Agreed. I think the practice/loading screen helped a ton in my progression. Seeing a zero next to a move drives me to learn it and use it in the next verse. Also I love the feeling of seeing minibosses as trash later on knowing I can crush them now. The turning point for me was the verse that had the two claw guys then immediately spawned two more right after they died. I discovered the different weapons and really started to master the collection of combos and dodge offset.Hawkian said:Working my way through all the Alfheims on Normal.
The feeling of progression in skill in this game is unmatched in the action genre... Whereas before I simply accepted dying 4 or 5 times a level on my first playthrough as par for the course, on this time around I am truly shocked any time something manages to kill me (and it's usually a QTE :lol)
Hawkian said:Think you might mean Space Harrier?
Just beat NSIC. Man, I really need to get rid of all these stone awards. :lol
edit: that's 40 hrs, btw. And I feel like I haven't really scratched the surface here in some ways. I know I still don't have all the weapons.
palpabl_purpura said:Two words- Pulley's butterfly
Hawkian said:Screw the Kilgore glitch. What does Pulley's Butterfly do? Haven't bought it yet.
Fimbulvetr said:Makes three(?) copies of you that follow your every movement.
So every single attack you do becomes three(triple the damage, triple the flinching).
Hawkian said:So Pulley's Butterfly over Evil Harvest Rosary?
Sohter.Nura said:Every item has a situation.
I usually play with Mahaa Kaalaa + Gaze of Despair + Pulley's Butterfly.
Sometimes I have to change to Evil Harvest, sometimes I take pulley's butterfly because I don't like it, it really all depends.
Hawkian said:How do you get three accessory slots?
Gaze of Despair essentially just makes the game harder, right? :lol
bry-bry said:Nope, that's Sergey's Lover. Pulley's Butterfly uses your magic gauge to absorb damage.
Gaze also increases your halo rewards. With it, you can get over a million halos on the chapter 7 boss. Playing through all of easy with Gaze on will earn you a nice pile as well.Hawkian said:How do you get three accessory slots?
Gaze of Despair essentially just makes the game harder, right? :lol
Sir Ilpalazzo said:Pulley's Butterfly is incredibly effective to the point of being near-broken. The only downside is that sometimes it's easy to lose all of your butterflies and not notice it, but that's probably just me.
Likewise, mine finally came in last Friday. Awesome guide!Dead said:Finally got my LE Guide. Jesus this thing is MASSIVE. So much info, so much art. Looks just amazing![]()
Luckily it wasnt damaged at all despite the moronic DHL delivery guy just throwing the parcel on the pavement several feet away from the door. Ugh.
palpabl_purpura said:Top 10 overpowered things in Bayonetta
1) Climax Bracelett
2) Pulley's Butterfly
3) Kilgore Glitch
4) Flame Durgas/switch
5) Whip hold and pull
6) Bazillions
7) Rodin (esp flame spin)
8) back, forward + K/instant weaves
9) Rosary Beads
10)Bracelet of time
Honorable mention: breakdance with certain weapons equipped (i.e. Bazillions on hands, Killgores on feet)
Hawkian said:Doesn't climax bracelet disqualify you completely from all leaderboards and such? Not that mine have ever loaded on PS3. Can anyone help me with that by the way?
And it would seem to me from 4 onward you're just identifying effective techniques :lol
Hawkian said:Rodin does mention hooking up with Ammy or something, though. :lol
Cant wait to read it. I was surprised the interview is so long. Its like the type you usually see at the back of Japanese artbooks.Air Zombie Meat said:Just thought I'd share some amusing trivia from the interview in the guide. In the intro, Sega's logo was also on one of the gravestones. However, Sega were upset about having thier company logo on a gravestone (lol) so Kamiya had to change it at the last minute, which is when he made up the Team Little Angels thing on the spot to replace it.
He was also planning on an Amaterasu costume for Bayonetta but Capcom said no. Big companies not being able to take a joke as Kamiya puts it![]()
thundr51 said:Maybe i'm using Pulley's butterfly wrong but it doesn't seem to be that broken. It seems like it only takes 1 hit and they're all gone. Also, doesn't it only work as long as you have magic? Maybe I'll try playing with it again tonight.
prodystopian said:The game has dropped to $44.99 on Amazon (PS3 version):
I'd be picking it up today if I hadn't just bought Demon's Souls and NGS2.
unagisensei said:What's worth playing first, this or GOW III? I might play both eventually, but I know I'll be too burned out on action games for a while to play both back to back...
palpabl_purpura said:Top 10 overpowered things in Bayonetta
1) Climax Bracelett
2) Pulley's Butterfly
3) Kilgore Glitch
4) Flame Durgas/switch
5) Whip hold and pull
6) Bazillions
7) Rodin (esp flame spin)
8) back, forward + K/instant weaves
9) Rosary Beads
10)Bracelet of time
Honorable mention: breakdance with certain weapons equipped (i.e. Bazillions on hands, Killgores on feet)
0 HP said:i want to get a ps3 this week and this game is at the top of my list. can someone PLEASE just give it to me straight about the ps3 port? how would you describe it? are there load times every time you go into the menu/pause? how long are they? how bad is the slowdown? my friend back home has this game and he says theres no load time or slowdown after you do some new install that just came accurate is that? i'm pretty pumped on this game after seeing some of the boss fights, but i wouldn't mind skipping it if the ps version is annoying/crappy. idk when/if i'll get a 360 though.
thanks ^_^
mjemirzian said:That's not a good list if you're playing for score or pure platinums, or if you're playing on NSIC mode.. which you should be if you're bothering to list 'overpowered' things in the game. Climax Bracelet disqualifies you from scoring, and Rodin has such a terrible combo point to damage ratio that you'll never get a good combo score with it.
I'd say it's
1. Kilgore Glitch
2. Pulley's Butterfly
3. Evil Harvest Rosary
4. Bracelet of Time
5. Shuraba Tetsuzanko
6. whatever else..
Hawkian said:Gaze of Despair makes the game harder. He isn't including the Climax Bracelet on the list because the game itself is acknowledging it's broken by killing your score, and he excepts Rodin because it has a large disadvantage even if it's overpowered. The items listed would seem to be the easiest ways to do well without the game penalizing you in any way.
If you have an Xbox 360, just wait for that version to price drop.corkscrewblow said:So... PS3 version worth $40?
palpabl_purpura said:No, that isn't the point. GOD increases your combo score significantly, so yes, if you are going for score, it is quite a powerful acessory; almost essential in some situations. So if your goal is the highest score possible, there no doubt that GOD will make that difference.