I didn't read the full review in fear of spoilers, just the last line + score. Who actually takes time to do shit like fake reviews. I guess he did get my click
How many here are going PS3?
my expectations are in check either way
just gimme that combat, nvidia code price was worth it
How many here are going PS3?
I am. Why do you ask? Multiplayer?
I am!
Awesome, and yeah for Multi!
I couldn't decide if I wanted to play through AC again before this game came out so I settled on just playing Harley's DLC since I hadn't tried it before. It's...not very good so far. Feels like AC but stripped of everything that made the game good except the combat.
Here's my dream team for the next arkham game
Talia al Ghull's ASS
Man, I hope we can visit Arkham Asylum for "the first time", even if it's only one short level. I loved that game. That would be awesome
I'm down with anything. 1950s Batman, Dark Knight Returns Batman, Darwyn Cooke lookin' Batman
as long as Hush isn't there.
Can I just say, it's a real pleasure to be in a thread where I agree with you for the most part Derrick. I feel like I must be having a stroke or something.
I gotta be careful. I don't want to come across as too agreeable or likable.
Shit, I need to finish some loose ends on Arkham City so I can make room.Mandatory install on Ps3 is 4,7 GB.
Source is a pic on reddit.
I gotta be careful. I don't want to come across as too agreeable or likable.
I gotta be careful. I don't want to come across as too agreeable or likable.
After skimming over the 2 hour PS3 video that was posted above, I gotta say the city looks amazing. I am gonna guess it takes a good 10 minutes to cross the whole map.
North Gotham where Arkham City took place, really looks amazing now that its not flooded, and rebuilt.
Bat hype at maximum. PC version with Nvidia tech should make this game look even more amazing.
just read that the review embargo isn't up until release day...ruh-roh
just read that the review embargo isn't up until release day...ruh-roh
Rocksteady/WB should fire their other writers and hire me and Ephemeris.
Rather than going straight out with Justice League, I'd love it if Rocksteady just expanded the city of Gotham into a full-on city, and then took on Snyder's approach that Gotham is a city that generates pure nightmare for its inhabitants. It is a reflection of that which has caused you the most fear and pain and suffering. That approach would work perfectly after all the shit Bruce has gone through. Thematically, it can tie into Hush as an antagonist of Batman, Azrael as a failed successor, The Red Hood as his son, so Bruce see his own failures as a father reflected, and The Court of Owls as his surrogate parents.
Fucking thematic narrative arcs everywhere up in this bitch.
Also: No more single night events. It borders on the hilarious that it's perpetually night and that all this shit happens in one single night. Rather, structure the game like a mini-series or series, with each side-quest as an episode and a long over-arching narrative that ties into the side-quests that ebbs and flows. The narrative in AA and AC begins to suffer as we get closer to the end and there's no room for it to breathe. Structure it like a series, each section with a beginning, middle, and end and a continuing story that drives the plot forward. I'd love to be able to play as Batman at night and Bruce in the day occasionally. Have the game take place over a few months. When the Court attacks, that you can make a one-night event at the climax of the game.
Thoughts on characters: Hush goes after Bruce when he gets wind that the Court is also making moves against him. He's the villain of the first part of the game and he wants his vengeance on Bruce Wayne. I like the idea of him continuing to skin people's faces to steal their identities. Hush can be the villain that gets Bruce's head back in the game. And then, from there, awesome shit happens.
After the Joker killed Jason Todd, he's brought back by the Court of Owls, brain-washed, and given the mask, and becomes their enforcer in Gotham. But he's still devious and clever and has his own plans and machinations.
Plus, we could do the labyrinth that the Court of Owls use to try and break Bruce:
The Talons would just be super-dangerous mooks, honestly. I dunno, there's more stuff we can think up.
yup, NOT a good sign.
i'm skipping this anyways, it just screams cash-in to me and every video I've seen has just re-inforced that notion. I'm happy with just AA and AC
I like your style.
I wanna see a twisted Tommy Elliot like this:
He wears other people's faces as masks. So much potential for creepiness there, rather than the contrived reason that he just wanted his parents money and got mad at Bruce's family cause they were nice to him, so he steals Bruce's face.
Looks, if you're slicing off your face, killing people to take their facial bits, and stitching a new face, let's go full out bananas.
Hope this ends up like BS2 in that regard then because I actually liked it more than Bioshock Infinite.For me the best way to look at this is BioShock 2 to BioShock. Different dev team, as the main team went on to make their own sequel (<3 Infinite), but still turned out a really nice product.
Here is hoping this too is a really nice product.