Wii was pretty much a relaunch of the Gamecube in a new formfactor with new controller & disc format & they knocked it out the park. They slipped up again with the WiiU but quickly recovered with the Switch.
Microsoft made a nice recovery when they cut their losses with the original Xbox then jumpstarted the next generation early with the Xbox 360 having a head start on Sony & Nintendo. (Might be a good idea to try that again MS )
Sony actually recovered in the same generation with the PS3 because at the end of the generation they was on fire & pretty much lead to the success of PS4 & PS5.
Microsoft made a nice recovery when they cut their losses with the original Xbox then jumpstarted the next generation early with the Xbox 360 having a head start on Sony & Nintendo. (Might be a good idea to try that again MS )
Sony actually recovered in the same generation with the PS3 because at the end of the generation they was on fire & pretty much lead to the success of PS4 & PS5.