Mr. Snrub said:Updated list of names. More red!
BrLvgThrChmstry said:Why is 'support' next to my origin name!? Lol... make me red. I'll contribute.
Foliorum Viridum said:Mumble takes about 5 seconds to set up![]()
Mr. Snrub said:![]()
Sorry dude, left in a note I made to highlight your name, and didn't even highlight it. Fixed!
ChiefKief said:So by the responses I take it we are using using mumbles then right?![]()
LordCanti said:No results for either Airlub, or ph33nix on Origin. Check to make sure that your privacy settings allow you to be found by Origin name.
aperman said:Privacy is set to Everybody.
Searched and sent you a friend request. Hopefully that should open up my profile to the public.
LordCanti said:Probably. It really just depends on how good or bad the integrated chat options are in game. For instance, it may be beneficial to use voice chat in game, if there is a way to toggle between only communicating with your squad, and communicating with your team. Also, I could see scenario's where half of us are on one team, and half of us are on another, and trying to talk as a team would become difficult on mumble.
Heavy's Sandvich said:Heavy's Sandvich | Efebayor
I'm not sure if I'm willing to contribute until I get a feel of the server (due to it being on the East Coast).
Heavy's Sandvich said:I fully understand the reasoning for it; I'm almost certain it will be more than playable if the server is on the East Coast.
I just don't want to say I will commit and then back off.
Foliorum Viridum said:Well on the plus side, if we were to rent an East coast server for the first month, it'd be very cheap for us if we maintain this kind of interest and more people want to donate. At least then we have a few weeks to play on it, see if it works out, and if not we can look at two servers.
I agree that I think two servers is pushing it, however, and I'm doubtful we'd have enough people to support two 64 player servers (and I really would want it to be 64 to pay for it).
Foliorum Viridum said:I would assume filling a 64 man server wouldn't be too hard if the server information was clearly listed in the OT for the game etc so lurkers/people waiting to be approved could join.
When I had a 32 man server in Counter-Strike, as long as a decent number of my clan were in there, say 8-12 guys, people started joining and it would soon fill up. With a decent amount of regular GAFers, lurkers and people just looking for a 64 man server, one would hope we wouldn't have too much of an issue getting it populated a lot of the time.
Personally, if I paid for a month and was happy with it, I'd be more than willing to straight up pay 12 months up front there and then.LordCanti said:I hope so. Honestly my hope is at least 20 regular donors for a 64 man US server, so that each individual donation doesn't really need to top $5 a month. If we can double that to 40 donors and make each individual donation $2.50, all the better. The lower the monthly buy-in, the more likely people are to actually pay it every month.
We should have no problem filling it I guess. Paying for it every month is my one real concern right now.
Worst case scenario, we flood into unsuspecting third party servers, and destroy anyone there.
Heavy's Sandvich said:64 slots is a whole lot to fill.
I'll be playing and supporting, hopefully financially as well.
I'm interested to see if the maps can cater to that number. If there were 64 people in the alpha stage then it would have been awful to play.
Foliorum Viridum said:Personally, if I paid for a month and was happy with it, I'd be more than willing to straight up pay 12 months up front there and then.
I'm sure not everyone would, but yeah.
Providing it wasn't $8 per person or whatever. That'd be too expensive![]()
ChiefKief said:So are we gonna end up using mumble without a doubt?
Wanna get it up and running ASAP.