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Battlefield 2042 is bleeding players as launch issues continue


Gold Member
To think of all the poor souls prerelease saying "cod better watch out this year" 🤣🤣🤣
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At this point I feel worst for a friend of mine. He's not a hardcore gamer and as casual as you can get and only had a few hours a week to even game. He was so hyped about bf2042 because in bf2 days we used to play the shit out of the game as a gang.

He's been all optimistic this is a great game and even bought that gold edition. I've been trying to gently convince him to not do it after playing the beta but he still got it. Now with all those news of the game dying, I kinda imagine it must suck to have had those expectations come crushing down so hard.

Worst is, since he games so little, he's really picky about what games to even buy and after burning those 80 bucks, I feel like he won't buy a new game anytime soon. Shame for all the good coop games that missed out because of that.
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Gold Member
The only bug I have is bodies remaining after they die but it doesn't happen often. Is this on PC where this is that bad. Not that bad at all on PS5.

No console players are still having issues, think about logically, they have to have the exact same issues as PC users because otherwise crossplay would not work, they are using the exact same version of the software and if a PC user experiences something like being stuck in a wall etc, the console player have to see that PC user in the wall for it to work and therefore has the same issues as the PC player.

Also yeah it still crashes on console.
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No console players are still having issues, think about logically, they have to have the exact same issues as PC users because otherwise crossplay would not work, they are using the exact same version of the software and if a PC user experiences something like being stuck in a wall etc, the console player have to see that PC user in the wall for it to work and therefore has the same issues as the PC player.

Also yeah it still crashes on console.

I don't play with crossplay on and haven't crashed.

My only current issue with the game is the lack of modes and content.


I've played this saga since I was 10, it's very sad how they killed with two flop releases. Arguably Battlefield V is still a good BF game. 2042 is a COD with some BF mechanics, which is bad at being COD and bad at being BF.
I agree. Used to be a really great title. I’d say 3 shit releases in a row. BF1, BFV, and 2042. They should put out a next gen patch for BF4 and add more maps/content.


I agree. Used to be a really great title. I’d say 3 shit releases in a row. BF1, BFV, and 2042. They should put out a next gen patch for BF4 and add more maps/content.

I think they probably would find a way even to fuck that up. These guys are as incompetent as they can come.


I agree. Used to be a really great title. I’d say 3 shit releases in a row. BF1, BFV, and 2042. They should put out a next gen patch for BF4 and add more maps/content.
The thing is, BF4 and even 3 had a release with multiple issues.I mean BF2 had updates which size were almost equal to the actual game. DICE had a history of releasing games with a ton of bugs.

BF1 had those some issues multiplied by 10 but it had great content from the start. BFV had all BF1 issues but it launched completely empty, the pacific update was awesome but they alienated the user base with the stealth TTK changes and finally by abandoning it.

2042 is not a battlefield game, has all the bugs BFV or BF1 suffer at the beginning and it has no content. 22 fucking weapons. 22. In 3 years of development.
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Part of me thinks this may wind up being good for the industry in the long run. We're at the point where companies are selling games that are more and more broken at launch, and gamers' tolerance level for this crap is stronger and stronger. Which...results in even more broken games being released.

At some point, we need to hit rock bottom for this ship to turn around. Either the developers can just stop releasing broken, unfinished products because it's the right thing to do, or consumers can hold their feet to the fire. People really need to start voting with their wallets. Not buying games until they are worth the money would be a good start.


Writes a lot, says very little
Speaking of roadmaps...


You can tell its community made though, as the real one would just be "release fortnite skins" for every point.

lol I would like Grand Operations to return. I think it could work great in 2042, add in those past Portal Maps and just be like "OMG we can't believe those fucking No Pats got a time machine..........just roll with it bruv" lol

Has there be any bigger AAA bomb than this?

lol there be lots bigger AAA bombs. The fucking last BF lol BFV sold some of the least, lost support earlier then scheduled and the PR was just a nightmare.

Mass Effect Andromeda
(proceeds to keep listing EA games lol)
Fallout 76
Marvel Avengers
Lawbreakers etc

The saddest part of a lot of this, is its hard to gauge where they go from here as the game isn't BFV or Hardline flops, its literally one of the fastest selling BF in history so for all we know EA continues a lot of this, but the fact that they are not having them do Battlefront, Zampella has taken over, tells me if anything they plan to double down on BF using Zampella's direction.

