They really wanted that chin, eh?
Affleck's chin is actually the thing I like least about this announcement.
They really wanted that chin, eh?
I'm not saying this situation is similar but since it's been mentioned in this thread, it's fun to look back on things.
eh, you got me there.Even Orlando Bloom?
Come on, you guys can't even think clearly anymore.
I'm just glad they finally picked an actor who's believable physically as Batman. Everyone else has been too short (Keaton, Clooney) and/or scrawny (Bale). Kilmer was probably the closest but that movie had far bigger problems. And there's no doubt that Affleck will get ripped for this.
His acting will be fine and his voice can only be an improvement over the tortured growl of Bale. I'm all for it.
A 13 picture deal for Affleck? Yeah right.
Is this source reliable?
I'm not saying this situation is similar but since it's been mentioned in this thread, it's fun to look back on things.
A 13 picture deal for Affleck? Yeah right.
Even Orlando Bloom?
Ahahahaha if Matt Damon is Aquaman. Batman/Aquaman is the new World's Finest.
Matt Damon as Aquaman or MM :lol :lol
No, Damon is commissioner Gordon
obviously he hasn't or else there wouldn't be such a backlash everywhere online
I imagine Joseph Gordon Levitt is sounding really nice, right about now...
I don't get this upcoming movie....is it a Superman movie with a Batman cameo? Is it Superman vs Batman? Is it a remake of Dark Knight Returns? The whole thing just reeks of "we want dat avengers $"
About time they get a good actor for the role.
I'd want it to happen just to see the reaction.
Levitt over Affleck? lol no.
About time they get a good actor for the role.
A 13 picture deal for Affleck? Yeah right.
I would like a younger lex. Someone closer to supe's age
How could you call this casting "safe" in the face of the last 24 hours worth of shitstorm?
Ha. If it reaches 10000 wouldn't that be a statistical significant proportion?
I'm not saying this situation is similar but since it's been mentioned in this thread, it's fun to look back on things.
I didn't mean safe for geek culture, I meant safe for mainstream appeal.