Made a short Battlefield 4 montage: http://youtu.be/cZRsBeYUxLo
Hilarious. I tried all kinds of placebo tricks on picking up weapons. "Maybe if I just hold down triangle, maybe if i dont move while picking it up"
Made a short Battlefield 4 montage: http://youtu.be/cZRsBeYUxLo
That, was, brilliant, and I encountered some of that.Made a short Battlefield 4 montage: http://youtu.be/cZRsBeYUxLo
Made a short Battlefield 4 montage: http://youtu.be/cZRsBeYUxLo
I remember a while back people were talking about some dinosaur or shark or something did that turn out to be anything?
The more I play in Flood Zone, the more I hate it. Roof campers everywhere.
If it bothers you that much forget B and C and concentrate on A, D and E. It's far from my favorite map but it's not that bad. I like to spawn as a Russian and hold A for the whole game. Since it's close to the US base you'll have lots of infantry to fight and even the IFV once in awhile.
Campers on the rooftops of B and C are easy to flank and kill. People on the top of the very high buildings are more dangerous to the flags as an enemy spawn point than to a player as a sniper.
Are the NS weapons only on PC right now?
I was going to double dip on this game originally and get it on PC as well but DICE did a good job of stopping me from spending more money...lol
Hilarious. I tried all kinds of placebo tricks on picking up weapons. "Maybe if I just hold down triangle, maybe if i dont move while picking it up"
The more I play in Flood Zone, the more I hate it. Roof campers everywhere.
The more I play in Flood Zone, the more I hate it. Roof campers everywhere.
The more I play in Flood Zone, the more I hate it. Roof campers everywhere.
roof campers are awesome. free XM25 kills. free mortar kills. free UCAV kills.
I've had zero issues with PS4 conquest. Full games too and no issues at all.Game is still completely unplayable on PS4 conquest large. I hope DICE gets raped in the ass with a rusty knife.
You're talking the "Patriot" clone yeah?
I've had zero issues with PS4 conquest. Full games too and no issues at all.
Yeah, that's how we usually deal with the issue, though it still makes for a frustrating experience sometimes. The US side is at such a disadvantage because of A, it's so hard to control because of the multiple stories the enemy can be in and still cap the flag, which is why I always wish to be in the Chinese side when that map comes into rotation (even though the US side gets the Little Bird).
The more I play in Flood Zone, the more I hate it. Roof campers everywhere.
Facism said:indeed, seks. The twin drum mag is like a pair of big balls full of deadly seed ready to be spat out the AWS shaft at my enemies.
Did they delay the Xbox One patch ?
I've had zero issues with PS4 conquest. Full games too and no issues at all.
Yet from me spectating you in that Flood Zone Sabo match, you were trying to snipe from roofs (not as high) as well... hmm...![]()
Don't know what's actually happening on my end, but I'm still getting the constant stuttering on PS4 in just about every single game.Just joined the console platoon. I was away for a few days since it's carnival down here.
It's nice to see all the familiar faces and the new ones!
My first games with the new patch were amazing. The game was smooth as butter, no lag, rubberbanding, etc. I even played a round of Lancang without lag! Amazing!
Sadly everything went back to normal this weekend and I'm lagging on every single game I play... :-(
I don't know if it's my ISP or the game anymore but it's annoying as hell. I hope this is just a temporary hiccup and things go back to how they were a couple days ago. That is the way I want to play Battlefield.
I was trying to clear the roofs, swer on me mum!
-new vehicle disable mechanic:
previously if a vehicle is reduced to 10% or lower, it'd start burning up and behave like BF3 disabled mechanic. if you repair them past 10%, they'll stop burning up and recover normally. now there's a new variable called "ClearDisabledDamageThreshold", which is generally set 50% higher than the disabled threshold. this means that for a MBT or IFV, to get them to stop burning up, you have to repair them past 15%.
-AS VAL damage nerf:
min damage 17->16. the AS VAL is now a 7 hit kill at long range.
-AS VAL bullet velocity nerf:
-MTAR reload buff:
tactical reload 2.5->2.4
-MTAR bullet velocity nerf:
570m/s->540m/s, 320m/s->310m/s suppressed
-F2000 suppressed bullet velocity nerf:
-F2000 1.6x sight adjustment:
now can be affected by FOV scaling
-F2000 laser sight fixed:
now properly aligned
-F2000/bullpup ARs still have buggy ADS strafe speed
ironsights on F2000 now has fast ADS strafe. RDS still moves slow. not sure about other bullpup ARs.
-L85 ROF nerf (not really a secret):
-M60E4 bullet velocity nerf (inb4 vip3r)
610->560, 380->310 suppressed
-GOL ROF nerf:
-DAO-12 is now bad:
ROF 220->200
flechette pellet spread 2.5->3.0
flechette pellet count 12->9
-"umm... wrong vehicles, DICE!"
MBTs now have 3x their track friction. MBT drifting should now be impossible. nope, still slides. however, they now climb hills a lot better. DICE was supposed to change friction of wheeled vehicles like IFVs, since they have almost no hill climbing ability
-MP7 changes:
bullet velocity 470->420, 280->260 suppressed
tactical reload 2.6->2.5
long reload 3.0->2.9
Vehicle Disable "buff" isn't enough. Disables should function like BF3. Not this auto-repair with no engineers around lolololol troll shit. >:| You shouldn't be able to auto-repair from a disable.
"B-B-BUT MOBILITY BONUS" which is an annoying thing but happens so little it's pointless to use as a counter to disables.
Disables were fine in BF3. Should go back to that system in 4. :/ So tired of disabling vehicles and having them able to run off like nothing happened.
MBT canister:
muzzle velocity: 450m/s -> 600m/s
pellet cone: 1.0 -> 0.2 (16 pellets)
cone increase per shot: 0.0 -> 0.1 (irrelevant)
max range: 900m -> 600m
start damage: 35 -> 43
fall off start range: 12m -> 100m
fall off end range: 25m -> 200m
roof campers are awesome. free XM25 kills. free mortar kills. free UCAV kills.
What do you mean by auto-repair with no engineers? You mean the mobility hit stuff?
SG553 is a beast
BF3 vehicle balance > BF4 vehicle balance
Just unlocked it today and had some amazing times. Never hear it talked about though. Is it considered bad?
In other news, pulling it together at last with the DMRs, a tiny bit anyway. Still not easy but having a bit more success. Also the later carbines are tons of fun so far.
BF3 > BF4
Really, no. Outside of vehicle balance, BF4 issuperioreasier in almost every way.