Stats Server Connection Issue, you didnt lose anything.
Try again later.
metro is even worse in bf4, they clearly didn't balance it for all the new grenades types
Guys I really cannot figure this out and would appreciate some help.
I've played a handful of matches and my level and experience still shows 0. It's like somehow I'm not showing as an active player or something. I just started playing yesterday and cannot figure out what's going on. Can anyone help me out? Is this just a battlefield server issue or what?
So basically new players are screwed at the moment? Because I've watched streams and people are gaining xp and progression.Server issue.
metro is even worse in bf4, they clearly didn't balance it for all the new grenades types
I didn't think that was even possible.metro is even worse in bf4
Got ten kills on Metro.
Also got 10 assist, but no ribbons?
...Do you have to be alive for the assists to count towards ribbons? lol
I'm getting the same thing on Metro, consistently. If DICE were a sandwich, it'd be the sloppiest of joes.
I have to say. I saw so many people whining the M60 is awful but holy crap Its the opposite. Its beast mode even when you just get it with no upgrades.
my new favorite gun
So basically new players are screwed at the moment? Because I've watched streams and people are gaining xp and progression.
finally got a knife. only took a hundred hours or so. looks shitty. oh well.
I guess I've been lucky. I'm rank 95 or something and have all the knives bar the one that was recently added
Looks like I killed someone through a wall.
But then I end up getting shot and killed through walls:
Yeah, what is the point of all these XP boosters if the level cap is so easily attainable? I'm awful at the game, but all it took is a couple premium weekends + XP boosts to get 90% of the way there.
As a former BF3 player i like the maps because of the 64 man with a BIG exception called Metro. Metro is trash, comes down to camping the choke points and letting the nades rain down. The old metro had more charm due that the map was bigger (to bad they didn't reboot Bazaar and made a giant market version of it)
At least OP Meatlocker is bigger and has more chance to get behind the enemy and ass whoop em.
I don't entirely understand all the metro hate, but that map on a 64 player server is just not fun. Spam city. Smaller sized games are still fun though.
Do you think they will ever raise the cap/offer something like prestige?
Shotgun is also broken:Only in Battlefield
Can someone tell me if DICE ever plan to address the incredibly insane aim assist on PS4? It bothers me so much that it's so high.
Is this an issue the community is making a noise over, or do most people not care?
Can someone tell me if DICE ever plan to address the incredibly insane aim assist on PS4? It bothers me so much that it's so high.
Is this an issue the community is making a noise over, or do most people not care?
I've gotten used to it since BF4 beta and it doesn't bother me at all, in fact I prefer it to 90 FOV because I can see more to have a better view of what goes on, like I can catch enemies I wouldn't be able to see with 90 and lower FOV thus giving me an advantage.Timu, how do you play with your screen like that? I get some serious vertigo just looking at those gifs.
played some hardcore rush on ps4 yesterday and totally loved it!
the way its meant to be played! Best thing in hardcore is the single shot sniping kills
btw why no 64 player rush on ps4? official servers???
Do you think they will ever raise the cap/offer something like prestige?
That's even grosser. So if you're an early adopter and an avid player, and DICE adds more knives after you've hit cap, you're just locked out of possibly getting them. Smooth.
The way that Battlepacks work is just stupid. By the time you reach rank 100 (max non-DLC rank) you should have every possible item acquirable only in Gold Battlepacks (distinguished level). Weapon battlepacks should fill in the rest. Regardless, by the time you can no longer earn battlepacks, you should have every single item unlocked.
finally got a knife. only took a hundred hours or so. looks shitty. oh well.
Is this spam? It says I need an account to view..
The wall on Caspian is so stupid. I've yet to play a balanced game on said map because of it. It's so easy for the Russians to lock down every other objective and essentially create a magniot line around Alpha. Maybe if the damn thing was in the middle, then it would be fair. But it's not.
Probably works in conquest large with higher player counts, but on 360 it just seems awful.
With 64 players the wall is gone in a few minutes. I've swum under it, into the secret tunnel, and have brought down the tower within the first 5 minutes of a match.