Afrikan said:Pocket Awareness, let me show you it![]()
yeah I remade the 2006 49ers 60th Anniversary Uniforms.....with the White Pants.
Do want.
Afrikan said:Pocket Awareness, let me show you it![]()
yeah I remade the 2006 49ers 60th Anniversary Uniforms.....with the White Pants.
The M.O.B said:At this point, it is all up to Sony when it gets released, they have it, but have not told the team why it didnt get released last week like it was supposed to. Hopefully we get it this Tuesday.
It is unfortunate because i know a lot of people with only a ps3 that have taken an interest in this game, but have no means of trying it out :/
Afrikan said:wassup with all these haters?...:lol
I'll say this much...they seem to be very generous to "save people".
I kind of did the same thing. I was rather unimpressed by the demo. But I bought it anyway. I'm liking the full game a bit more and it's showing me some flashes of brilliance--but it's not ready for primetime. HOWEVER, I'm hoping that it can sell enough to send a message to those who need to receive it.gluv65 said:I supported and bought the product, I did my part and I may revisit this game down the line. So hopefully my 55 dollars is 1 of millions they rake in just to make BB2. I don't like the game however, just did it out of principle and hope for a better game next year.
MyFaceIsOnFire said:What's with you running the Backbreaker defense force? You are super annoying in this thread. You don't need to defend the game when someone has a negative opinion, it makes you look like a fool. People have different tastes, get over it.
MyFaceIsOnFire said:I like how they decided to release this before lifting the review embargo. I see a lot of incoming 4-7 reviews. The graphics are boring outside of the amazing physics and animation. The ai is retarded, the camera angle sucks and getting called for roughing the punter in every other punt is downright annoying. Is this enough to consider the game broken? Yes. If Madden came out that broken we would never hear the end of it. Awesome animation and great physics do not make a game. I won't pay $50 for a tech demo.
MiniDitka said:Seattle Seahawks highlights
Afrikan said:buddy, go back and look at each quote I responded to......I'm not here to hurt anybody's feelings or to be "super annoying"....I've contributed to this thread by giving gameplay advice as well as posting info, pics, and videos from various other gamers who are enjoying the well as my own videos.
that is why I'm still contribute to the Official BackBreaker thread....if there is a post I disagree with or I feel is giving out miss information, I respond.
why are you still here?
you said...
its ok to enjoy Madden and this doesn't have to be one or the other....
since you won't pay $50 for a "tech demo"....what is your reasoning for staying in this thread, especially if I'm posting alot in this thread and I'm "super annoying".....are you here to contribute? or are you here for something else.
MyFaceIsOnFire said:lol, get a life dude.
WanderingWind said:Eh. This is his schtick. Him and one other in this thread. In any event, according to the official forum, the game patches should be going live soon.
Afrikan said:you don't pay anything....when these users are ready all they have to do is copy their created team saves onto a USB card, then upload it to the net...and we download it.
and yes you can create them yourself if you like, heck you might do a better job.....all these teams were created with the logo editor in the game.
WanderingWind said:according to the official forum, the game patches should be going live soon.
Also curious about this.WanderingWind said:according to the official forum, the game patches should be going live soon.
Nothing confirmed as yet - lets just work on identifying all the issues so we can get them nailed
MyFaceIsOnFire said:EDIT 2: I feel like I have such little control over what happens on defense mostly because I guess I can't see what the fuck is going on. I guess this was a design choice to make it feel like you are one player and not a whole team. I don't like itIt's a good thing offense is becoming more fun as long as I commit to one receiver before the snap. If I try to cycle between even 2 receivers while the ball is in my QB's hands I get sacked. Fucking sucks.
Game Informer Review said:The passing game isnt much better. Backbreaker employs an up-tight camera perspective to bring you closer to the action, which makes it tough to scan the field for open receivers. If you spot one, its a crapshoot whether the game will highlight the correct one as you flick through your options with the right analog stick while holding the left trigger to focus on the player. Avoiding the free blitzers is tough, so you normally only have time to go through half your progression if you want to avoid a negative play. Once you get a pass off, its anybodys guess where the ball will go. Overthrows, underthrows, and errant passes happen at chance with lesser-to-average rated quarterbacks, and if you throw the ball before a receiver makes his cut, it will break the receiver off his route instead of throwing to the intended location. These inconsistencies and the heads up play of the rival defenses lead to several turnovers and make it tough to pull off a Peyton Manning impersonation.
