Good news that its even longer than Bayo 1, which was a pretty long game. I also wonder how they can outdo the epic bosses from 1. Can't wait to see what this final boss looks like
Did you watch the full stream till the end?
I can't see where they can go with it. The eyes of the world are gone, Aesir is in Balders body, ready to be killed in bayonetta 1, the human world is now at peace and the demon and human worlds are working together.
Unless they do a reboot or a prequelI don't see where they can go with bayonettas character, that isn't a rehase of what has gone before.Which they already kinda have now
They cant recon who is God a second time surely.
Can't wait to replay 1 and play 2 when they hit NA. This is gonna be the first game I pay for full price in a while (usually I wait for price drops or I find a good preorder deal on games online).
Had the game preordered for a while. The gamestop employee told me he didn't think it was worth it. Obviously he's wrong ;D
This ended damn near exactly the same way DMC3 ended: the man that has fallen victim to a lust for power, to right previous wrongs done unto him, sacrifices himself to stop the big bad villain...and gets taken over in the process. Even if the cycle repeats, the outcome could be different. The angels are still a problem and Aesir already knows she's going to try and stop him. They could keep with that storyline or take it in an entirely different direction, like Capcom did with DMC4.
Who knows.
I spoke to a mod and asked them what I should do, since the full OT isn't quite ready yet and the game is a month away, I did a really minimalistic one for the Japanese release.
I can finish the full one by the end of the weekend if this is a problem, but the mod I spoke to said it would be okay to go this route.
Did you watch the full stream till the end?
*heavy spoilers of the end game below*
I can't see where they can go with it. The eyes of the world are gone, Aesir is in Balders body, ready to be killed in bayonetta 1, the human world is now at peace and the demon and human worlds are working together.
Unless they do a reboot or a prequelI don't see where they can go with bayonettas character, that isn't a rehash of what has gone before.Which they already kinda have now
They cant recon who is God a second time surely.
I am super hyped for this game (I've got the first print edition pre-ordered) but I've never played Bayonetta. I have played and completed MGS: RR, which I really enjoyed because the combat was centered on timing with the parry system and zendatsu rather than stringing button combos together. It suited my gaming skills well. Does Bayonetta have any resemblance to RR's fighting system or am I gonna have to man the fuck up and learn some combos and crazy dodge skills? I kind of suck at Devil May Cry which has me worried!
he has a 7 hour long stream in his archive omg should I watch I am so temped
Yeah, I guess so. It was actually quite fitting becauseBalder is Basically vergil
I still maintain though if there is another story in that universe, it will either be a prequel or bayonetta wont be the star. Time will tell however.
Holy crap...the ENTIRE game is in English? Damn
I don't think it surpasses the original, But I don't think its worse either. They are literally 2 sides of the same coin. Now i've seen where this all goes, I can't imagine one without the other.
I'm not reading anything, i'm not watching anything.
Must be strong.
So much spoiler, must not read *-*
I'll be strong, see you in 5 weeks guys!
must resist reading
This OT title should be "No one said you could resist".
I think I got what are you trying to say. You mean the game has less verses where you fight normal enemies than the first one and the boss fights ratio is way too high? Please answer me without spoilers, I didn't watch any stream and i will not.
The full game was probably completed months and months ago. It wouldn't surprise me if it was done at E3.
Did the guy from the stream get all the weapons in that 7 hr playthrough?
To spread out releases. Hyrule Warriors this month. Bayo next.I never understood why people made such a fuss about region locking. I can't read Japanese. But man, I understand it now. I can't believe the Japanese version is fully localized for the west and Nintendo is not releasing the game for another 5 weeks. What's the point?
I watched the entire prologue. It looks so good and so crazy, it's not Christmas without caviar!!! I want to play it now =(
To spread out releases. Hyrule Warriors this month. Bayo next.
To spread out releases. Hyrule Warriors this month. Bayo next.
Mari Shimazaki drew this awesome illustration to commemorate the game launch:
Jesus, it's 2pm here and I'm just waking up, this is what happens when you play Bayonetta until 6am in the morning I guess!
Hmm, so did anyone in Europe pick the game up? I'm hoping to test out the multiplayer mode later tonight, would be great to have a local partner. : D
To spread out releases. Hyrule Warriors this month. Bayo next.
Jesus, it's 2pm here and I'm just waking up, this is what happens when you play Bayonetta until 6am in the morning I guess!
Hmm, so did anyone in Europe pick the game up? I'm hoping to test out the multiplayer mode later tonight, would be great to have a local partner. : D
The majority of people who want this game do not give a flying fuck about about hyrule warriors.
Some idiot at Nintendo must of thought the demographics overlapped. Clueless.
Holding back an amazing game to sell a shitty themed musou. Smh.
If they dont spread out releases then people would complain about software droughts.