Naval Strike weapons.
SR-338, AR-160 AR, SR2 (PDW), AWS LMG and SW4 (pistol).
Also level cap has apparently been raised.
Played 5 games, no lag, good network (honest kills).
I sometimes wonder if these guys actually play their own game.Have to admit, reading these notes and reactions is fun. I liked this exchange over on reddit:
Wtf did they change Obliteration on ps4?
Barely any vehicles left apparently... sad day for oblitGAF
Barely any vehicles left apparently... sad day for oblitGAF
I heard, it sounds terrible. DICE putting work changing areas of the game no one asked for, and without testing it. Fantastic!Barely any vehicles left apparently... sad day for oblitGAF
Completely ruined my favorite mode... gj DICE...
I wouldn't mind if they made an infantry focused oblit an option. As it, I don't see the point to having three sites close together; You might as well just have it a race to arm the same site three times. Feels like they were going for a more Halo style.It'll be back, they just fucked up somehow. Seems unlikely that they actually meant to switch every single oblit game over to infantry only.
People on the battlelog forums are going nuts. It's great![]()
I sometimes wonder if these guys actually play their own game.
That what I was thinking too. It makes sense it'll probably be on the carriers you need to defend.I'm willing to bet you'll be able to use the stationary AA in the next DLC.
Bullpup weapons have a strafing bonus because of their design. Adding a 1x scope on them removed that strafing bonus, they say they addressed this in the latest patch.Does anyone know what the Bullpup fix actually addresses?
People claiming v40s got nerfed in damage and radius. Such tears. Meanwhile sopposedky the impact got buffed because, you know, DICE
They didn't. The advantage of impact grenades was you can't run. Just like the advantage of V40s was their throwing and blast range. They should have just limited to one and be done with it. If it's ok for the impact not to be a OHK, I don't see why the same shouldn't apply to the V40. Also: grenade spam.The impact grenade is already probably my #1 cause of death when it comes to grenades lol. This'll be fun. The V40s definitely needed a nerf but I'm not convinced that the impact grenades needed a buff.
They didn't. The advantage of impact grenades was you can't run. Just like the advantage of V40s was their throwing and blast range. They should have just limited to one and be done with it. If it's ok for the impact not to be a OHK, I don't see why the same shouldn't apply to the V40. Also: grenade spam.
They still haven't fixed the misaligned sights. Ugh, a lot of those guns are still at a broken disadvantage.Bullpup weapons have a strafing bonus because of their design. Adding a 1x scope on them removed that strafing bonus, they say they addressed this in the latest patch.
What I mean by strafing bonus is increased movement speed when ADS, just in case you didn't know what I meant.
if its any consolation, you can punch an entire RCB into the water, as well.So, when a tree or lamppost gets knocked over, I can kick it around like it's a straw, but a boat that I'm supposed to be able to move, I have to punch it back into the water?
Naval Strike weapons.
SR-338, AR-160 AR, SR2 (PDW), AWS LMG and SW4 (pistol).
Also level cap has apparently been raised.
-Improved boat physics and handling, including implementation of a system that lets players push stuck boats back in the water
That's nice.
The Assault Rifle is 700 RPM, it's probably going to not be worth much.
No it won't, there's no indication from the stats that it'll have the higher damage that the 52 has. It's going to be another CZ-805.It will do what the 52 does now.
Thats good for an AR as you get better range out of it as opposed to the carbine.
All depends on the reload and hip fire as of now.
It could completely eclipse the 52 if its decent in both of those areas.
No it won't, because from the stats it doesn't look like it'll have the higher damage that the 52 has.
So the next Naval assault DLC is released on the 18th for premium, according to jackfrags in that video. First time I've heard a date.
Were judging from a bar, which is an awful thing to do in the first place.
But from what i can tell comparing the 2, it outranges it heavily, as well as most of the other ARs as well.
The damage looks to be a sliver off in favor of its range, which is preferred for all ARs.
Theres your niche as opposed to the gun being another copy.
This gun outranges the CZ heavily due to its velocity from a low fire rate.
It will be strong with a suppressor, very strong, just as the L85 is without the fire rate and better velocity at range.
Obviously differentiating the 2.
The L85 will still be a better weapon, which is very apparent, however this gun has a good niche, a very good niche.
1.) The Ace 52 CQB has poor range and velocity.
2.) The stats also says it has poor stability (heavy recoil), which negates range unless you want to use it as a DMR (and in that case, use a DMR.)
3.) The difference between 34 damage and 25 damage isn't a sliver, it's what justifies the 52 and SCAR-H's poor fire rate.
4.) The L85A2 has been nerfed this patch down to 750 and it's burst mode as been removed, unless they compensated for those nerfs, it's not that good anymore either.
I don't know how you can put your faith behind Dice's balancing logic when the CZ-805 has a ROF of 700 along with extremely poor muzzle velocity, range, and a strong right-side recoil to boot.
Also you can only go so far with attachments. The AEK still feels like you're trying to handle a fire hose with the angled grip and compensator. Not to mention that when you are taking those attachments you're sacrificing your spread and accuracy-while-moving while other guns can do the job with just the flash hider and ergo.
That stupid fucking EMP/Chromatic Abberation bug is still fucking in spectator mode, DICE.
Like March 18th? Man the schedule is all messed up then, cuz we (Non XBONE owners) recently got 2nd Assault.
The AEK is my go to gun on the PC, and I run that thing with a flash hider and ergo grip because it's still a fire hose and you're better off mastering the recoil with your mouse than gimping it's stats.Im fine with the AEK.
I use an ergo/compensator and have no issues.
I even use it with a controller when i play rush on PS4.
Compensator benefits all weapons, no question when compared to the other muzzle attactchments.
Horizontal>vertical in terms of stability for people who need the help.