Play with your friends!*
*Except when Battlelog is down and you can't log-in
Anyone having issues connecting on PS4? I'm getting stuck in these endless loading loops just at the main menu. Only way to get out is to disable the internet connection or quit.
I cannot log into Battlelog on my laptop or get BF4 on PS4 to connect to EA servers.
North America / Chicago area here.
just played on an amazing German server that had an autoadmin setting that autokilled me whenever i killed an enemy because of my K![]()
"You have been killed because your Kratio is abnormal and you are too good for the server
" Spent 10 minutes playing musical flags avoiding enemies so i would get fucked over by butthurt admin settings.
One guy got auto-killed for a high SPM and then full on banned as soon as he respawned lol.
The few redeeming qualities of console Battlefield include far less douchebag admins.
So is there a list of other content or improvements BF4 is getting in the next coming months?
You must download the game, the premium unlock and then all the dlc as well.So one of my friends bought the digital premium edition, and it's "installing" and only lets him play single player. It's downloading increeedibly slowly. It's gone up 2% in the last hour or so.
Is it downloading everything in the DLC or just the base game?
We didn't figure it would take this long to install and we made plans to play tonight, but that seems more and more unrealistic.
Also, wanted to say the for that update, really enjoying premium.No, only known is the winter patch in march. It is starting to go into cert sometime around now. After that is the spring patch, night maps, and than whatever other DLC they have been working on. It is almost a certainty we wont have announcements on the future DLC until EA FY14. That is the start of April. But who knows.
You must download the game, the premium unlock and then all the dlc as well.
I have no idea what's happening. It's been 7 hours and he's only at 61% on the install.
I've been playing this again.. The joys of bullets not registering, and almost every time I die it is a headshot.... Even when the person is not even looking at me lol.
Never again dice
Yanno this doesn't seem to be a problem for me any more. I'm on console though. Are you sure it's just not your connection? //shrugs
As of now he's at 83%. It's been 21 hours since he started the install. His download is 50 mbps/s if I remember. I'm confident we should be able to play sometime tonight, at least.Whats his download speed? Its a fairly large game.
I've been playing this again.. The joys of bullets not registering, and almost every time I die it is a headshot.... Even when the person is not even looking at me lol.
Never again dice
Planning to jump back into this. All the Hardline talk got me hyped for it again.
I only have China Rising. Should I splash out for premium, or can I get away with only picking up one or two essential packs?
I think it's pretty obvious that hard-line is going to be a side game, so BF4 will be the main battlefield at least until Christmas and probably even longer.So the 6th dlc is "confirmed" really?
Still think its weird its gonna happen. For sure now Hardline is arround the corner. They want to push new sales i think and not have people think. Hey i stick with BF4 because there is new dlc coming. So i skip Hardline.
Would be great offcourse. But from EA standpoint it is quite weird.
So the 6th dlc is "confirmed" really?
Still think its weird its gonna happen. For sure now Hardline is arround the corner. They want to push new sales i think and not have people think. Hey i stick with BF4 because there is new dlc coming. So i skip Hardline.
Would be great offcourse. But from EA standpoint it is quite weird.
I've been playing this again.. The joys of bullets not registering, and almost every time I die it is a headshot.... Even when the person is not even looking at me lol.
Never again dice
Think you can get Premium very cheap now. I see it on sale alot. Do you need it? Nah not really. Still the basemaps a played more then dlc and the premium boost/battlepacks etc ended already.
If you only want one DLC. I would get Dragons Teeth. Best maps imo.
It can destroy any explosive that's on the ground and spawn beacons. You might have been on an area where people either placed mines, C4's, or slams and the person flying it detonated them when you got close.Yesterday I got killed twice by an MAV flying way up in the air.
What offensive capabilities doen an MAV have? Never happened to me before.
I would stay away from servers with fast vehicle respawn. They are often labelled 'noob' friendly or whatever, but chances are there will be at least 2 or 3 people on one team destroying everyone using tanks or boats or choppers.Any recommended servers? Im brand new to BF4 on PC and feel very overwhelmed at times?
I would stay away from servers with fast vehicle respawn. They are often labelled 'noob' friendly or whatever, but chances are there will be at least 2 or 3 people on one team destroying everyone using tanks or boats or choppers.
I generally look for servers that are a decent number of tickets into the game but are still fairly even.
It can destroy any explosive that's on the ground and spawn beacons. You might have been on an area where people either placed mines, C4's, or slams and the person flying it detonated them when you got close.
Well, that and a lot of people seem to be on the "pass" side of Hardline. (We'll see if that holds when it launches?) I think EA is supporting the game simply because of that. If Hardline sold like hotcakes, they probably wouldn't put time into another year of support for BF4. They didn't for BF3 or BC2 when the newest one launched. :/
The problem is that BF4's progression system is complete shit, and so any recommendations are likely to be for stuff you don't have access to.I'd like some advice please.
I'm a new player, about to start playing BF4 for the first time. I've played some BF games in the past, but not extensively so you can pretty much consider me new to the series.
I'd appreciate some guidance on what weapons, attachments and loadout to use to get started. I normally enjoy using closer range weapons in shooters and fully automatic guns. I'm more of a Halo player than a CoD player if that helps?
I appreciate everyone has a different taste, but I'd like some advice to get started.
I'd like some advice please.
I'm a new player, about to start playing BF4 for the first time. I've played some BF games in the past, but not extensively so you can pretty much consider me new to the series.
I'd appreciate some guidance on what weapons, attachments and loadout to use to get started. I normally enjoy using closer range weapons in shooters and fully automatic guns. I'm more of a Halo player than a CoD player if that helps?
I appreciate everyone has a different taste, but I'd like some advice to get started.
I have 43 25% EXP boosts. Anyway I can just delete them? I will never use them. (on ps4)
use one when one is already active.
Or don't even bother. No point in activating them if you don't need them. Maybe on consoles it's different in the UI but on PC you only have "boost available" and can safely ignore how many of each is available.
The servers are fucked up on PS4. They're all empty.
The servers are fucked up on PS4. They're all empty.