If this was worse then BFV's launch, then I'd say we have something to worry about in regards to flops, but 2042 is a bit different, its closer to CP2077 in terms of "flops", as in flopped in the public eye, PR nightmare, update nightmare etc, yet sold a fuck ton of units. So as weird as this sounds, it might have been better if it flopped worse then BFV, was removed from PSN like CP2077 and ordered to be returned to EA thru outlets, because the game is running, working and not really near the state of 2077, it means its just working enough to not be in that area, broken enough to have a list of complaints, but not like 60 crashes and claims of features that should be in the game based on marketing, that are not in the game. EA is smart enough to not claim such things. So it leaves us in a weird situation where it sold enough to support, working enough to not remove from PSN, but that makes me question what the incentive will be for EA to really give them more time and allow those teams to correct the next title.

Remember folks, EA doesn't get paid based on feelings, those sales happened regardless of how anyone feels on Reddit. Likely did good enough to keep seeing sequels if a Mass Effect 5 is being made or even this game in general after BFV. I think the game easily sold less then it could have, but not enough for me to call it a bomb, we've see worse sales factually in the series. Bomb in terms of design, bugs, sure. I'd agree to that, but in that area I'd say CP2077 takes the cake on that one.

So EA and Dice have abandoned the game...
Seems there's only a couple of devs left working on the game.
?? Link? Scoreboard coming next month, update coming next month.

There is always a couple devs working on a BF title lol

To my understanding, DICE Sweden is still working on the game (as this shit basically is getting remade lol) , Ripple Effects is still working on the game for post launch content. I haven't seen anything to suggest otherwise unless you have some news for us or something.

Dice is doing the bare minimum to make some content to fulfil those sold year passes, without getting sued.

Its actually Ripple Effect that normally does the post launch content and we haven't seen anything yet to judge how that is going to be. So I'm not really sure.

The fact that we even got lots of post launch content after BFV, a much worse launch tells me that isn't going to be much of an issue, the fact that DICE is rumored to not be doing another Star Wars game even more so sounds like they might be planning on a longer cycle, or having them do some other free to play thing or something. Either way, I trust Ripple Effect will do a good job with that post launch content as I'd argue that is one of the few things that can be counted on with the BF series. I'm guessing it will be a bunch of Portal Maps.

"Cyberpunk 2077, was no were as bad as BF 2042 or Anthem" I greatly disagree. lol I'd say if anything I agree with the comment regarding Anthem, but I don't believe CP2077 was in a better state then 2042. That game was fucking crashing dozens of times thru 1 session, I've only gotten 1 crash in 70 hours of playing 2042. 2042 is not also lying in their marketing telling us a list of things that don't exist in the game, we simply have a list of things that imho SHOULD be in the game, massive difference. Both have design issues, both have glitches, but I think CP2077 takes the cake based on the crashes and the lying regarding its marketing.

If you mean by launch sales or something, disregard lol. CP2077 13 million, BF 2042 4.2 million.

The only bug I have is bodies remaining after they die but it doesn't happen often.

You lucky.

I noticed its happening less after the last patch, but I could never say its the only bug i"m having. Still having that reload thing were its stuck on the screen or the low ammo, still having the load out reset etc. I feel even if they fix all of that, DICE will likely still have to stay on board to correct the design stuff, never mind just post launch content by Ripple effect, the game needs those corrects not just in bugs, but simply the basic design before DICE can even move on to the next BF title, if they even do that this soon.

Tihs game needs like a 2x Pacific update ala BFV lol Wake Island remake, Metro remake, all BF3 and Bad Company 2 maps, but I digress. We'll have to see how the game is after the scoreboard update as the next update sound much more substantial. Hopefully by then they have a preview for that March content.

STARSBarry STARSBarry I think Gamerguy just means they didn't encounter those same bugs, not that no bugs are happening.

Even the crash stuff you are talking about didn't happen to me and I'm playing on console.

