:I think the wired 360 controller is supported, but covertly, as in there won't be any face button icons on screen or anything, but you can do all the interactions you would normally do. A selects things, Y opens inventory, B is back/cancel, Start brings up the menu, bumpers can toggle between items in the world if you dont want to walk Marty over. I can't vouch that this works in the released builds, but on internal builds we can play with the 360 pad.
Feep said:Is anyone else a little disappointed that (early game spoilers)= (the opening was just a dream? I was fucking going CRAZY at that intro, and then it wasn't real.
CB3 said:Am i the only one depressed at how old Doc sounds![]()
A quick search on wikipedia reveals that that technology already existed then.Freedom = $1.05 said:I don't know if this has been brought up or not butI mean, that's a piece of technology that won't surface for several decades. Weird.why was 1931 Doc not shitting his pants whenever Marty used the tape recorder?
C'mon, dudes an eccentric young scientist. You don't think he'd lose his shit when he sees something that sleek and small, doing the thing it's doing as well as it's doing it? I understand that one has to suspend their disbelief, sure, but this bothered me quite a bit.RagnarokX said:A quick search on wikipedia reveals that that technology already existed then.
markatisu said:Just loaded it up with my 2008 Macbook and it runs great! I knew Telltale would do a good job but this exceeds my expectations
Bring on Episode 2![]()
ShockingAlberto said:Just finished this, loved it. One complaint, though.
(One of the final puzzles)I spent a good while climbing around that car because the HUD was obscuring the antenna. That was kind of sloppy.
Quote said:Enjoying the game, but the compression on the voice tracks is awful. I'm surprised there isn't more talk about this issue.
so1337 said:Dammit. The game freezes as soon asAnyone else had this problem? I'm playing on an iMac.Marty answers when Doc will be hearing from the patent office.
I'm beginning to wonder if Wilson would not even approve a sound-alike, so they just had to go with a very loose approximation. George doesn't look or sound anything like Crispin Glover, which I assume means Glover was not involved with the project, either.Yerolo said:Playing this has made me feel like digging out the DVDs and doing a BTTF marathon, so it says alot about the quality of this game.
Marty's voice is spot on, but Biff sounds nothing like Biff unfortunately. Christopher Lloyd just sounds alot older obviously, but props to Telltale on being able to drag him along for the ride
That did the trick, thanks.markatisu said:Try adjusting the graphic settings down, there are points in the game that have made my Mac crap out and by just adjusting the settings down by 1 made it get through it.
2D animation is real expensive, especially to the standards you probably want it. I think I'll pick this one up- though I loved the original Sam & Max the comedy in their 3D versions just seemed drab to me. But this looks a lot more interesting and I like the prospect of trying out real episodic content and looking forward to the next episode. Oh and it takes ages- which isn't conducive to the episodic format at all. Just saying what they are probably thinking.eXistor said:Just finished it. Yeah, just like all of Telltale's games, this feels like it was churned out of a factory. The tech behind it just won't do. This cheap looking 3d really isn't the way guys, try a 2d game for once.
Anasui Kishibe said:I went to my friends's house and he was playing the game. I think I spoiled myself the ending, ifis indeed the final partDoc and Marty in a police van with a weird rocket-bycicle
Oni Jazar said:Hearing everyone complain about Biff's voice makes me really pissed that TellTale didn't even ask Tom Wilson. >:/
Gui_PT said:Yeah, that is the final part.
Prime Blue said:Noticed something weird.
Somehow, a female NPC appears both in 1986 and in 1931, Marty looks startled. Either it's just a joke of the development team (or laziness...), or it could have some plot significance.
The game did not blow me away, but I was certainly satisfied with it as a first episode. The story in particular went in a pleasant direction and I am very curious about what they will do with it in the remaining episodes.
I just wish Emerson-Johnson and Telltale would be more daring when it comes to creating music: I prefer his original creations over his arrangements of Silvestri's compositions. It would be cool if they did something like what Gordy Haab did for Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, that is using the original music as the basis and changing them so much that they are still noticeable but largely become an entirely new composition.