Winner!Bayonetta 2 |OT| Nintendoes what Segadon't!
Winner!Bayonetta 2 |OT| Nintendoes what Segadon't!
This is going to end up with a below 90 metascore because of brain dead reviews like Polygons. Yes, the scores do matter, don't try and ruin a game's success because of your stupid irrelevant opinions that don't relate to the game's quality at all. Saddens me.
Publishers care about sales, not quality, though.
Awesome post. Bayonetta is a bad ass and owns the female sexuality that is so clumsily portrayed in a lot of media. Its like satire and empowerment in one giant ass kicking package. I think Gies might've seen it as the opposite. Oh well.I fundamentally disagree with Bayonetta being sexist and think a lot of people are confusing being sexy with perpetuating sexism. I don't see how anyone could walk away from Bayonetta respecting women and their right to choose their own path LESS. It might not be the kind of diversity Gies is looking for in a game, but a complete female power fantasy that completely ignores what males think is "cool" (just look at how many of them are ashamed of seeing female sexuality represented in such a dominant way) certainly isn't a theme that has been explored to death in video games.
That said, he's entitled to his opinion and if it bothered his enjoyment of the game, then he should certainly make that a part of his review. Honestly, I don't even care about reviews and especially not about games in this genre from people I generally disagree with (Gies being one of the top contenders). The only thing I was hoping for in reviews was that the game isn't a horrible piece of shit and that my Wii U purchase wasn't in vain. These scores and the demo put me at ease.
Utterly pathetic. Platinum aren't crying over Polygon's review, why are you? Enjoy the damn game.
Does Gies not get Bayonetta at all? That blatant over the top fan service is like who she is. Was he expecting her to become a nun in the sequel?
I think it's part of a larger challenge of where reviews are going in the internet age. There's a wider base of voices, and ways to be heard than ever before. That opens limitless possibilities for how we critique a piece of media.
Yet, most people only see reviews through aggregators. Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes are useful tools for the average consumer, because they're damn good at giving you a baseline expectation. I can see a green splotch on a movie's page, and 90% of the time it'll predict my enjoyment of it.
The reality is that people don't read reviews. They read scores. That number is Polygon's most lasting contribution to Bayonetta 2, whether they like it or not. Should it take into account something beyond the game's control? What good does that do a consumer if it's not accurate to the experience they pay for?
I think the best move is to write scored reviews as they'll be used. Then, if you want to write a more intimate look at the game - don't put a number on it.
Because the Naughty Dog games are fantastic and deserve the reviews they get, It sounds like Bayonetta 2 does as well. I have no interest in it but good on platinum for making another great game.Why are people comparing Bayonetta to those Naughty Dog movies?
I think you'd be surprised.
Bayonetta 2 |OT| Nintendoes what Segadon't!
This is going to end up with a below 90 metascore because of brain dead reviews like Polygons. Yes, the scores do matter, don't try and ruin a game's success because of your stupid irrelevant opinions that don't relate to the game's quality at all. Saddens me.
This is a great post in so many ways.I feel like 3D World was this
While Tropical Freeze was THIS
I shudder to think what Bayonetta is...
All of my support.Bayonetta 2 |OT| Nintendoes what Segadon't!
Polygon's review reads like someone going into a strip club to get a drink they love and getting mad when there are tits everywhere.
Bayonetta 2 |OT| Thank You Mario, But The Queen Has Taken Over The Castle
Bayonetta 2 OT - They're stealing OUR 10/10's!
Polygon's review reads like someone going into a strip club to get a drink they love and getting mad when there are tits everywhere.
To repeat myself (forgive me, trying to get my point across), it's as if a reviewer of Gears of War commented that he thought the chainsaw kills were too violent, then made the same comments and lowered the score for Gears of War 2 because you can still chainsaw locusts and in many ways it's even bloodier now. Now Gears of War 3 comes... and guess what, the IP always incorporated gore and chainsawing dudes, and will continue to feature these things. To have a problem with that is to have a problem with the franchise, and has nothing to do with the quality of the games.
