Want to make a shitty Battlelog Voice group?
EOreality is still down. This blows.
Want to make a shitty Battlelog Voice group?
EOreality is still down. This blows.
Damn, really wanna play, but I'm at work till 9 and then I have homework to do. Hopefully the server won't be full.
Speaking of, did we ever get reserved slots working?
it's not a matter of we, DICE hasnt had a feasable way to use them for us yet.
to use your reserve slot: message one of the admins on battlelog or better yet, join mumble so we can help you get in.
Had a blast tonight guys, great games! I think I got a few games and moments recorded that I may upload. Really was a lot of fun!
Also Cuban is an asshole with mortars.
I was kidding :'(That is the second time ever used mortars bitch.
You and 3 OTHER GAFers were perched on the roof of the Hotel in Gulf of Oman, with soflams and sniper rifles, to add insult to injury, you all set 5+ claymores at the end of the only ladder that reached up there, a ladder so long that it takes 2 minutes to climb to the top btw.
So, No, you're the asshole and I'm proud I took you guys down. For shame, for you and for the other GAFers who thought it was ok to setup shop on top of an enemy flag and unfairly block access. For shame for you again, for calling me an asshole bro.
Every server ive tried in the last hour has had lag.
Anyone on PC want to grind out those 5 sqdm wins?
I do...later in the day.
Yeah, we need to get some multi-GAF FRAPS vids going on this weekend. I'd gladly take the time to edit/sync them.
I'll probably be on a bit later tonight, but really won't get to put much time into it until the weekend, unfortunately.
I'm pretty much always recording, I play at 1080p but have fraps set to half size. It still renders out looking really great in a 720p video.
Multiple POV videos sound really cool. I still think we should start and NeoGAF BF3 YouTube channel where we could maybe upload good games with gaffers or certain awesome moments, as well.
Gotchu covered. Shoot me a PM if you'd like me to upload one of your vids.
There was an awesome moment last night where Canti (I think) was in an upside down jet on Wake Island and someone just crashed into him with their jet and blew it the fuck up. I was stood right next to it and I nearly shat myself.
I wish I had FRAPS going.
-I came in at 6 and said the same thing, suggested they seed the GAF server at 7pm EST...Yeah, that was me in the F35. Someone clipped me, and it sent my jet into the ground upside down. For some reason it didn't explode or anything. I was getting someone to help push me over, when Pennybags kamikaze'd into me lol.
Edit: 14 friends on....none on GAF server.
(Just saw that you guys switched. Be back in half an hour.)
Still can't stay connected to a fucking game for more than 5 minutes.
Still can't stay connected to a fucking game for more than 5 minutes.
His mom keeps picking up the phone, disconnecting his 33.6k modem.
Yeah, that was me in the F35. Someone clipped me, and it sent my jet into the ground upside down. For some reason it didn't explode or anything. I was getting someone to help push me over, when Pennybags kamikaze'd into me lol.
This was my last night playing for awhile, christmas vacation family n stuff. See you all again in the New Year!
Anyone else have a problem where they get a black screen with the blinking logo on the left corner, but can't get into the actual game? It's happened to me ever since Karkand came out. I can play one match, and then I've got to restart the game because of this damn bug, which means sitting in the queue again ><
Also, y u no mumble, GAF?
Also, y u no mumble, GAF?
# kills + server name = gold