Sound still cuts out. Really takes away from the immersion of the game.
That happened in BF3, too. It's not getting fixed.
Sound still cuts out. Really takes away from the immersion of the game.
That happened in BF3, too. It's not getting fixed.
To be fair, I've been playing their shitty campaign the last couple days and haven't had a corruption issue since that first week. I only have a few collectables and assignments and I'll be done with it for good.
No. But you get some multiplayer guns for playing through it. Also is a good showcase for the engine tech. That's about it.Is it really not worth playing through?
Is it really not worth playing through?
To be fair, I've been playing their shitty campaign the last couple days and haven't had a corruption issue since that first week. I only have a few collectables and assignments and I'll be done with it for good.
Is it really not worth playing through?
Sound still cuts out. Really takes away from the immersion of the game.
I like the campaign but I was high while playing it. SO MANY EXPLODEYS.
On one of my error reports I submitted I left a long detailed explanation about how I got up to make a Hot Pocket (true story) and came back to find my Beef4 crashed. I then went on to review the new Hot Pocket crust with the garlic-yness (day one purchase btw) and made a recommendation to the technician fielding my error report.
I know this is PS4 thread but I just have to rant on this BF4 related thing that happen last night playing on my X1.. so this fucking game still can't get it straight to put your party and friends on the same team.
Piss poor for a game that's supposed to be all team up for war and have friends on your team. Real cool DICE how 2 of us wanted to be on the same team and 3 games in a row where we started from the lobby it put us on two different teams.
What's the point? They market this game to be better than COD and want that crown and they can't even get the basics of putting you and a friend on the same team.
I know this is PS4 thread but I just have to rant on this BF4 related thing that happen last night playing on my X1.. so this fucking game still can't get it straight to put your party and friends on the same team.
Piss poor for a game that's supposed to be all team up for war and have friends on your team. Real cool DICE how 2 of us wanted to be on the same team and 3 games in a row where we started from the lobby it put us on two different teams.
What's the point? They market this game to be better than COD and want that crown and they can't even get the basics of putting you and a friend on the same team.
Is it really not worth playing through?
my gun unlocks did not carry over. very annoying. should I just redo campaign?Not on its own merits, no- but you do get gun unlocks from the campaign. The first couple of levels aren't so bad, but it starts to drag after that. Despite being a very short game, it's basically a chore to force yourself through the last half of it.
So nearly two weeks after I bought this game I still have to be worried about (re)-starting a single player campaign due to this save corruption issue.
What a fucking joke.
Yea, this was a known issue once people realized there was no party system built into the game. It still has been an issue with games that use dedi servers but at least let me group up before a match to make it easy for everyone to stick together. Seems like a no brainer in this day and age but we have seen a few developers make straight idiotic decisions at launch like no built in voice chat for a multiplayer session.
Me too. Not often but it still happens.Still crashing mid game for me on PS4 after the update
I hear they added a TIMER to conquest mode with this patch. Please tell me this isn't true...
A timer to conquest and not obliteration? Why?
20 min timer to oblit and 60 min to conquest from what I read. Not a big deal for conquest not many games go that long unless the teams are dead even.
I still haven't found out if people are having the same lag issues or if recording includes sound
LOL! This is getting sad, I want to try it out but I'm deathly afraid.-Reduced the probability of a corrupted save file in the single player campaign
I hear they added a TIMER to conquest mode with this patch. Please tell me this isn't true...
Really? I guess it's pretty rare, but I enjoy playing 1.5-2 hour long games and usually do.
I'm not enjoying the multiplayer as much in BF4. I've been playing BF games since 1942 on PC, and the snipers in this game are unreal. Anytime you venture outside of a building it's like people throwing firecrackers at you with all the bullets cracking around you. Seems it's the only class anyone plays. It also seems everyone who plays recon has a gamertag/PSN name like xXx_SNIPERd00d420_xXx which makes it even more aggravating.I'm glad I'm easily entertained... I actually enjoyed the campaign in BF3 and have enjoyed what I've played in BF4. What I don't enjoy is getting killed relentlessly in competitive multiplayer...
*waits for the inevitable wave of "You must suck at multiplayer, it's so easy to dominate!" replies*
20 minutes may be too short for Obliteration...
I didn't play AC4 because AC3.ive never played high. must try. back on topic, THIS OR AC4?![]()
gotta leave room to blame Sony's firmware.
I didn't play AC4 because AC3.
I don't know if anyone else has notice but sometimes shutting the game off (pressing the home button, selecting BF4, press the options button, and quit game) messes up the sound output on the PS4. My receiver shows the PS4 outputting DTS and Dolby simultaneously when this bug occurs and it continues to do this indefinitely. The only way to fix this bug is to turn off the PS4 and turn it on again.
i think you all are entitled so free Premium upgrade or free DLC for going through this shit...
I heard a rumor, is it true that you cant party up unless you have the Premium version?
I'm not enjoying the multiplayer as much in BF4. I've been playing BF games since 1942 on PC, and the snipers in this game are unreal. Anytime you venture outside of a building it's like people throwing firecrackers at you with all the bullets cracking around you. Seems it's the only class anyone plays. It also seems everyone who plays recon has a gamertag/PSN name like xXx_SNIPERd00d420_xXx which makes it even more aggravating.
Then again, I play on hardcore and all the sniper rifles are 1-shot kills, even if they hit you in the toe. Hopefully that gets
You can't party up period