Trin3785 said:Gotta say Co-op doesnt sound like a good match for Bayonetta (does everything have to be co-op?) But Shaolin Monks was good so it could work.
In the credits,
fighting together with an AI Jeanne
Trin3785 said:Gotta say Co-op doesnt sound like a good match for Bayonetta (does everything have to be co-op?) But Shaolin Monks was good so it could work.
Koralsky said:
Net_Wrecker said:Holy crap Bayonetta DRAWS a B and a heart with her bullets if you shoot at a wall? :LOL
This game is so amazing.
palpabl_purpura said:Guess you aren't happy with the 360 version either then. .
I love me some Suda51 and No More Heroes, but Kamiya doesn't have to improve in any way that Suda could help him.Jintor said:After playing some serious NMH Heroes Paradise I can honestly say I want Kamiya and Suda to team the fuck up already; Suda NEEDS Kamiya's control mastery so that his games can be even more awesome. Although this Mikami thing I can see working out as well.
Fimbulvetr said:That little factoid honestly just made my day.
I don't know about Bayonetta 2 but I love the little factoids he's dropping. More devs should do this (aside from Valve).Koralsky said:
i would love to play that. maybe for bayo 2?TreIII said:Same here. Interesting to hear about that action scene that got cut too.
Jintor said:After playing some serious NMH Heroes Paradise I can honestly say I want Kamiya and Suda to team the fuck up already; Suda NEEDS Kamiya's control mastery so that his games can be even more awesome. Although this Mikami thing I can see working out as well.
He doesn't want to any more, now that Okamiden exists.2th said:the only Kamiya needs to do is another Okami and not this Okamiden bullshit that was made without him.
Roto13 said:He doesn't want to any more, now that Okamiden exists.
ToyMachine228 said:Finally got around to picking up Bayonetta and I'm about four hours in. The core combat is great. Great controls all around. I really don't like the music though. Comes off as very generic, and it's not really a style I like.
Speaking of style, although I don't like Bayonetta's colorful and girly style as much as say, Devil May Cry, I do like the alternate take. Bayonetta being a female, the poses, the color very different color pallet, butterflies, etc. Very unique in today's games.
Not really liking the presentation or story much however. I don't understand all this "Third Sphere" and "Second Sphere" shit. Not really interested in the universe at all. I am interested in Bayonetta's past a bit but I could care less about the war between the witches or whatever is going on.
Definitely notice some subtle Sega touches...A lot of things remind me of Sonic. A few nods to previous Capcom games made me chuckle.
I've found some strange checkpoints and a few frustrations with the save system too.
Overall I'm enjoying it, but I don't think it's quite the godsend that many people make it out to be.
Jintor said:It gets so much better once you know what the fuck you're doing. This game gets incredible the more you play it. And the OST is anything but generic.
/edit watching the commentary again, still amazed by dodge offset
ToyMachine228 said:Finally got around to picking up Bayonetta and I'm about four hours in. The core combat is great. Great controls all around. I really don't like the music though. Comes off as very generic, and it's not really a style I like.
Speaking of style, although I don't like Bayonetta's colorful and girly style as much as say, Devil May Cry, I do like the alternate take. Bayonetta being a female, the poses, the color very different color pallet, butterflies, etc. Very unique in today's games.
Not really liking the presentation or story much however. I don't understand all this "Third Sphere" and "Second Sphere" shit. Not really interested in the universe at all. I am interested in Bayonetta's past a bit but I could care less about the war between the witches or whatever is going on.
Definitely notice some subtle Sega touches...A lot of things remind me of Sonic. A few nods to previous Capcom games made me chuckle.
I've found some strange checkpoints and a few frustrations with the save system too.
Overall I'm enjoying it, but I don't think it's quite the godsend that many people make it out to be.
LALILULELO said:I heard he is RISING to the top.
Curufinwe said:Anyone here buy Bayonetta as a Games on Demand title despite already owning the disc? I kind of want to do that so I can work on improving my chapter ranks whenever, without having to get up and swap discs.
vid said:I just finished this... and... I don't even know what to say. I sort of feel like no other game will ever be able to satisfy me again. Every single stage that went by, I felt like it couldn't possibly get any better.
And then came [spoilers]Space Harrier[/spoilers], and it was just a straight, balls to the wall, oh my god I hope this game never ever ends, shot all the way to the credits. All of the credits.
I don't even know what to do now. I'm completely flabbergasted, and left... completely exhausted and satisfied by this game.
I feel like a fucking celebrity in this town.
cj_iwakura said:I tried doing two of optional portals, and I only cleared one. The first one was nuts. Is there a way to use the summon attacks without building up a chain first?
Also, this game is wonderful, but the SH stage did get on my nerves when I kept dying.
I'm playing the PS3 version, and the framerate doesn't bother me. It gets a little jumpy during cutscenes, that's it.
So far, Cheshire's had all my favorite lines, aside from
LALILULELO said:I heard he is RISING to the top.
2Crisis said:Are you talking about the Alfheims? Which #?
And yea, with the patch the PS3 performance was greatly improved. It really only chugs at 2 or 3 points now. One of which is the very beginning which sadly throws off a lot people.
cj_iwakura said:Not sure. It required you to hurt the enemies using just the hair (demon summon) attacks.
opticalmace said:I know on launch the PS3 version had issues compared to the 360 one.
Have these issues been rectified? I don't have a 360 and I'm thinking about picking this up for PS3.
Grizzlyjin said:I'm not mistaken R1 + <--- ---> + main attack will do this (PS3 version). I can't remember if the motion is a quick forward and back, or side to side. But I was messing around with it yesterday, and it instantly summons the hair.
Well, bullocks.sleepykyo said:Loading? Yes via an install option.
Frame rate? No.
opticalmace said:Well, bullocks.
The intro sequence and then one more area closer to the end of the game suffer the worst from the framerate issues. Both of those sections end up feeling like they are in slow motion at times.jett said:Bought the poor man's version. Dear lord the framerate dropped to unplayable levels in the intro. PS3 port is proof that these type of games don't work on anything other than 60fps. I weep for DmC.
I've played an hour or so. I'm having fun but the performance is really bothering me, even cut-scenes aren't safe, the action set-pieces in them are barely watchable. Framerate is just too cinematic for my tastes.I hope I can get used to it in time.
Amory Blaine said:Playing through this on easy mode, since I really just wanna experience the crazy story. Can someone explain what a "temporal witch power" is? I've reached a door I can't open.