Is the demo a standalone experience or taken from main game?
If it's from the game I shall just skip it
It's the prologue, you should get it, nothing big spoiler wise.
Is the demo a standalone experience or taken from main game?
If it's from the game I shall just skip it
The point is that Bayonetta 2 will be the best game of the generation until Xenoblade X comes out.
I preordered mine a couple of weeks ago from Amazon jp, it's coming out at the end of this month. Don't know if it will be released in the west, I don't think the soundtrack for the first game was.
I wouldn't go that far. We still have a long time to go before next gen. Anything can happen before then.
Well, no kidding. It's been out a year longer than the competition. I know that doesn't matter when someone is looking to buy a console right now, but when you know the facts it really makes sense.
Nintendo and Next Level haven't announced their glorious Punch-Out!! sequel for WiI U yet, so you're absolutely right.
B-B-but the Wii U has no games?
jk, I think the WiiU has by far the best library at this moment and this won't change in the near future
If you doubt me, PM a mod and ask.Well, that's certainly a good attempt of a spin.
The ENTIRE industry is behind PS4 and XBO.
Message board hyperbole 101
All major console developers and publishers are focused exclusively on the PS4 and the Bone
Excuse me, just taking some words out of my mouth. Don't know how it ended up in there. No one said anything of the sort. I was just wondering what their marketing strategy is. If Call of Duty Ghost can still get great profits for what some people say isn't the best in the franchise by far, Nintendo can do a lot for a franchise that can only go up from it being "low selling". It's holiday season in a little more than a month, lets see what Nintendo can do. It's sitting on a shit ton of cash, make a perfect game (considered by a majority of mainstream reviewers) more than just a gem a few only get to play.
The straw that broke the piggy back
Intimating the entire video game industry is focused on PS4 and Xbox 1 is false. Limiting the subset to "major console developers" is closer to true. However it still doesn't accurately reflect the weak libraries of the consoles, which won't be fully resolved until late 2015.
Anyone claiming to be concerned about Bayonetta 2s inevitable low sales, let me put it this way;
Bayonetta 2 is going to outsell:
- Starwars 1313
- Starcraft: Ghost
- Shenmue 3
- Eight Days
- BC
- TimeSplitters 4
- Earthbound 64
Anyone claiming to be concerned about Bayonetta 2s inevitable low sales, let me put it this way;
Bayonetta 2 is going to outsell:
- Starwars 1313
- Starcraft: Ghost
- Shenmue 3
- Eight Days
- BC
- TimeSplitters 4
- Earthbound 64
Intimating the entire video game industry is focused on PS4 and Xbox 1 is false. Limiting the subset to "major console developers" is closer to true. However it still doesn't accurately reflect the weak libraries of the consoles, which won't be fully resolved ever?
Anyone claiming to be concerned about Bayonetta 2s inevitable low sales, let me put it this way;
Bayonetta 2 is going to outsell:
- Starwars 1313
- Starcraft: Ghost
- Shenmue 3
- Eight Days
- BC
- TimeSplitters 4
- Earthbound 64
Anyone claiming to be concerned about Bayonetta 2s inevitable low sales, let me put it this way;
Bayonetta 2 is going to outsell:
- Starwars 1313
- Starcraft: Ghost
- Shenmue 3
- Eight Days
- BC
- TimeSplitters 4
- Earthbound 64
Not really. The ENTIRE industry is behind PS4 and XBO.
Was still wondering mods, is port begging still a bannable offense?
I was so sad to see it go away from PS, but I'm glad it's getting the reviews it has. It's really a good game. I can only hope it moves WiiUs. Nintendo, be smart and make it a holiday bundle. Expand the player base. If you muck up this exclusive, I shall weep on a waste of a good game.
Anyone claiming to be concerned about Bayonetta 2s inevitable low sales, let me put it this way;
Bayonetta 2 is going to outsell:
- Starwars 1313
- Starcraft: Ghost
- Shenmue 3
- Eight Days
- BC
- TimeSplitters 4
- Earthbound 64
Who cares? The best game of the year is WiiU exclusive regardless.
Arguably the 3 or 4 best games of the year.
All other consoles have been so weak, including 3DS.
Smash Bros?
But yes I agree, Wii U has had a great year. Haters gon hate.
It's also going to outsell Bayonetta 2 for the PS3, X360, PS4, and XBO combined.
Smash Bros?
But yes I agree, Wii U has had a great year. Haters gon hate.
Pretty much almost every game not counting Wii U of course been getting some shitty scoresWho cares? The best game of the year is WiiU exclusive regardless.
Pretty much almost every game not counting Wii U of course been getting some shitty scores
I can't even think of any promising games coming out the rest of the year... LBP3 should be good I suppose, Dragon Age could be alright
The market hype monster games this year were all very mediocre.
Well, what exactly do you mean by 'wasted'? If this were a multi million selling franchise going to the Wii u then I could see your point but it's not. So, once again what do you mean by 'wasted'?
Who's hating?
Assuming Smash Wii U is slightly better than 3DS then it will definitely be a strong candidate imo.
Not according to MetacriticWho cares? The best game of the year is WiiU exclusive regardless.
Not according to Metacritic![]()
Why would LBP3 be good when every single game in the franchise has been subpar at best?I can't even think of any promising games coming out the rest of the year... LBP3 should be good I suppose, Dragon Age could be alright
The market hype monster games this year were all very mediocre.
those filthy bastards haven't updated their Tropical Freeze score to its proper 110/100
DK:TF was so underrated :/
Why would LBP3 be good when every single game in the franchise has been subpar at best?
What I saw this E3 showed that everything that was wrong with the franchise was still there in full force.
Edit: Btw, love your avatar. WH40K forever. We need a Space Marine 2.
Not according to Metacritic![]()
Over the top yet unimaginative. At least the fights are dynamic and the game itself can be a breath of fresh air, considering what else is available on the Wii U. [Issue#245]
Still wouldn't be true even with a 'but but but' as Shovel Knight 3DS is sitting at 92.Ports of last years or older games not withstanding.
Someone gave it a 60
Level (Czech Republic)
And this was right after all the 10s too :/
You know, as far as console devs go, Ninty really is the last of us.
Still wouldn't be true even with a 'but but but' as Shovel Knight 3DS is sitting at 92.
That said, my comment was entirely tongue-in-cheek. The best game of the year is whichever one you enjoyed most.
Still wouldn't be true even with a 'but but but' as Shovel Knight 3DS is sitting at 92.
How is this going over your head?Shovel Knight 3DS is sitting at 92...with 6 reviews...6...
How is this going over your head?
Am I being too meta?