Tank whore. Skyscraper down is horrible, can't see, can't get around quickly, and no M82
I can see perfectly fine. Plus, I can defend C. That's an insta win for me and you, man.
Tank whore. Skyscraper down is horrible, can't see, can't get around quickly, and no M82
Nine times out of ten that I play that map the C flag turns into a 30-minute long 'lets camp on the rooftop and shoot people coming out of the elevator'. I agree with the clutter thing though.
You know it's true in your heart.
My brother. That building only helps other people get on roofs. I'll bring it down on min 1 from now on.
I agree, C on shanghai is a no-go zone for me until the skyscraper comes down. I just can't stand the rooftop on that thing.
I love it, can use it to parachute down to any of the other objectives, never stay there long just long enough to see which objective I need to go to, then it's out the window.
You know it's true in your heart.
I just bought this game for XBO. These weapon unlocks are ludicrous. What the hell were they thinking? FOUR stalks? What the hell? How can I ever possibly compete against higher levels at this point? Any way to unlock this shit right away?
I just bought this game for XBO. These weapon unlocks are ludicrous. What the hell were they thinking? FOUR stalks? What the hell? How can I ever possibly compete against higher levels at this point? Any way to unlock this shit right away?
DICE offers instant unlocking (iirc? was it limited time?) for pistols and DMRs because people are too lazy to use them correctly.
It's a great option for you: you can immediately start off with the ACE 53 SV.
Did I miss something or why are so many people using the SAR-21 now? Was it buffed?
It's probably because that thing has basically zero recoil so its very friendly to new players and it's also very good at medium to long ranges which is what 95% of BF4 gameplay falls into.
Did I miss something or why are so many people using the SAR-21 now? Was it buffed?
The starting weapons are completely viable. As long as you have decent recoil compensation and burst fire at ranges, you'll do just fine. The key to do good is know your maps. Know where the enemy can come from, and only move where you know there is cover.
Did I miss something or why are so many people using the SAR-21 now? Was it buffed?
I think the SAR-21 is ok (and people like its low spread, not its low recoil), but really, you're deluding yourself if you think it's good at "medium to long range". It's a CQC-Mid gun.
The starting weapons are completely viable. As long as you have decent recoil compensation and burst fire at ranges, you'll do just fine. The key to do good is know your maps. Know where the enemy can come from, and only move where you know there is cover.
I get that they are viable. It's more like I'm months behind this game and the amount of unlocks and time commitment to get those sort of things are almost overwhelming. Think about trying to unlock jet's at this point. I won't stand a chance in the sky.
I get that they are viable. It's more like I'm months behind this game and the amount of unlocks and time commitment to get those sort of things are almost overwhelming. Think about trying to unlock jet's at this point. I won't stand a chance in the sky.
Not even sorry
I just bought this game for XBO. These weapon unlocks are ludicrous. What the hell were they thinking? FOUR stalks? What the hell? How can I ever possibly compete against higher levels at this point? Any way to unlock this shit right away?
The starter weapons in the game are actually really good for new players.
If you go Assault the first 3 assault rifles are all really good. The AK12 is great and I would recommend it till the M416, you can pretty much stick to that till you unlock them all or find another AR that fits your style better. The SCAR-H can take practice to get used to but it's a monster if you can control it. For Engineer (PDW) I would just use the MX4 and do Domination or TDM with it (PDW's are great at close range situations). It will level fast and you will unlock Carbines and the AK-5C which is an amazing weapon. I would switch to the ACE 52 CQB once you unlock that. For Support (LMG) you might struggle with the U-100 MK5 for a bit, its pretty much a meh assault rifle disguised as an LMG. The second LMG though, the Type-88 LMG is amazing and you can use it pretty much all the way to the MG4.
The game can seem like a huge beast when you first start, but you really do get better with time. Go for the objectives, don't worry about your K/D and switch things up from time to time if you find yourself in a bad streak.
Thanks, Tubie. Any youtubers that are good for strategies or weapon guides? I don't know many who post BF4 vids like COD gameplay tip videos.
3 things.
Firstly, GG GAF, nice speaking to all of you. I and to bug out the party because other people joined. Also apologies Dominik, I didn't see the last message you had sent me.
Secondly, I know ThreeBarHero got some hate mail, who was the guy? I got one, it was tame, I also think I converted him to not hate me.
Lastly, M60 + Suppressor = Hnnnnnnng
Is that like, a toy story reference or something? Never seen it... are you making fun of me???![]()
Man, I was playing like shit earlier, though
Capping flags sounds too scary for me. People might shoot me if I try to do that.
Capping flags sounds too scary for me. People might shoot me if I try to do that.
You are the worst, Kane. At least I PTFO.
Is that like, a toy story reference or something? Never seen it... are you making fun of me???![]()
Stop looking at it as an impediment and start looking at it as an adventure and all the cool things you have to look forward to!
It was, but now we are going to make fun of you for not having seen Toy Story. How have you let this happen?
You are the worst, Kane. At least I PTFO.
Yeah, that's the dude! He shit talked me a bit but when I told him that he should live up to his name and learn to pilot aircraft, he claimed that I was taking him too seriously. Funny kid.
Man, I was playing like shit earlier, though. I don't know what was up, but I was physically disoriented in some way and was actually sweating trying to focus on the screen... I haven't really been like that before. I also had trouble not raging hard over the mic near the end of my series. I think I might be sick.
Somehow though, my stats didn't suffer. Thank god.
I'll try to get on tonight and see if this happens to me again. If I RQ abruptly, advance apologies, GAF.
with a suppressor on it
the M4 is really solid
When I used to employ carbines (I don't anymore, really, DMRs are so much better)
Ocho gets on point...
"Too many guys here I'm going to back up"
Ocho backs up into uncap
Rest of squad dies
Ocho goes 31-1....
A live tank is better than a dead tank.
Only if you can aim, though.
I'm glad if I don't have to waste an entire magazine on one guy.
A dead tank that took the objective is better than a tank that is alive and didn't take the objective.