70 hours in and I've yet to crash once, will literally show my crash reports. The game needs work, you'll never see me disagree to that ever, but its not in CP2077 area where I've literally had 60 plus crashes (a fucking record mind you, I've never in my life had any game crash that many times) I spent 64 or so hours on CP2077, 60 something crashes lol 70 hours in BF2042, 1 crash...I literally had more crashes in BF4 this year, then in 2042. It has issues, crashes I can say don't seem to be one of em, at least not to the degree of BF4, CP2077 etc.
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Writes a lot, says very little
It wasn't that bad. BF3 had problems for longer and BF2 release was a disaster and took like a year to fix.

I disagree. BF3 had lots of the same problems yes, but BF4's server issue literally took like a year to fully correct and even now the game still crashes. Playing it last year based on 2042 hype, i realized just how busted that game was, look at the above post on those crashes.

Thats normal for it mind you.

BF3 didn't have anything like that, even with how shitty Origin was, I agree with BF2 too having those issues, so I'd say BF4 and BF2 are the only 2 to my memory that had massive issues that came near a year to fix or just never resolved.


Skimming Steam now why Rollercoaster Tycoon World is hated so much. I thought these games typically got good reviews.
It is a shitty mobile game they preyed over. Think it had a lot of microtransactions from being. Otherwise yes Rollercoaster tycoon games are generally pretty well liked
I disagree. BF3 had lots of the same problems yes, but BF4's server issue literally took like a year to fully correct and even now the game still crashes. Playing it last year based on 2042 hype, i realized just how busted that game was, look at the above post on those crashes.

Thats normal for it mind you.

BF3 didn't have anything like that, even with how shitty Origin was, I agree with BF2 too having those issues, so I'd say BF4 and BF2 are the only 2 to my memory that had massive issues that came near a year to fix or just never resolved

BF3 need 5/6 months to be playable
BF4 almost a year: six months to be stable and another six month to become fun.


Writes a lot, says very little
BF3 need 5/6 months to be playable
BF4 almost a year: six months to be stable and another six month to become fun.

Agreed. To the best of my memory, that how a lot of that played out.

I remember a few things about BF3's launch, the server browser fucking up, no voice chat, everyone bitching about Origin etc.

BF4's is crazy too. I remember the rubberbanding issue, crashing (still happening folks lol), can't get in a server or server crashes or kicks you out.

I think they had issues for a few reasons. Launching BF3 on Origin, launching BF4 on like 5 platforms at once. Speculation I know, but i feel that seems to have a lot to do with it, look at how solid Bad Company 2 launched, minimual issues, limited platforms.

BF1 launched amazing, limited issues, limited platforms.

Maybe EA needs to consider putting BF out twice a generation and not 4 or 5 and ONLY within a generation (as in leave the last behind if its causing issues and make anew). Maybe I'm wrong and the can do a cross gen 5 platform type release, but they simply need more teams, more time to properly do such a thing or something, either way I'd feel better if they just put BF out twice a generation and stopped doing cross gen stuff. Maybe EA feels ok doing that with Dead Space remake and Dragon Age 4 cause they are not MP type games.

The fuck….Logitech ghub is pretty much on everyone’s computer that owns a Logitech mouse or keyboard…..how did they fuck that up

lol yessssssss! I'm literally using a Logitech mouse and keyboard right now. I have no clue how they fuck such a thing up, on one of the most used brands in gaming. I understand if it was some GV, no name brand that didn't sell well, but Logitech is just too default for gamers to have such issues. PC version sounds like a nightmare right now.


Gold Member
"Cyberpunk 2077, was no were as bad as BF 2042 or Anthem" I greatly disagree. lol I'd say if anything I agree with the comment regarding Anthem, but I don't believe CP2077 was in a better state then 2042. That game was fucking crashing dozens of times thru 1 session, I've only gotten 1 crash in 70 hours of playing 2042. 2042 is not also lying in their marketing telling us a list of things that don't exist in the game, we simply have a list of things that imho SHOULD be in the game, massive difference. Both have design issues, both have glitches, but I think CP2077 takes the cake based on the crashes and the lying regarding its marketing.

If you mean by launch sales or something, disregard lol. CP2077 13 million, BF 2042 4.2 million.

I played CP 2077 on PC with patch 1.2. This patch came out 4 months after release.
Had a few minor bugs and a couple of missions that forced me to load a previous save.
But asides from that it ran well, gameplay was fun, graphics look great and the story is good. Plenty to enjoy in CP 2077.
It even had great use of RTX and DLSS.

