I know a lot of us don't play games for good dialogue or cutscenes, but it's very much appreciated when the writers go the extra mile. I was inspired to make the antithesis of this thread:
Most recently, Ghost of Tsushima comes to mind when I think of fairly consistent, good, no-bullshit writing (I loved all interactions with Kenji and Sensei Ishikawa in particular). While the writing throughout the game was decent to very good, the final showdown between Jin Sakai and Khotun Khan absolutely knocked it out of the park. The entire game, Khotun Khan talks about preserving his legacy... only for Jin to surgically remove any of trace of Khotun from history. That's some poetic justice right there:
Unironically, I also enjoyed some of the over-the-top dialogue in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Specifically, most of the cutscenes involving Sundowner or Senator Armstrong. The first monologue that Sundowner delivers is pretty big standout for me:
So what are some cutscenes or dialogue snippets that give you goosebumps?

I found the cringiest scene in video game history.
Someone took a Pixar meme and thought it was a good idea to make an entire cutscene out of it? :unsure: Bruh, I knew the new Battletoads was a bit off but I'm not sure what's worse. Is this what Boomers who wrote this thought was funny, or is it that kids today consider that to be funny?
Most recently, Ghost of Tsushima comes to mind when I think of fairly consistent, good, no-bullshit writing (I loved all interactions with Kenji and Sensei Ishikawa in particular). While the writing throughout the game was decent to very good, the final showdown between Jin Sakai and Khotun Khan absolutely knocked it out of the park. The entire game, Khotun Khan talks about preserving his legacy... only for Jin to surgically remove any of trace of Khotun from history. That's some poetic justice right there:
The final duel between Jin and Lord Shimura is even better in my opinion. Such a beautiful scene:
Unironically, I also enjoyed some of the over-the-top dialogue in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Specifically, most of the cutscenes involving Sundowner or Senator Armstrong. The first monologue that Sundowner delivers is pretty big standout for me:
So what are some cutscenes or dialogue snippets that give you goosebumps?
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