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Best 3D Soulslike?


Curious that some people like surge more than surge 2.

Like ok, atmosphere and story were much better, especially atmosphere, but cmon the second one has a way bigger and interconnected map, gameplay is improved, weapon variety is vastly improved, enemy variety is improved, boss are improved, the drone ranged is finally useful, more build variety and upgrades, it just beat the first one in so many aspects.

First one has great level design but some areas are too samey and it's hard to have visual references to where you are.

In the end, i surely don't play souls games for the plot.

Also yeah, the remnant games, by far the best souls with guns, they both nails puzzles and exploration.


No, but "dolmen" is slang for dick in Swedish, basically "the dong". So that's a plus in my book.


Curious that some people like surge more than surge 2.

Like ok, atmosphere and story were much better, especially atmosphere, but cmon the second one has a way bigger and interconnected map, gameplay is improved, weapon variety is vastly improved, enemy variety is improved, boss are improved, the drone ranged is finally useful, more build variety and upgrades, it just beat the first one in so many aspects.

First one has great level design but some areas are too samey and it's hard to have visual references to where you are.

In the end, i surely don't play souls games for the plot.

Also yeah, the remnant games, by far the best souls with guns, they both nails puzzles and exploration.

I can't say I agree about The Surge 2. It's a fun game, but it felt like a downgrade.
The big open levels were not as satisfying to explore, since they're incredibly linear compared to the intricate grid of the first game.
I think 2 may actually have fewer enemy-varieties than 1? And most of the new weapons and upgrades aren't any good.

The Surge 2 is a decent-enough game, but The Surge 1 is downright great.
I own the DLC for The Surge 2 and haven't even bothered to play it, whereas I immediately replayed The Surge 1 after beating it.

I also don't consider instance-based games to be Souls-likes, which eliminates Nioh and Remnant and many others, but I appear to be mostly alone in that thought.

I also would really like Mortal Shell, if it wasn't for the horrible healing mechanic and the inability to swap shells/weapons at resting places.

Code Vein actually has pretty interesting levels, and the combat is passable. The combat is mostly fair, other than a few enemy-spam areas, and I enjoyed the game overall. The storyline and cutscenes are embarrassing to be near, but you can luckily skip all of them within just a few seconds.
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I can't say I agree about The Surge 2. It's a fun game, but it felt like a downgrade.
The big open levels were not as satisfying to explore, since they're incredibly linear compared to the intricate grid of the first game.
I think 2 may actually have fewer enemy-varieties than 1? And most of the new weapons and upgrades aren't any good.

The Surge 2 is a decent-enough game, but The Surge 1 is downright great.
I own the DLC for The Surge 2 and haven't even bothered to play it, whereas I immediately replayed The Surge 1 after beating it.

I also don't consider instance-based games to be Souls-likes, which eliminates Nioh and Remnant and many others, but I appear to be mostly alone in that thought.

I also would really like Mortal Shell, if it wasn't for the horrible healing mechanic and the inability to swap shells/weapons at resting places.

Code Vein actually has pretty interesting levels, and the combat is passable. The combat is mostly fair, other than a few enemy-spam areas, and I enjoyed the game overall. The storyline and cutscenes are embarrassing to be near, but you can luckily skip all of them within just a few seconds.
Completely disagree.

Incredibly linear? Less enemies? Bad new weapons and power ups?

Yeah i can't get behind that at all.

The map felt incredible to explore, every angle had secrets or shortcuts and it was visually varied enough to know where the fuck you were and the new weapons all felt great to use with fun moveset and mechanics.
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For me:

1.Nioh (1 and 2)
2.Wo Long
4.The Surge (1 and 2)
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My personal pick is Code Vein. The game I enjoyed the most in the genre. Excellent visuals, very clean and smooth. Great gameplay mechanics, tight, interesting possibilities with the several Codes you can equip. And the artstyle is excellent, as well as the character creator. Even the narrative part was much better than expected, quite the surprise. I hope we get a sequel !

Wo Long was excellent as well, more intense in its action gameplay. Super tight as usual with KT. Enjoyed it from beginning to end. Highly recommended.
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Mortal Shell was garbage, as was Lords of the Fallen. The only good 3D Soulslike not made by From was Nioh and Wo Long, reason being they take elements from Souls but made something that is wholly their own.
Remnant gets a mention but its only loosely like a Soulslike.

El Muerto

Ni-Oh > The Surge > Steelrising > Thymesia > Lords of the Fallen. Haven't played Wo Long yet. Mortal shell has an excellent art style but hated the gameplay.


I loved Nioh until the end of the main campaign. As soon as I hit the DLC I hit a wall and went from 9/10 enjoyment to 1/10, and I dropped it almost immediately. I also found that through the standard progression of the game it would give you drops of a weapon type, you'd find one you like and use it, then the game would refuse to give you more of that type until you switched out to something else. Like some tonfa? Cool, I hope you like it being unusably underpowered long before you get more tonfa.


Calling them just "souls-like" is a bit reductive but Nioh 1 and 2 are great.
2 in particular was really good with better level design and art direction, cool new mechanics and a more enjoyable story. I need to play the DLC one of these days as I've heard it's great.
By "Soulslike" I read "blatant clone of Dark Souls"
So there are none, because all of them just try to copy Dark Souls and never manage to surpass it.

Only games that can stand on their own two feet can achieve something better or equivalent.
That is, games that go their own way instead of following trends.

Such as Dragon's Dogma.


Gold Member
Nioh and Nioh 2 are obviously great games but they shouldn't really be counted as soulslike, other than using the souls and bonfire mechanics, Nioh is more of in-depth action-oriented dungeon looter game.

To strictly fit the souslike category, The surge is solid; Code Vein is actually easy-mode if you use companions; I also heard good stuff about Thymesia but it is still laying in my backlog.
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