Anton Sugar
Alright peeps, I'm at work, so you'll have to be my eyes and ears. If you notice anything in particular about unlocks or how gadgets work from this stream, lemme know and I'll update the weapons/unlock listing.
vidal said:Damage still seems pretty high for non-HC, at least a bit higher than BC2.
Does it still say Combat Efficenty Ribbon?LordCanti said:You have earned:
That's got to change.
Seems a little less than the alpha to me, but still right in the range I like it.
Specs?DSN2K said:Im going to guess my settings of choice already....
RES : 1080p
Textures : HIGH
Shadows : MEDIUM
AF : 16x
vidal said:Damage still seems pretty high for non-HC, at least a bit higher than BC2.
RoboPlato said:Does it still say Combat Efficenty Ribbon?
What kind of things were changed?desu said:Thats a lot of changes on the map.
If this is all due to alpha feedback ... then I am kind of worried about the other maps :s.
Kyaw said:That's GOOD.
BC2 was so bad, you literally had to unload a whole clip of ammo into someone with a sub-machine gun.
Fersis said:What kind of things were changed?
LordCanti said:You have earned:
That's got to change.
They were probably able to extrapolate a lot of changes. I'm sure they had a specific design philosophy when designing the maps and were able to see what worked and what didn't on Metro and apply that to other maps.desu said:Thats a lot of changes on the map.
If this is all due to alpha feedback ... then I am kind of worried about the other maps :s.
iam220 said:Not really, especially not at close range. At close range the smg's have one of the highest DPS i believe.
What was B in the Alpha is now in front of the bridge near the defender's deployment. That's probably the most drastic change as it's original spot was incredibly difficult to get to without the LAV.LordCanti said:Wait: B mcom in park may not be in the same area anymore. Sec
Kahoona said:So I'm confused, is the second bomb site on the first section of Metro still in that god forsaken Gazebo? That was the more difficult of the two due to the fact that defenders spawned almost right next to you...the first site never seemed to be a problem when I played.
Stream is still running if you haven't closed the window/tab yet.Emily Chu said:Dem Streams
DAYUM theys shutting them down AS FAST AS THEY COME UP
so who here is a EA Ninja ?
Hellcrow said:
Emily Chu said:Dem Streams
DAYUM theys shutting them down AS FAST AS THEY COME UP
so who here is a EA Ninja ?
Hellcrow said:
MNC said:So is it 3,5 more hours for the early access, or 15,5 more hours? 12GMT@Tuesday = ???
desu said:Is this about right?
I actually made a typo, I meant 3 + 24 = 27 hoursSethos said:15,5
Mr. Snrub said:True, but doesn't change the fact that BC2 weapons, in general, had pretty low base damage, DPS be damned.
You don't get early access for being in the Alpha unless you got an email saying so.cann3dheat said:So if you were in the alpha, do you get into the beta tomorrow, or does that not give you early access?
LordCanti said:Red square is A. Orange square on bottom is B. Terrain is completely changed.
These guys got their ass kicked in the park, then bailed before the subway. =/
I need them back in a game, because I honestly don't think I heard or saw the LAV at any point during that last match. I'm starting to think it's not in the beta.
desu said:Is this about right?[IMG][/QUOTE]
There's an Area 3 and 4?
Never saw those on the alpha
Lord-Audie said:There's an Area 3 and 4?
Never saw those on the alpha
Lord-Audie said:There's an Area 3 and 4?
Never saw those on the alpha
MNC said:So is it 3,5 more hours for the early access, or 15,5 more hours? 12GMT@Tuesday = ???
Avatar quote.Lord-Audie said:There's an Area 3 and 4?
Never saw those on the alpha
MNC said:So is it 3,5 more hours for the early access, or 15,5 more hours? 12GMT@Tuesday = ???
soulassssns said:I heard keys were being sent out at midnight PST
Corky said:
vidal said:Ugh, the guy just unlocked the defib. Why do we still have to unlock that?
LordCanti said:I've watched two full rounds now...and I haven't seen the LAV. Am I going crazy, or did they take it out?