Any good deals on the PC version out there?
Speaking of Oman and different modes from Rush and Conquest:
Oman Sabotage has the RU team (IIRC) spawn in the water with water vehicles and like NO [read: NONE] land vehicles) while the US team gets land vehicles with like 2-3 tanks.
Don't just play conquest - try rush, ctf, obliteration, and domination.
those modes in 32 player are a lot of fun.
I wouldn't give them any money until they fix the current major crash bug. Odds are probably good you wouldn't be affected by it but if you are you would rue the day you spent money on this game.
Which platform are you on? On the PS4 I've had no problems finding full CTF games.Domination and Obliteration are both terrible game modes. Haven't touched them since beta. Rush isn't bad, but the maps in Battlefield 4 are not designed with it in mind therefore it just does not "work" like it did in Bad Company.
CTF is a game mode I enjoy, but there are very few people playing it which is a shame.
I've never touched a sniper rifle before this assignment. I've only managed to get two kills on the Caspian tower because some idiots just laid down on the flag to reset it. People like destroying that tower way too much. I think that for the final three I'll just throw up some claymores at the elevator and kill other people on the tower rather than try to snipe.I got the Gol Magnum! It was such a stressful round to get it haha.
Went to the Tower with an LMG and got 3 kills with it/2 kills with a picked up sniper kit.
Parachuted off and died
Got 4 more kills with my best sniper loadout, the M40A5 with a 4x scope.
I'm so happy :]]]
Domination and Obliteration are both terrible game modes. Haven't touched them since beta. Rush isn't bad, but the maps in Battlefield 4 are not designed with it in mind therefore it just does not "work" like it did in Bad Company.
CTF is a game mode I enjoy, but there are very few people playing it which is a shame.
Which platform are you on? On the PS4 I've had no problems finding full CTF games.
I just checked and right this second, there are only four CTF servers total to choose from. One's ping is over 90, and I don't join servers whose ping is greater than 70 or 80 so really all I have to choose from is three. And all three are full -- one with 64 players, two with 32.
I've never touched a sniper rifle before this assignment. I've only managed to get two kills on the Caspian tower because some idiots just laid down on the flag to reset it. People like destroying that tower way too much. I think that for the final three I'll just throw up some claymores at the elevator and kill other people on the tower rather than try to snipe.
I can't believe the disparity in the playercounts. There were even more on today (around 80k) during peak European hours. Even with peak US hours being 20k less, the PS4 still has huge headroom on any other platform.
DICE said:
Maybe it's just me, but when I'm playing on the Second Assault rotation, I barely ever play Metro. I've only played one game on it, actually. It's almost entirely Oman and Caspian Border.
I intentionally search for Firestorm and quit out after Caspian. Have played Metro exactly two times.
Man, they really need to add a timer around revive icons so I know whether or not to take the risk of running my ass to a fallen victim.
Reviving is so neutered and discouraged in this game as is, just wish they'd make it more attractable.
Also, can someone explain spotting:
In this game, if you spot someone and lose sight of them, does the spotting disappear? I feel so dirty and cheap spotting someone miles away just by spamming R1.
Maybe I'm imagining it, but it seems like Engineer is the most popular class. I feel like if I need ammo or a medic there's never one around.
Maybe I'm imagining it, but it seems like Engineer is the most popular class. I feel like if I need ammo or a medic there's never one around.
also, I really wish the MTAR didn't look like crap with paint on it. Figures that my favorite gun would be the one that barely changes when you paint it.
It's good with a smaller amount of players. 24 is nice in console... 32 I would assume to be not much different.Played it for my first time tonight. Just as awful as always. It amazes me that there are people out there who enjoy that map. Just wow.
RIP in peace.Elzar killed HaloGAF
DICE needs to diversify the classes more with stricter weapon restrictions. Until they do that engineer will be the main favorite because it has the anti-armor stuff and access to pretty much the best guns in the game.
