jim-jam bongs
disappeared said:Looking forward to all of it. This may be Obsidian's last shot at Fallout.
Obsidian presents: Radioactive Residue, a post-bombs-dropping-on-stuff game where one plays a role.
disappeared said:Looking forward to all of it. This may be Obsidian's last shot at Fallout.
jim-jam bongs said:Obsidian presents: Radioactive Residue, a post-bombs-dropping-on-stuff game where one plays a role.
duckroll said:I'll love to see Obsidian make an original IP which is successful. Alpha Protocol didn't live up to expectations, but they shouldn't stop trying.
duckroll said:I'll love to see Obsidian make an original IP which is successful. Alpha Protocol didn't live up to expectations, but they shouldn't stop trying.
Feargus Urquhart said:As a studio, we have some original ideas and stories to tell, he told Game Revolution. We have a great idea for a new world weve just started pitching to publishers and we have an older pitch that we really liked called Defiance which is about a fantasy world where, basically, Sauron won.
Were also working on an original IP XBLA game, so that hopefully will be out first quarter next year. Itll be an action RPG thats focused on fun, not Dungeon Seige, its quite a bit different in a different genre with a different camera.
We also might throw our hat in the whole free-to-play thing. In the game industry theres a lot of different opportunities for all different kinds of products.
There actually is another game that I cant talk about at all its a licensed product but when people hear about it, theyre going to be Well you had to do that. Theres no option. If I was a developer and I was offered that I would just do it.
duckroll said:I'll love to see Obsidian make an original IP which is successful. Alpha Protocol didn't live up to expectations, but they shouldn't stop trying.
jim-jam bongs said:Did you see this?
So that's 3 new IPs mentioned in the one interview and this mysterious "must do" license which, if I understood Evilore's implication in the lay-offs thread, may very well be a Wheel of Time game. It's a good time to love Obsidian!
dionysus said:I really think AP will be remembered as a damn good game by rpg fans in the future. Your complaints, and the main complaints in general, are about certain gameplay mechanics being broken and bugs. Correct me if I am wrong.
Thats why i laughed when someone suggest that Valve buy Obsidian. Valve takes years and years to release a linear shooter thats half as long as Lord of the Rings. If they had any hand in something with RPG mechanics it would be 30-40 years before they released it.dionysus said:It seems to me that a majority of modern gamers demand a level of polish in gaming that is incompatible with the branching paths, meaningful choices, and varied mechanics to complete objects. For example, in an FPS you have to design an enemy, encounter, and level around only a few mechanics given to the player. In a game like AP, you have to design enemies that can not only be defeated by shooting them, but also by punching them, sneaking up on them, talking them into committing suicide, hacking the turrets to shoot them, etc etc. That level of choice does not make a polished game.
Pretty much, but the massive gameplay improvements from NV need to carry over.Lakitu said:I would love if they continued to develop Fallout along with Bethesda (while they're busy on Elder Scrolls).
Obsidian = West Coast stuff
Bethesda = East Coast stuff
i dont get that at all. Darker in green hue maybe but more serious in tone?MickeyKnox said:Pretty much, but the massive gameplay improvements from NV need to carry over.
East Coast games darker and more serious in tone, West Coast games more in line with previous Fallouts.
duckroll said:Yes, I follow Obsidian news pretty closely. I'm a realist though, so given the history of the studio, I'm not going to actually expect anything to actually be real and meaningful until it's released and on my Steam account. When I say I "hope" Obsidian does something, what I really mean is that I hope whatever they're doing doesn't get canned.
water_wendi said:Thats why i laughed when someone suggest that Valve buy Obsidian. Valve takes years and years to release a linear shooter thats half as long as Lord of the Rings. If they had any hand in something with RPG mechanics it would be 30-40 years before they released it.
dionysus said:How can you play NV and think the NCR is good? NCR is documented to have committed several tribal genocides in their expansion into the Mojave. I'd even rank House as a more benevolent force than the NCR.
hemtae said:I agree with the NCR being a shade of grey, but House was nowhere near a benevolent force, with the whole killing of the brotherhood, total police state, and general treatment of freeside.
dionysus said:That part of the brotherhood of steel was incompetent and deserved to be wiped out. Even though I killed House for my own ambition, he was my favorite faction.
jim-jam bongs said:Did you talk to Caesar much? He makes a pretty good case for his philosophy. I don't agree with it, but to say that The Legion are super evil is a bit simplistic.
water_wendi said:i dont get that at all. Darker in green hue maybe but more serious in tone?
tokkun said:That's just because Caesar talks bullshit. Look at the actual policies of the Legion, such as the status of women in society and tell me they are not clearly evil.
