not a difficult feat since there hasn't been a decent Batman since.
Except for the three really great ones, of course.
not a difficult feat since there hasn't been a decent Batman since.
Except for the three really great ones, of course.
Kevin Conroy
Kevin Conroy
and Kevin Conroy
You know with Ben Affleck now as Batman and him having such a close relationship with Warner Bros in regard this is own films he's really in a position to offer suggestions in regard to the script and how something is directed. This could potentially be a a significant positive for those that have concerns regarding both Snyder and Goyer. Are they going to ignore the Oscar award winning director that could potentially go on to direct a Batman film and in turn make their own film look worse by comparison if they ignore his input. He's a director and writer himself and he might not want to step on their toes but if he does feel the need (why wouldn't he if something really stands out to him as not working or there could be a better way) to say something, being an actor, director, and comic book nerd himself (I believe this has been the case) would they really be in the position to not to listen?
Darn, you stole my ace.
Was gonna go with Christian Bale, Conroy andPeter Weller.
andPeter Weller.
Has this been posted? THR suggests Affleck's deal may include directing and starring in Justice League:
lol would honestly be a worthwhile reboot if he did the accent
I liked DD Directors Cut. The changes were pretty different.
Has this been posted? THR suggests Affleck's deal may include directing and starring in Justice League:
Has this been posted? THR suggests Affleck's deal may include directing and starring in Justice League:
Has this been posted? THR suggests Affleck's deal may include directing and starring in Justice League:
Justice League: Batman beats everyone
Has this been posted? THR suggests Affleck's deal may include directing and starring in Justice League:
I thought Bruce Greenwood was pretty good too
Your nerd god has spoken.
Check out @josswhedon's Tweet:
Your nerd god has spoken.
Check out @josswhedon's Tweet:
Your nerd god has spoken.
Check out @josswhedon's Tweet:
Your nerd god has spoken.
Check out @josswhedon's Tweet:
Wow, I really don't get the fan backlash on this one. The dude has made some bad movies sure, but he's been pretty damn impressive lately. I thought he was great in Argo and The Town. It'll be a different Batman than we're used to, but after three movies of Christian Bale straining his voice to sound like a badass I'm all for a different direction.
Has this been posted? THR suggests Affleck's deal may include directing and starring in Justice League:
They're competing?it's easy to be nice when you know you're going to win
Joss Whedon ✔ @josswhedon
Affleck'll crush it. He's got the chops, he's got the chin -- just needs the material. Affleck & Cavill toe to toe -- I'm in.
10:45 PM - 23 Aug 2013
lol. Fantastic.This surprisingly relevant and funny today. It's a clip from Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back where Ben Affleck is explaining to the Jay and Silent Bob what internet commenters are. Someone uploaded the scene today.
This surprisingly relevant and funny today. It's a clip from Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back where Ben Affleck is explaining to the Jay and Silent Bob what internet commenters are. Someone uploaded the scene today.
The worst part about this casting decision?
Ben Affleck won't be directing Stephen King's "The Stand". So much for that having a chance at being a quality film(s).
This surprisingly relevant and funny today. It's a clip from Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back where Ben Affleck is explaining to the Jay and Silent Bob what internet commenters are. Someone uploaded the scene today.
If you mean this one, it's a shop from tumblr. If it were official it would've been in the press release.
This surprisingly relevant and funny today. It's a clip from Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back where Ben Affleck is explaining to the Jay and Silent Bob what internet commenters are. Someone uploaded the scene today.
Ben Affleck is a better director than Joss Whedon
Make it a crime film.The best director working today with most Best Director Oscar awards couldn't direct a Hulk movie for shit. The fact that Ben Afflect can direct a good thriller doesn't mean he can direct a much larger scaled action fantasy movie.
People in this thread don't understand there are specialization in movie directing.
The best director working today with most Best Director Oscar awards couldn't direct a Hulk movie for shit. The fact that Ben Afflect can direct a good thriller doesn't mean he can direct a much larger scaled action fantasy movie.
People in this thread don't understand there are specialization in movie directing.
This surprisingly relevant and funny today. It's a clip from Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back where Ben Affleck is explaining to the Jay and Silent Bob what internet commenters are. Someone uploaded the scene today.