Why play anything else if you have a total package class. what's the point of the PDW class of weapons being exclusive to engineer considering any engy using them is basically nerfing themselves
Elzar killed HaloGAF
Engineer has been the most popular for, like, ever.
DICE needs to diversify the classes more with stricter weapon restrictions. Until they do that engineer will be the main favorite because it has the anti-armor stuff and access to pretty much the best guns in the game.
Why play anything else if you have a total package class. what's the point of the PDW class of weapons being exclusive to engineer considering any engy using them is basically nerfing themselves
Finally got some real time on the Second Assault maps and I'm really impressed. The visual updates on them are great. Metro, especially.
I'm on PS4 and motion blur also seems to be more prominent on those maps, for some reason. Looks nice.
The blue tint is gone I assume.
I can't believe the disparity in the playercounts. There were even more on today (around 80k) during peak European hours. Even with peak US hours being 20k less, the PS4 still has huge headroom on any other platform.
Is that tracking all players, or just ones with BF4stats accounts?Looks pretty different now, poor xbox one lol.
Is that tracking all players, or just ones with BF4stats accounts?
Is it just me, or are the stats in-game different to those on Battlelog? In-game it says I have a 2.96 K/D but on Battelog I have a 3.1
Yeah I barely play anything other than engineer. It feels almost essential to have a rocket launcher due to the ridiculous amount of tanks on some levels, plus the choice between having the AS VAL, MTAR or M39 EMR and being able to repair vehicles.DICE needs to diversify the classes more with stricter weapon restrictions. Until they do that engineer will be the main favorite because it has the anti-armor stuff and access to pretty much the best guns in the game.
Why play anything else if you have a total package class. what's the point of the PDW class of weapons being exclusive to engineer considering any engy using them is basically nerfing themselves
In a cruel-twist of Irony Metro Rush Defense is the round I got 100 in.
Time to "Prestige" with these 200% exp boosters I got.
You can do it at the Test Range as well.Is there anyway to customize your loadouts outside of a match in game? I know you can do it on battlelog, but I've searched everywhere in game and cannot find it for the life of me
Anyone got that roof collapsing trophy for metro? Any tips?
Nobody gets anywhere near C for me to destroy the roof there.
I'm working towards Platinum trophy in the base game and can't get it due to glitched trophies/assignments. Can anyone offer some advice? Here's the situation.
Peace Maker (Campaign) - assignment NOT showing unlocked on Battlefield 4 on PS4 in menu My Soldier > Awards > Assignments
Peace Maker (Campaign) - assignment on Battelog IS showing unlocked
P90 unlocked on Battlelog and usable in game
Trophies - I've finished the game with all 3 endings and have the trophies associated with these including "For the cause - sacrifice Hannah" which is the one associated with Peacemaker assignment yet I don't have the trophy "Patience is a virtue - experience all 3 endings" and the trophies for completing all assignments and collectibles (even though I have).
Anyone offer some advice. I've played through the last mission several times and don't have the will-power to stomach the campaign from the beginning again and collect every collectible again. But if it's a "guaranteed fix" I guess I'll do it. I assume I need to completely delete my battlefield 4 save file from the ps4? Not just restart the campaign with the existing PS4 save file?
They play test, but using their own "gentlemens" rules. They probably don't use grenades and give each other turns to cap B.Now I understand where all this Op Metro hate came from PC players in BF3. This map is nearly impossible to beat as the US side with 64 people, not even with all the new areas they added. Do the lazy fucks at DICE even play test their own maps before they release them?
I did the 5 kills on the tower for the Gol sniper rifle and then got a sniper ribbon in the next match and it says I did neither. Ugh.
Now I understand where all this Op Metro hate came from PC players in BF3. This map is nearly impossible to beat as the US side with 64 people, not even with all the new areas they added. Do the lazy fucks at DICE even play test their own maps before they release them?