BF 2042 is in a much worse state. After 3 months there isn't even a decent scoreboard.
Almost no new content, asides from stupid skins, and fixes are few.
But the worst part is that the map design and gameplay are mostly broken. And Dice is doing nothing to address this.


Writes a lot, says very little
I played CP 2077 on PC with patch 1.2. This patch came out 4 months after release.
Had a few minor bugs and a couple of missions that forced me to load a previous save.
But asides from that it ran well, gameplay was fun, graphics look great and the story is good. Plenty to enjoy in CP 2077.
It even had great use of RTX and DLSS.

BF 2042 is in a much worse state. After 3 months there isn't even a decent scoreboard.
Almost no new content, asides from stupid skins, and fixes are few.
But the worst part is that the map design and gameplay are mostly broken. And Dice is doing nothing to address this.

well this be a each their own situation then.

As in I played CP2077 on console and it was shit. On PC you had minimal issues.

2042 has bad design, but a missing scoreboard isn't really on the level of missing AI. I had no issue playing 70 hours of 2042 without that as we still got some stats near the ending. It sucks sure, I can never say its on the level of lack of any major AI in CP2077 though. I wouldn't even say fixes are few, this might be the fastest we've ever seen a BF patched with this many updates, this quickly. Bad result yes, "few"? Nah, factually we can count it up and I don't recall another BF having patches this soon, to this degree etc.

New content is also a when type of deal. We can't say "no new", you mean not yet? We can say that for 2077 and its a fucking game from 2020, its even worse cause its a SP game where it will be forgotten sooner. So I believe we should just keep a lot of this to the state of the game in terms of function as its hard to compare MP to SP or judge features 4 months in that have yet to be revealed. So I just can't say "nothing to address this" as designing takes time and ironically that is the thing we didn't want to be fucking rushed, why rush it now with Zampella? So if he wants to do a redesign, relaunch etc, I'm ok with it taking a bit to be done right and just give us Portal Maps in the mean time or something, but I can't pretend a game that came out in 2020, where we are still waiting for AI from NPCs, DLC that was promised and a next gen update in 2022, is in a better state. Only way that happens is if we are waiting for DLC till February 2023 lol THEN we can say its either the same, worse etc lol

So it just sounds like 2042 is broken PC in a worse state, CP2077 was broken on console in a worse state. Both have design issues (lack scoreboard and lack of AI, common sense features). So this is more so a case of, who you ask, where did you play it and if you like SP more then MP etc.


Gold Member
well this be a each their own situation then.

As in I played CP2077 on console and it was shit. On PC you had minimal issues.

2042 has bad design, but a missing scoreboard isn't really on the level of missing AI. I had no issue playing 70 hours of 2042 without that as we still got some stats near the ending. It sucks sure, I can never say its on the level of lack of any major AI in CP2077 though. I wouldn't even say fixes are few, this might be the fastest we've ever seen a BF patched with this many updates, this quickly. Bad result yes, "few"? Nah, factually we can count it up and I don't recall another BF having patches this soon, to this degree etc.

New content is also a when type of deal. We can't say "no new", you mean not yet? We can say that for 2077 and its a fucking game from 2020, its even worse cause its a SP game where it will be forgotten sooner. So I believe we should just keep a lot of this to the state of the game in terms of function as its hard to compare MP to SP or judge features 4 months in that have yet to be revealed. So I just can't say "nothing to address this" as designing takes time and ironically that is the thing we didn't want to be fucking rushed, why rush it now with Zampella? So if he wants to do a redesign, relaunch etc, I'm ok with it taking a bit to be done right and just give us Portal Maps in the mean time or something, but I can't pretend a game that came out in 2020, where we are still waiting for AI from NPCs, DLC that was promised and a next gen update in 2022, is in a better state. Only way that happens is if we are waiting for DLC till February 2023 lol THEN we can say its either the same, worse etc lol

So it just sounds like 2042 is broken PC in a worse state, CP2077 was broken on console in a worse state. Both have design issues (lack scoreboard and lack of AI, common sense features). So this is more so a case of, who you ask, where did you play it and if you like SP more then MP etc.

