Glorious Ownage
Awesome so glad we're getting this game fixed. They're pushing updates out pretty quickly behind the PC updates
DICE said:-Removed a bug that would double save during MP round transition and SP level transition. This fix will reduce the occurrence of corrupted save files
They also said they did so in BF3 several times and it still happens.
Official changelog is now up...
Guys... They fixed the sound drop out bug !!
They also said they did so in BF3 several times and it still happens.
Posted 40 minutes ago for PS4
Official changelog is now up...
Guys... They fixed the sound drop out bug !!
Just played a game of golmud and for the first time ever i haven't gotten the bug.
Same here. Played Golmud as my fourth conquest game and no problems.
They also said they did so in BF3 several times and it still happens.
I actually really like the counter idea. If you are coming at somebody from the front with a knife, you deserve what you get. Just from my experience, when you come at somebody from behind, they can't counter. At least I've never had them counter.
I also like it because it gives you an advantage over bush wookies. IMO, DICE's implementation of the counter is perfect.
Posted 40 minutes ago for PS4
One cool thing about next gen is how fast they can deploy patches.
The patch sounds like a winner.
Sooo is it safe to get Premium?
Just saying that you shouldn't get your hopes up that the audio glitches are completely gone.You remind me on my grandma, she would attach a negative string to everything.
Sooo is it safe to get Premium?
I'm also wondering this. I was debating between BF4 premium and CoD's Season Pass. I'm leaning towards preimum as much as it pains me to give more money to EA.
Only took how many frostbite games?
Official changelog is now up...
Guys... They fixed the sound drop out bug !!
It sounds like it may be safe to finally try out the multiplayer. I have been playing everything else I have on the PS4 while waiting for them to fix the bulshit.
So i started single player for a second time and again it deleted my save
I tried using the one i have on my USB stick but it fails to recognise it, same with the PS plus save that i tried to use . :-/
Is the game still corrupting saves?
I have been wondering this as well. I think I will hold out until a sale on Premium or Metro is released.
Have they fixed the FILTERING issue with Conquest on PS4??
When I attempt to filter the servers, it says no one is playing Conquest, or it was last time I checked.
No, but i use the battlelog browser and it works well on there for now.
?? So if i use battlelog I can actually select which map I want to play in Conquest?
i'm really tired of getting random maps (like Railway map which sucks)
Sorry guys, crashes stills happening, ingame BL still fuckd up.
Go buy premium to give more money to a joke company
What is different this time around that allows them to get patches out so much faster?
god damnit. was about to try a few rounds. i'll post my results.
Sooo is it safe to get Premium?
Sooo is it safe to get Premium?
I bought it and i've had no issues with it. Plus the China Rising maps that just came out are probably the best maps in the whole game in my opinion.
With this latest patch if you think you'll be playing Battlefield for the next 12 months I'd say it's worth it. Of course your millage my vary, as some people have a lot of technical issues with this game while others (like me) have no issues at all.
Is it better than/comparable to any BF3 premium content? In your opinion.
Is it better than/comparable to any BF3 premium content? In your opinion.