I don't think he's even played Bayonetta 1, just speaking about demos and vids.
And bringing God of War into the comparison.
I don't think he's even played Bayonetta 1, just speaking about demos and vids.
Glad to see the scores average out at 9.
For its easy to learn but deep to master combat, varied enemies, bosses and environments. its not in the same league as s lot of other 90+ games, and here why I think that.
The visuals and art style while unique ar not everyones cup of tea
The story isnt winning any oscars
The gameplay could be tedious.
In the reviews there seems to be no one addressing, obvious points which many games may not like.
reviews are just an opinion, though a good reviewer should spend time and effort thinking about different points of view.
With B1 I played the demo on my 360 and thought ''mmmm a wacky fast paced action game'' I didnt think it was bad and can understand why people love it, but reviewers giving B1 and B2 perfect or near perfect scores I cant understand.
and I dont think I'am alone in this, I loved the god of war series including god of war 3, to me its in that higher tier of games that Bayonetta does not belong in and judging by the fact that god of war 3 sold 4.7 million on a single platform and Bayo 1 sold just over 2 million on two platforms supports what I think.
Dont get me wrong its clear its a solid action game but Just what is so special about this game in this day and age?
It's not even the highest scoring game this year! For all the doom and gloom, 2014 hasn't been a bad year at all.
Woah, man. I'd forgotten half of those were 2014 titles. It's been a cracking year!On the contrary Dave 2014 has been one of the best years in gaming for me ;D
On the contrary Dave 2014 has been one of the best years in gaming for me ;D I know you won't likely read through these but look at the amount of quality games that came out this year: (I used a list of course) Don't Starve, Broken Age, the Danganronpa games, The Last of Us Remastered, Donkey Kong Country Returns Tropical Freeze, South Park the Stick of Truth, Dark Souls II, Infamous Second Son, MGS Ground Zeroes, Bioshock Infinite burial at sea, Outlast, Child of Light, The Walking Dead Season 2, The Wolf Among Us, Transistor, Wolfenstein: New World Order, Mario Kart 8, Murdered, Valiant Hearts, Shovel Knight, Oddworld Abe's Odysee remake, Rogue Legacy, Diablo III UEE, Tales of XIllia 2, Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright, Destiny, Murasaki Baby, D4, Theatrythm Curtain Call, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Sherlock Holmes Crimes & Punishment, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, Forza Horizon 2, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Super Smash Bros 3DS, Alien Isolation, Driveclub, Bayonetta 2 and today The Evil Within. PHEW. BEAUTIFUL YEAR <3
If I was reviewing it I would give it a solid 88%
The visuals and art style while unique ar not everyones cup of tea
The story isnt winning any oscars
The gameplay could be tedious.
Woah, man. I'd forgotten half of those were 2014 titles. It's been a cracking year!
No wonder my backlog has its own backlog.
This is why it's not a good year for me. I've been too broke for most of the year and so many damn games came out that I need. My back log has at least doubled thanks to this year.
I loved the god of war series including god of war 3, to me its in that higher tier of games that Bayonetta does not belong in and judging by the fact that god of war 3 sold 4.7 million on a single platform and Bayo 1 sold just over 2 million on two platforms supports what I think.
Just finished the demo.
That was literally the first time ever I have played any Bayonetta whatsoever, and holy fucking shit, what is this glorious insanity!?
Just finished the demo.
That was literally the first time ever I have played any Bayonetta whatsoever, and holy fucking shit, what is this glorious insanity!?
It would be remiss to skate over Bayonetta herself, a character that has received significant criticism for allegedly pandering to a male audience. The criticism centres on the fact that Bayonetta has unrealistic proportions, and sometimes the camera lingers for a few seconds on her groin or some exposed flesh usually while shes booting some giant monsters face off. Bayonettas voice actor is also pretty smouldering.
This is obviously a topic with no right or wrong take. For my part, Bayonetta is certainly sexualised, but shes also smarter, wittier and tougher than every man in the game by a distance. Describing the character as simply sexist removes it from any context of her in-game actions: rather than spoiling the plot of Bayonetta 2, lets consider what she does in the first game. Among other things, BayonettaIm not saying this completely excuses the titillation, but I missed the bit where she does his laundry.kills every angel in heaven, demolishes the archangels in increasingly elaborate battles, lays the smackdown on the (male) Lumen sages, and rides a motorbike up the side of a launching space rocket. At the end she punches God into the sun.
The sheer polish applied to every part of Bayonetta 2 is something every major studio should aspire to: the exceptional and wide-ranging soundtrack, the huge number of unlocks, the Nintendo easter eggs, the making of materials, and the unlockable characters that bring their own style.
Great scores and congratulations to Platinum Games on getting deserved praise. But I didn't expect anything below 9s and 10s after the demo, the reviews aren't surprising to me.