Now that's good.Bayonetta 2 |OT| Nintendoes what Segadon't!
Eh, there aren't enough character action games (really, the last great one was released in 2009/2010 and that was the first Bayonetta) and Bayonetta in itself is a game like no other, so a second game in its style that doesn't reinvent the wheel is hardly grounds for calling for some Grand Rejuvenation of the whole genre.Hey, so, my thoughts.
First, here's my review.
I love me some character-action games, and I recognize Bayonetta as one of the best and deepest in that genre. But I'm also sort of over this kind of game. We've been playing these types of things for a while now, and I don't think Bayonetta 2 does too much to totally rejuvenate this style.
But that's about the worst thing I can say about it. I loved my time with it, and I think that Bayonetta is just the coolest fucking person in a video game, movie, book, or comic right now.
Everyone but Polygon raving about it? So it's fucking amazing.
Best sidescrolling platformer of all time and now the best action game of all time (IMO). Been agoodfantastic year for Nintendo.
I went and read the whole Polygon review... big focus on the oversexualation part in the article. Don't really understand the multplayer gripes either thats what the mode is a competitive vs mode to see who scores more.
Ressing a downed partner should be a choice if you think you can solo the rest of the enemies you are rewarded with victory if you die you look stupid for not bringing your friend back.
Some choice quotes:
I mean he talks about this way more then anything else in his review. It seems like hes really offended by this so why is he reviewing the game when its clear he can't deal with sexualized women in video games?
Bayonetta 2 |OT| Nintendoes what Segadon't!
Of course the reviewer can have his opinion, but I believe the Polygon review does a poor job actually doing its readers a service.
Coming to a review of Bayonetta 2, it's likely the reader already has some idea of what playing Bayonetta entails. Even if they don't, a warning up at the top regarding the game's views and presentation on sexuality is certainly warranted. However, the reader of this review wants to be informed of the quality of the game itself, and the Polygon review does a relatively poor job at this...everything is "tainted" by personal ideology.
The place for that sort of discussion should be in an opinion piece. For readers who are interested in the series, it was a fairly useless and dismissive review.
Some odd reactions to that single review here.
Great to see the game coming out well (and I don't own the system). If it is as good as the reviews state let's hope it sells well enough to encourge more of the same quality.
I question that you even read the review if you actually think the quotes you pulled make up "way more then anything else in his review."
This is the nature of criticism. That stuff obviously had an impact on how much he was able to enjoy the game and he wrote a review that reflected that while simultaneously praising the gameplay mechanics.
Game journalists/critics shouldn't care at all about these industry's shenanigans when they review something.It's a little more than that when developer bonuses are often directly tied to Metacritic scores. We're talking about people's livelihoods.
This is my favorite thread in a whileYou guys are amazing.
That would be perfectly fine. If people keep on doing bad things, in your mind, are you not allowed to criticize them? I mean, just for example, should people stop saying Transformers movies are bad because Michael Bay isn't going to change? Of course not.
I went and read the whole Polygon review... big focus on the oversexualation part in the article. Don't really understand the multplayer gripes either thats what the mode is a competitive vs mode to see who scores more.
Ressing a downed partner should be a choice if you think you can solo the rest of the enemies you are rewarded with victory if you die you look stupid for not bringing your friend back.
Some choice quotes:
I mean he talks about this way more then anything else in his review. It seems like hes really offended by this so why is he reviewing the game when its clear he can't deal with sexualized women in video games?
Haha. Polygon as always being Polygon. Marking down the game due to some stupid gender politics.
Smash Bros. am cryWith New Super Mario Bros. WiiU, ZombieU, Bayonetta 2, Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Country Returns Tropical Freeze, the next Fatal Frame, The Wonderful 101 and X the WiiU is a great buy for those games alone.
Nice. Or maybe Sega don't what Nintendo?Bayonetta 2 |OT| Nintendoes what Segadon't!
Bayonetta 2 |OT| Hope you have a Wii U!![]()