I'm looking to go el cheapo, folks. Remember that before you go uber-l33t on me; I'm well aware of the more expensive options, but that's not what I want. I'm not big on PC gaming. I am big on quiet computing, though. 
Here's the deal: I don't want to spend more than $100-150 because sometime starting between next year or the year after, I'm going to build a much better machine. I'd rather wait for the dual core A64's to go down in price significantly (the really good ones), and that's going to take a while.
In the meantime, I need some kind of temporary solution, so that's why I want to go cheap. This may actually suffice for more than a couple years if Vista doesn't run like crap on what I end up getting, and I decide not to build a new rig for UT2007, but that's pretty much unrelated to this anyway.
My current system specs:
Asus A7N8X Deluxe PCB 1.04 mobo
Athlon XP 2400+ (FSB @ 333MHz)
1GB Dual Channel memory
WD Raptor 74GB 10,000RPM SATA Hard Drive
Two DVD Drives (NEC ND-3540A and BTC BDV316C)
MSI Radeon 9550 / Sapphire 9800 Pro (depending on if I'm playing UT or WoW or not
I'm fine with memory, my hard drive and everything else.
All I really want to upgrade is the mobo and CPU.
Athlon 64's are too expensive, but I know Celeron D's are pretty cheap -- is there anything out there that runs at least somewhat better than my 2400+ at STOCK SETTINGS, and runs cool even with quiet CPU fans (I've had it with this T-Bred). Cool as in, not breaking 45-50C. 40C would be GREAT even with a quiet fan if possible. Freaking T-Breds.
AND, as far as motherboards are concerned, there are so many cheap ones out there. I don't want one that's buggy like the mobo I have now (picky with memory, screwy temp readings at times, and did I mention, picky with memory).
edit: Basically, I can figure out what CPU to get, but motherboard suggestions would be nice.
Here's the deal: I don't want to spend more than $100-150 because sometime starting between next year or the year after, I'm going to build a much better machine. I'd rather wait for the dual core A64's to go down in price significantly (the really good ones), and that's going to take a while.
In the meantime, I need some kind of temporary solution, so that's why I want to go cheap. This may actually suffice for more than a couple years if Vista doesn't run like crap on what I end up getting, and I decide not to build a new rig for UT2007, but that's pretty much unrelated to this anyway.
My current system specs:
Asus A7N8X Deluxe PCB 1.04 mobo
Athlon XP 2400+ (FSB @ 333MHz)
1GB Dual Channel memory
WD Raptor 74GB 10,000RPM SATA Hard Drive
Two DVD Drives (NEC ND-3540A and BTC BDV316C)
MSI Radeon 9550 / Sapphire 9800 Pro (depending on if I'm playing UT or WoW or not
I'm fine with memory, my hard drive and everything else.
All I really want to upgrade is the mobo and CPU.
Athlon 64's are too expensive, but I know Celeron D's are pretty cheap -- is there anything out there that runs at least somewhat better than my 2400+ at STOCK SETTINGS, and runs cool even with quiet CPU fans (I've had it with this T-Bred). Cool as in, not breaking 45-50C. 40C would be GREAT even with a quiet fan if possible. Freaking T-Breds.
AND, as far as motherboards are concerned, there are so many cheap ones out there. I don't want one that's buggy like the mobo I have now (picky with memory, screwy temp readings at times, and did I mention, picky with memory).
edit: Basically, I can figure out what CPU to get, but motherboard suggestions would be nice.