I'm getting a bit annoyed about the complaining about the story though, as if this medium was known for great stories. To me, the plot and characters and Bayonetta work much better for the game than many other games, that take their stories much more seriously and dedicate much more time to them. There is no disconnect between cutscenes and gameplay, like when Nathan Drake or Lara Croft go from nice guy and scared little girl to serial killer and psychopath when the cutscene ends. I use Tomb Raider as an example, because it's one of the rare games with a female protagonist like Bayonetta, and because it's one of the few cinematic, narrative heavy games I played all the way to the end. That was because the game itself was fun and the story so dumb it became entertaining. That game takes its story so seriously, yet the writing is atrociously bad. Its heroine goes from victim that can't hurt a fly to mass murdering psychopath that enjoys mowing down hordes of people with a machine gun and ramming pick axes into heads while saying "go to hell" or "run you bastards" with the flip of a switch, from one moment to another. And the devs call this character development and creating a strong female character LOL (funny how Bayonetta, with its campiness and weird fantasy setting, and without hiring professional writers (that would only get a job in video games ), manages to create a more believable heroine that doesn't need to be a psychopath to be strong). Then we have gems like the David Cage games with their shitty writing, and like I mentioned the big disconnect between the characters in cutscenes and the actual gameplay, a problem that plaques many games.
The crucial difference between such games and Bayonetta is that Bayonetta doesn't take itself seriously. It doesn't try to be something it is not, it doesn't act like it's a serious story when it's terribly written. Like Bayonetta the character and her over the top sexiness, the game and its plot are self aware. There are some serious moments here and there, but these work because they only happen rarely. The cutscenes always have the same tone, the same over the top campiness and craziness that the gameplay has, there is no disconnect. The cutscenes are funny because the game is about you having fun playing it. That is why, to me, Bayonetta's story works very well for the type of game it is. It sets the stage for the action, it is self aware, it does a good job of world building and despite the silliness Platinum managed to make me like the characters so I can care enough about what happens to them to enjoy the story for what it is. So the story works and succeeds for what it tries to accomplish, which is more than I can say for many other games that make a bigger deal out of their stories.
The Guardian - 5/5
good review, but I don't see a score, where is it?
That makes 13 100's so far right? I can do an updated list.![]()
good review, but I don't see a score, where is it?
Those 5 stars under the review's title.good review, but I don't see a score, where is it?
Bayonetta 2 is a triumphant return for the series and for Platinum Games. Extreme bosses, a crazy good style and an addictive co-op mode are just the icing on top of an excellent fighting system. Go get it now for your Wii U.
Gamereactor Denmark's 100 score is still missing from the OP:
5 stars at the top, under the title.
The 5 red stars under the title.![]()
Those 5 stars under the review's title.
Czech Republic's LEVEL blurb is funny to me. How is it unimaginative?
This comes WITH the first one.I wasn't going to buy this (even though I own a Wii U) because I have never played the first one, but these reviews are persuading me. Lol.
Czech Republic's LEVEL blurb is funny to me. How is it unimaginative?
"On average, this publication grades 5 points lower than other critics." They are the EDGE of Eastern Europe.
I wonder how well Bayonetta 1 runs on Wii U. Considering the infamous PS3 port, I think this is a valid question.
Alongside the likes of Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Bayonetta stands out as one of the best ports available on the Wii U. It's clear that a lot of time and effort was poured into this release in order to preserve and in places improve upon the original experience. While it's not dramatically superior to the original Xbox 360 version, we'd have to give it the nod as the definitive version of the game. The elimination of screen-tear, faster loading, and solid performance levels make a huge difference.
I wonder how well Bayonetta 1 runs on Wii U. Considering the infamous PS3 port, I think this is a valid question.
Its said to run just as well as the X360 version with no screen tearing.I wonder how well Bayonetta 1 runs on Wii U. Considering the infamous PS3 port, I think this is a valid question.
knowing nintendo and how they cheap out on hardware, i'm guessing it will run worse than the ps3 version by quite a bit.
Yeah, sounds like they're reaching to justify the harsh score. Lame contrarianism to preserve their silly reputation.Czech Republic's LEVEL blurb is funny to me. How is it unimaginative?
I heard it looks and runs like an n64 game
The Guardian - 5/5
I heard the Bayonetta 1 Wii U port actually lowers the framerate of any other game you play within an hour, before or after.I've seen leaked footage on YouTube "search Bayonetta 1 wii u port" and go by Upload Date...shit looks like a fuckin' Virtual Boy slideshow man
no wonder they giving this shit away for free LMAO
I wasn't going to buy this (even though I own a Wii U) because I have never played the first one, but these reviews are persuading me. Lol.
Comparing Bayonetta to God Of Samegameoverandoveragain pls
God of War feels like a children's game compared to Bayonetta.
Comparing Bayonetta to God Of Samegameoverandoveragain pls
God of War feels like a children's game compared to Bayonetta.
I hop you're not serious