MyFaceIsOnFire said:EDIT 4: Great defensive series... oh, another roughing the punter penalty![]()
That works really well, right up until you need to switch defenders--then you become hopelessly disoriented for a fraction of a second every time.I <3 Memes said:Are you using focus to keep the camera following the ball at all times?
I <3 Memes said:
Are you using focus to keep the camera following the ball at all times?
czartim said:Still no demo on PSN. When do they usually do the updates?
Honestly, I wouldn't bother with the reviews. The demo is pretty indicative of the full game. It pretty much comes down to whether or not you like the camera.The M.O.B said:Another review up, this time from Playstationlifestyle
It got a 7, but please do read the review and the gameinformer one in full, might help you decide.
site is bannned.........dunno how to think about that :/
SapientWolf said:Honestly, I wouldn't bother with the reviews. The demo is pretty indicative of the full game. It pretty much comes down to whether or not you like the camera.
MyFaceIsOnFire said:And bad AI, stupid penalties, a bare bones franchise and lots and lots of INTs.
EDIT: So, IGN has Backbreaker ads all over their page today. Does that mean they will give it a good score?
MiniDitka said:Mushroom Kingdom Shine-Gets![/IMG[/QUOTE]
:lol :lol
Afrikan said:its not about scores MFIOF....imo, it is about the content that is in the review....some of these reviews of the game are pretty telling.....they don't touch on some of the things this game does really well, but talk more about the problems they have when playing (usually, imo because they are not that good).... this is not an easy game.....but damn does it feel rewarding once you get the hang of it.
even if IGN gave it a good score (I don't think they will, that site has been inconsistent with review scores for sports games)
but even if IGN gave it a good score, it is in the content of the review that I would care about if I was on the fence...and if I, cared about journalist these days reviewing sports games...but expectations are quite low....there are not too many good ones anymore.
it is better too look at the demo (SCEA are idiots for not firing who ever is in charge of the PSN)....and watch some gameplay with people who know how to play the game....and then form an opinion.......$60 is alot for some...and even though this game is $49, still alot of money.....some should try to play the demo for a long period of time if they are on the fence....
but if you love football, I would recommend this game....I mean just watch all the videos....for me, NEXT GEN SPORTS HEAVEN.....this is what we deserved when these powerful systems first launched...
MyFaceIsOnFire said:I was poking fun at gaming sites taking ad money in exchange for good scores. Thanks for the break down though.
EDIT: Nevermind, noticed you said for you it's sports heaven. You keep enjoying it! I really couldn't disagree more though.
Afrikan said:can I ask you something....when you first heard about the PS3 and Xbox 360....what were you expecting from Next Gen football...let alone sports?
I was VERY excited about the possibilities....from graphics, to sound, to realism, to alot of things.......
when I play BackBreaker, it is a Totally different feeling I've had from most sports games....and that is not just counting football..... I won't lie, I have felt cheated out of Next Gen Football because of the NFL and their exclusive deal....straight cheated. I don't feel the football genra has advanced at all this gen....from proof last year that player rating in Madden don't mean a thing......what are we being served here, seriously.
am I saying BackBreaker it is the greatest without flaws...nope....does it have problems that NEED to be fixed, yup...and hopefully it is being worked the devs say........but what BackBreaker does brings to this gen....that feeling of breaking through the slim whole your Oline provides for you, (without being stuck behind lineman, running in motion)......moving around in the pocket as a QB with defenders barely missing you...and finding the open man for a, it totally different in a good way.
MyFaceIsOnFire said:Well, the animation and physics in Backbreaker are definitely next gen and some of the best available but the low texture player models are just sad. The game is broken. I would rather play a Madden that looks somewhat better than last gen than a broken game that has great physics and animations. At least Madden is playable. Again, all my opinion. I'm glad some people enjoy this game but I feel if the NFL rights weren't exclusive and it was this vs Madden both with full NFL rights people would still choose Madden 9 times out 10.