BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
pix said:
It wouldn't be Battlefield if you couldn't go all Jihad.
pix said:
Oh wow that was awesome lol. He even shoots to the sky after blowing up that tank.pix said:
pix said:
Binabik15 said:Judging from BC2, DICE is more than willing to take your money for excactly that![]()
pix said:
Kyaw said:Neither do i. I just use the external view for situation awareness.
I really hope there is a way to map the views with a combination of buttons.
Like Right trigger + right stick for free view.
Some good helicopter and jet videos on the last page!
Yup, brakes + turn or brakes + pull up. Also slow right down for dogfights for better aiming.
hiverbon said:What's brakes and freelook on a 360 controller? Am flying with that on PC and couldn't seem to work it out or find any keymappings in the game or online.
Relaxed Muscle said:I wish I could gotten a bit more of playtime with the PDW, UMP is overpowered? PDW is even more IMO. lol
They will put over 250 years of work in 16 days, don't worry.
Kyaw said:I don't know about freelook on the 360 controller but Left Trigger is brakes and Right trigger is Accelerator [?] and Afterburner.
Left Shoulder button is the cannon and Right shoulder is Flares/other equipped gadgets.
B is Exit/Enter vehicle.
Kyaw said:Neither do i. I just use the external view for situation awareness.
I really hope there is a way to map the views with a combination of buttons.
Like Right trigger + right stick for free view.
Some good helicopter and jet videos on the last page!
Yup, brakes + turn or brakes + pull up. Also slow right down for dogfights for better aiming.
PjotrStroganov said:Vehicle spots should take as long as they did in the beta. It's virtually impossible ambush in a tank because of that treacherous icon.
I think I'll try the AC way. Bumpers for rudder and right stick for cam. And then I'll probably suck with it and change it all back.![]()
The M.O.B said:Yay for random glitch that removed my HUD, had to restart. I'm still amazed this game looks great still after playing the same map for 20 hrs, I feel like there should be a hardcore mode that removes everyones HUD.
Nostalgia~4ever said:this is a good looking game, cant believe some people think otherwise. I noticed that DICE kept the shadow casting particle which makes everything cast a shadow, even smoke. It is a performance hog though.
AllIsOneIsNone said:Basically, if you DON'T camp and want to run around and shoot people, you're out of luck if you aren't really good.
SirButterstick said:What's the difference between "antialias deferred" and "postprocess antialiasing"?
soulassssns said:I hope DICE/EA does something about those hackers
Woo-Fu said:I do think they need to tone down the damage a bit and they probably will. Constantly getting killed by somebody you can't even see with no time whatsoever to react, much less take cover and fight back does get pretty old, particularly when most of the time when you actually do take cover you die a second later because of the bullshit netcode or because what you thought was hard cover was anything but.
SirButterstick said:What's the difference between "antialias deferred" and "postprocess antialiasing"?
Woo-Fu said:If you want to run around and shoot people and you aren't really good you should be out of luck.
Solution: run around with your squad and shoot people, so you have more eyes to spot enemies and more firepower to handle any situation you run into. Maybe you get gunned down because you're not quick draw mcgraw, but maybe you get revived by a squadmate after seeing the kill/suppression/spot assist points scroll up the screen. On top of that one of your squadmates just got points for a squad revive. Not only do you do better working with your squad, the game rewards you for it.
I don't think I got "sniped from a 1000ft away" even once in the beta. Again, if you were in a squad he'd be spotted after the first snipe, your squad would bag him and revive you. If I was as worried about it as you, though, I'd spend a lot of my time in a snipe-proof vehicle.
I do think they need to tone down the damage a bit and they probably will. Constantly getting killed by somebody you can't even see with no time whatsoever to react, much less take cover and fight back does get pretty old, particularly when most of the time when you actually do take cover you die a second later because of the bullshit netcode or because what you thought was hard cover was anything but.
AllIsOneIsNone said:I just like moving around a lot, and when I move in this game I'm dead before I know what hit me. Maybe damage reduction/health improvement would be enough.
pix said:
Spookie said:People want a bump in health? Do what you like to consoles but leave it alone on PC. I don't want to be emptying clips in to people to kill them again!
pix said:
It's hard with a m/kb. How does the throttle work on the 360 pad, anyway? Is it analog on the right trigger like a racing game or do you have to feather it?PjotrStroganov said:Flying a plane isn't that hard. It's about on par with flying planes in Ace Combat. The fact that the Y axis was configured upside down, really screwed with my attempts to get a real hang of it. And I missed a free moving cockpit camera. I guess it's the external cam for peripheral vision then.
georgc said:My problem was losing my tail in a dog fight. I could never lose them. As soon as I had some one on me they were glued. The only chanc i would have it to stall in the top of the map.
Spookie said:People want a bump in health? Do what you like to consoles but leave it alone on PC. I don't want to be emptying clips in to people to kill them again!
Pkm said:No one will EVER be able to touch Sonic Jihad in BF2 when it comes to these type of vids..NO ONE! Lol
edit: also no one said yet, or I missed the info, will BF3 make it possible to use a Flight stick on the PS3 version?
StoppedInTracks said:Is it just me or did BF2 age badly?
StoppedInTracks said:Is it just me or did BF2 age badly?
SUBZERO-08 said:The beta is done now? I was hoping to get a few more rounds in this morning.
BoobPhysics101 said:It's 6 years old... what do you expect?
SapientWolf said:It's hard with a m/kb. How does the throttle work on the 360 pad, anyway? Is it analog on the right trigger like a racing game or do you have to feather it?
The_Squirrel_Menace said:My favorite past time in BF2. Love it.
Just bugs me that the C4 is locked to the support class. I thought the class's loadouts in BF BC 2 were good.
StoppedInTracks said:Is it just me or did BF2 age badly?
Pkm said:My Battlefield 2 always looked like TOTAL crap, because anybody truely playing competitvely or trying to dominate knows/knew..You turned off ALL shadows and basically made the game look as simple as you could.
No reason to miss an enemy hiding or not see them clearly due to them hiding in the shadows or blending in with the environment at all. With all shadows and any other bell and whistle reduced Enemys stood out incredibly better.
georgc said:I think that all the health problems will go away if they switch hit detection from client to server. Nothing it more annoying than getting one hit killed with a m9 after I put 3 m4 rounds to his face and he's at 100% health.
colt45joe said:BF2 wasnt a great looking game at the time it came out.