There is a reason why review codes were only sent for the PC version, as it was the one that played the best.
When I played, only found the police to be stupid. The enemies acted like enemies. And although they were not on the level of FEAR or GTA5, it was on the same level as most AAA games today.

I only referred the lack of a scoreboard, because it's such a basic and simply thing to implement.
AI is magnitudes of times more complex than a scoreboard. Especially in an open world game.

Despite the issues CP 2077 has, I had fun with the game. And I can point to things it did very well, such as graphics, music, several memorable of the characters, several cool missions, etc.
From what I played in BF 2042,. I found nothing positive about it. Not technical performance, nor graphics, gameplay, map design, sound design, music, characters, etc.


Writes a lot, says very little
Despite the issues CP 2077 has, I had fun with the game. And I can point to things it did very well, such as graphics, music, several memorable of the characters, several cool missions, etc.

Well thats why I stated its more so to each their own type thing.

I can say the same thing regarding 2042, ie "despite the issues with 2042, i had funz" lol From my perspective, its 50 plus crashes with CP2077 in 64 hours and no real AI, vs 1 crash in 70 hours in 2042 and no scoreboard thats coming next month, so of course I'd be more ok with 2042 vs what I got with 2077 as for fuck sakes, its 2022 and we are still waiting for DLC, a next gen version etc.

So I think it really depends on what version someone played, if they like SP more or MP more etc.
My second request for a refund has been denied with this line at the end:
"If you have questions on an unrelated issue, please create a new help request and we will be happy to help you. Every ticket opened about this same issue will be closed without further replies from us."

Still tried again.

Does that actually have a chance of succeeding, though?

My best friend and I really feel jipped on the higher Edition purchase, with all the major ongoing issues, delays on QoL and even Season 1 being who knows when during the summer..

I actually uninstalled it a few days ago. Took forever to find a match even with cross play enabled(PS5).


Does that actually have a chance of succeeding, though?

My best friend and I really feel jipped on the higher Edition purchase, with all the major ongoing issues, delays on QoL and even Season 1 being who knows when during the summer..

I actually uninstalled it a few days ago. Took forever to find a match even with cross play enabled(PS5).
I really hope so. I just signed it, I can't believe I've paid one hundred dollar for this. By far the worst purchase in years.


Does that actually have a chance of succeeding, though?

Depends. Most of the cases not, but when you have gaming media in your favor, yes. Otherwise, no. Cyberpunk get an avalanche of media bash because this state, but I barely seeing gaming media covering Battlefield 2042, besides saying the official reddit will get nuke.

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Gold Member
Even during that period BF4 still had major potential and a vision plus the shit ton of content it was getting.

2042 Not so much. People are going back to BF4.

BF4 also had this...

Which as a 2142 Fan I absolutely adored. 2042 had so much potential especially with BF4's final map pack showing the prototype 2142 Titan engines and launch pods to have the iconic 2142 Titan assualt game mode... but no...
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BF4 also had this...

Which as a 2142 Fan I absolutely adored. 2042 had so much potential especially with BF4's final map pack showing the prototype 2142 Titan engines and launch pods to have the iconic 2142 Titan assualt game mode... but no...

I remember when this trailer dropped. BF4 was still in a bad state but I was so excited. When the game didn't have horrible lag and other issues..this mode was amazing.


What I find fascinating is that we live in a time where we could've had a perfect trifecta of shooters in CoD, Halo and Battlefield. Especially considering these have all been headed by the most amount of devs in the history of these franchises, yet they all fell flat on their faces going so far as to release with less content then some of their previous instalments of say 5-10 years ago.

Obviously this is a bigger, industry wide, issue but it's honestly ridiculous that some of these teams are unable to put in the bare minimum of what we have come to expect from these games. Not only are they struggling on the content side of things but the amount of bugs and other technical issues present is staggering.

I wonder if this is also related to the last and current gen systems in that it simply gets increasingly more difficult to develop games with high quality assets and what not while also keeping things running at an acceptable level? In any case so many games from big devs or publishers are straight up broken these days it boggles my mind that this keeps happening time and time again.


Gold Member
It's a shame we didn't get a good Battlefield game.
On the other hand, there is so many funny mishaps, it has become very entertaining to watch.
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