I can't tell you how disappointing it is for me as a PS4 user to see the digital store go to crap. It's slow, crashes, and promotes games that I would not be into and going through the recent releases is a slog when I am looking for new games. I got a Switch this year and was just shocked at how band the e shop is. They killed it on the Wii with the Wii shop channel and for them to have this slow, and awful shovel ware problem in digital form sucks. I dealt with shovel ware at brick and mortar stores because it was there but I also knew to ignore those games. Now its on the digital front and it just sucks. Anytime I have to use these store fronts becomes a nightmare. I use them less and less as time passes. I just think that they would want to try and make it better. This is why I always valued curated game stores that could sift through shit. Most of this stems I think from PC gaming having so much shovel ware digitally. I use to think that sucks, and was glad I played video games on consoles and that I never would never see that kind of crap on console stores. Now its a problem on the consoles. Why do these companies think its cool to have a broken store that is a pain to go through and the user experience is less then ideal?