You know there ain't shit here dude😂Covington let you down,eh.
You know there ain't shit here dude😂Covington let you down,eh.
Let us know what they say! Lol
I hope Battlefield 1.5 is set in WW2 and uses same multiple fronts approach as BF1 is doing. Seeing Pathers and Shermans rolling around and hearing clip pings of Garands with these graphics and audio would be dream come true.
according to the rep I spoke to EA contacted Sony today and advised them that the correct release time is 12 AM PST... pretty shitty move if it's true.
Weird so it releases 3am eastern?
DId they seriously try to do a midnight release in the digital age for an early edition?
Anyway, timer still hasn't changed. What can a consumer do if its advertised to unlock at midnight EST, but actually unlocks at 3am?
Wait, so it's not midnight?
Wait, so it's not midnight?
That's what I'm wondering. Strictly cosmetics and I'll wait until Friday. Some cool guns that I'll never roll in a battle pack and I might reconsider.
OK, so Battlefield twitter is telling people that the countdown timer is correct.
So they advertise a midnight launch but actually its 3am. Its midnight for XBOX, though...
WOW, DICE. That is shady as fuck.
Nope. EA delayed it by 3 hours...because reasons.
Wow. That sucksNot on PS4 apparently, I am contacting EA to get some clarification. My friend on the west coast is claiming it unlocks at 9 for him... but he may just be assuming this (knowing him)
Microsoft doing the Donald Trump impression.
I really don't know if it's true they delayed the PS4 version to 3am dont get angry LOL
The gamestop is giving away copy's at 11 lmao
Its advertised for midnight EST launch on PSN store. It suddenly unlocks at 3am. Battlefield twitter won't answer any of the complaints, instead just saying "The timer is correct" and leaves it at that.
But in the comments EASupport, verified account, is saying the timer is wrong that it unlocks at midnight eastern and they're trying to work with Sony to fix it.
It's fucking nothing.gif
Covington let you down,eh.
#NorthshoresquadShit man, didn't know there were so many gaffers down here.
Keep reading. EA support is saying it's midnight eastern.
Does Walmart put games out at midnight?
Just hang in there, man! Friday will be here before you know it.
What class do you play?
I did. The EA rep said "The countdown timer is correct, we are working with Sony to rectify this issue".
That sounds to me like they are trying to get the advertisement for the midnight EST launch taken down. How is the "countdown timer correct" if he means they are trying to fix it to be a midnight launch? Would make no sense.
Lol what? They're saying it isn't correct and then a few comments down said its supposed to be midnight eastern.
Nice! North shore gaf meet up?😂 And I don't have enough space to complete digitalMy inlaws are off lee rd. Wife from cov class of 05.
That being said, I went digital.
Nice! North shore gaf meet up?😂 And I don't have enough space to complete digital
First time ever seen a wrong timer....fucking weird.
EA Support ‏@AskEASupport 1h1 hour ago
@MashburnBret The Countdown Timer isn't correct. We're working with Sony to rectify the issue now. -Cade
EA Support ‏@AskEASupport 33m33 minutes ago
@SwikkedVenom The game should be playable at Midnight EST. We're working with Sony to get the timer issue corrected. -Cade
EA Support ‏@AskEASupport 19m19 minutes ago
@SlickNickRich The 12am time has been on our public facing articles and news. -Jordan
According to EA it's Sony who has fucked it up.
Nice! North shore gaf meet up?😂 And I don't have enough space to complete digital
According to EA it's Sony who has fucked it up.
Thank you for giving me some hope!