It means you've pressed the key too much and the game will continue to interpret it as invalid spam as long as that noise is present.sykoex said:Sometimes when trying to spot someone I hear a "ding" sound or something, what is that?
well, they're talking about the console version and IGN i assume was talking about the PC version.Nostalgia~4ever said:um what, IGN said firestrom was bigger than caspian. What is it?
That's just the server crashing. Its happening to everybodybutts said:Caspian is awesome but I am getting crashes, unlike with Metro. All of my temps are fine. Its like the game just disappears and I am back to Battlelog with the BF3 process running but no way to get back to it.
I've had some great moments at Hilltop.Ysiadmihi said:The forest and gas station are my favorite parts of Caspian. All of the best fights seem to take place there.
evlcookie said:I got to unlock the C4 with the support class and I can only use it on the support class. That makes me a little sad.
I wanted to essentially be the same recon has in BC2. Assault shotgun c4 recon, Looks like that ain't happening.
mr_nothin said:That's just the server crashing. Its happening to everybody
just grab a PP-2000 with your Engineer and pretend you're a Spec-Ops dudebro.Confidence Man said:Are you playing on PB enabled servers? If so try filtering PB off, servers have no lag and don't kick (as frequently).
On another note, I really don't like the class setup. It's too condensed, and the ability distribution doesn't entirely make sense.
Like why does the recon have the spawning beacons? They're a long-range class, more often than not mobile spawns are dropped at someone's preferred sniping position rather than somewhere useful. Assault class is the one on the front lines, he should get the mobile spawns instead of medic equipment (they should have kept a separate medic class).
And why does Support have C4? Again, they're hanging back with machine guns providing suppressive fire, ammo, plus they get mortars. They're the last class that should be running up to tanks.
They should have kept BF2's Spec-Ops class for running in and C4ing, and give him the ability to arm/disarm MCOMS and capture control points faster than the other classes.
playable? you post settings naomr_nothin said:I LOVE the way this game looks with SGSSAA + A few tweaks![]()
Cuban Legend said:playable? you post settings nao
Kyaw said:A-10 with two seats? wtfisthisshit.jpg
I was hoping for F/A-18Fs with two seats and A-10 with one seat...
Well, at least we get a two seater jet for some awesome teamplay/squadplay!
mine recognizes it right away, check that your windows can see the controller first.Killer said:Can I play the game only using an xbox 360 controller? I tried few times but it doesn't seem to recongnize's a wired one.
On Caspian its right at 30-35fps and on Metro its 30-40 outside and 45-70 insideKyaw said:If you call <30fps playable.
You have to plug it in before launching the game. And it works, but the sensitivity randomly gets ridiculously fast when trying to aim some vehicle weapons.Killer said:Can I play the game only using an xbox 360 controller? I tried few times but it doesn't seem to recongnize's a wired one.
It's quite doable, except maybe dueling someone 1v1 it might come down more to luck than reaction time a bit. I do maybe 15-45 on Caspian right now. Definitely should upgrade for this.Kyaw said:If you call <30fps playable.
En-ou said:mine recognizes it right away, check that your windows can see the controller first.
Thanks for the responses. I'll try it when I get home. I hope it's working in controlling soldiers not only vechicles.Kibbles said:You have to plug it in before launching the game. And it works, but the sensitivity randomly gets ridiculously fast when trying to aim some vehicle weapons.
Xux said:Why not? Support has ammo and C4 and can use shotguns.
When people start over again it should be fine. It's just that people have probably already leveled their engineer to get a stinger long ago but most people haven't had the opportunity to grind out CMs or whatever for air vehicles.Kyaw said:FUCK FUCK FUCK.
Stingers man... jets are fucking useless against 32 engineers with stingers.
Stingers man... jets are fucking useless against 32 engineers with stingers.
Sober said:When people start over again it should be fine. It's just that people have probably already leveled their engineer to get a stinger long ago but most people haven't had the opportunity to grind out CMs or whatever for air vehicles.
MrKnives said:They should just remove those. If you get a Jet you should rain supreme before someone figures there are AA on the map
Mit- said:Caspian officially kicks the shit out of my rig. This Dual Core 3GHz Wolfdale with the GTX 260 have go to go. Officially updating my rig.
What do I need to run this at a steady 60fps on High GAF?
Was thinking an i7-950 Bloomfield with a GTX 560 Ti or 570 if I can find a good deal on one.
Stingers man... jets are fucking useless against 32 engineers with stingers.
Yeah, Ultra would be nice, but I don't want to spend $500 a piece on a processor and videocardMrKnives said:On High that should be good enough. Why not i5 2500k? but yea 2500k + 560 or 570 should get you 60fps on high. Just forget Ultra.
Mit- said:Caspian officially kicks the shit out of my rig. This Dual Core 3GHz Wolfdale with the GTX 260 have go to go. Officially updating my rig.
What do I need to run this at a steady 60fps on High GAF?
Was thinking an i7-950 Bloomfield with a GTX 560 Ti or 570 if I can find a good deal on one.
shagg_187 said:Not everyone carries a stinger.
1. Flare renders stinger useless;
2. You can't shoot down a tank with stinger;
3. If you fly jet NOT close to the ground, stringer wont lock on them.
Choppers, on the other hand... yeah, they are useless against stingers.
Mit- said:Yeah, Ultra would be nice, but I don't want to spend $500 a piece on a processor and videocard
Also, I admit that I am unsure of the intricacies of the i5's and i7's. I assumed i7's would be better and just went straight to those. Is a high end i5 better than a lower end i7 for a similar price?
Rezbit said:I've got some bad news :lol
Although truthfully with my stock i5 2500k and 560ti golden sample, it runs with a couple of settings (texture detail, geometry, geometry details or something) on ultra, the rest high, with motion blur at 25, v-sync, 2xAA, medium post-process thing and SSAO at about 50fps average. Running around by myself on Caspian Border it's smooth 60fps a lot of the time, but when I'm sitting in a building that's just been shredded to bits by a tank with aircraft having a dogfight above and me trying to shoot a rocket...goes down to about 40. Playable for me, but others mileage may vary. I assume turning all down to high, reducing AA and motion blur would send it closer to 60 constant.
CB is just fucking great though. So action packed, and a lot of the time very funny.
Ubersnug said:How can you tell what is a legit server and what isnt?
Animator said:Guided shells for the tank = amazing.
shagg_187 said:I think ones with Punkbuster on are legit.
Yeah that's definitely not too bad.Rezbit said:I've got some bad news :lol
Although truthfully with my stock i5 2500k and 560ti golden sample, it runs with a couple of settings (texture detail, geometry, geometry details or something) on ultra, the rest high, with motion blur at 25, v-sync, 2xAA, medium post-process thing and SSAO at about 50fps average. Running around by myself on Caspian Border it's smooth 60fps a lot of the time, but when I'm sitting in a building that's just been shredded to bits by a tank with aircraft having a dogfight above and me trying to shoot a rocket...goes down to about 40. Playable for me, but others mileage may vary. I assume turning all down to high, reducing AA and motion blur would send it closer to 60 constant.
CB is just fucking great though. So action packed, and a lot of the time very funny.
Mit- said:Oh and one more thing, is 600W still enough power for running a single, large video card?
GTX 570? D: It recommends atleast a 550W PSU... I've also got a capture card and an older, small video card for a third monitor. What are the potential dangers of overloading a PSU?Kyaw said:How large of a video card?
I run GTX480 on 600w OCZ PSU.