At the risk of triggering Godwin's Law, many people who talked to Adolph Hitler found him to be a persuasive and charismatic personality. That doesn't make the morality of his policies any less stark.
tokkun said:That's just because Caesar talks bullshit. Look at the actual policies of the Legion, such as the status of women in society and tell me they are not clearly evil.
At the risk of triggering Godwin's Law, many people who talked to Adolph Hitler found him to be a persuasive and charismatic personality. That doesn't make the morality of his policies any less stark.
jim-jam bongs said:Hah, ignoring the Godwin, again I'm not suggesting they aren't evil just because Caesar is a smoothie. They're a relatively primitive society which believes that women are the weaker gender and have no technology which would prove otherwise. I'd call that ignorant rather than evil honestly.
jim-jam bongs said:Hah, ignoring the Godwin, again I'm not suggesting they aren't evil just because Caesar is a smoothie. They're a relatively primitive society which believes that women are the weaker gender and have no technology which would prove otherwise. I'd call that ignorant rather than evil honestly.
Civilization in FO3 was at the brink of collapse? i never got that impression. What community was at risk of collapsing? Excepting any calamity that you cause personally like Megaton being vaporized i cant think of anything like that. i guess the 3 or 4 people that were being terrorized by vampires were at risk of collapsing (but not really.. they only thought they were at risk). The superhero town is at no risk.. in fact the locals hire you because they are tired of the whole costumed thing. The Vault you left is doing pretty well under Amatas leadership, iirc. Rivet City, the largest bastion of humanity in the DC Wasteland, has absolutely no tangible threat to it.tokkun said:In FO3, humanity was on the brink of collapse. In NV civilization is returning and you are fighting to determine the path of society.
Dr. Chaos said:Hopefully he's a companion for the duration, I play goody two shoes on first run of everything but if this guy wants to blow up and set on fire a town or two, god help me, I'm going along for the ride.
Wait wait wait.. Graham is going to be a companion? If they integrate him into the main game.. holy shit, i cannot wait to see the interaction.jim-jam bongs said:Word around town is that he's New Vegas' HK-47 so I seriously hope you can keep him around the whole time.
water_wendi said:Wait wait wait.. Graham is going to be a companion? If they integrate him into the main game.. holy shit, i cannot wait to see the interaction.
jim-jam bongs said:I think it's unconfirmed at this point, but he was supposed to be a companion in Van Buren, and pretty much everything they wanted to do in VB they've put into NV now. Given that this is "his" DLC pack it would make sense.
water_wendi said:ohmahgawd.gif
MrTroubleMaker said:After these three dlc that's probably the end to more official content to NV
MrTroubleMaker said:except for mods
dionysus said:You act like Obsidian could buy anything. They are perpetually on the verge of going under from what I can gather.
Edit. Also, despite all the engine's problems, I doubt Obsidian has the expertise to make an open world capable engine.
No Mutants Allowed said:Matt Grandstaff has been offering info in the Honest Hearts thread. On level cap:
Each DLC will raise the level cap by 5. So including Dead Money, if you've got them all, you'll have a cap of 50.
If the prospect of being level 50 makes the game too easy for you.
And for you, I have good news. If youre concerned that the new level cap increases will make the game too easy for you, I've got a couple things to note:
1) Congratulations on being hardcore
2) Old World Blues will offer a new trait (and respec your traits if you've already chosen them) that will allow you to cap your level at 30 (or current level if youre already over 30).
On playing beyond the main quest.
Unrelated, wanted to note that none of the upcoming DLCs will allow you to play beyond the main quest (for the same reasons noted by the developers prior to the game's release).
Veronica Belmont said:Im excited to say that Ill be voicing not one not two but three characters (not all human) in the upcoming DLC for Fallout: New Vegas Old World Blues! There will be many more details coming in the next episode of Qore, hopefully out next week, including the names and descriptions of all the characters Im voicing (none of them are named Felicia sorry everyone!).
Love all the speculation over who's doing the VO for Joshua Graham in Honest Hearts. We'll confirm when the trailer is released. He's great.
Fallout 3 has meaningful and emotional build up that allows you to care for your father/events around you for the first half of the game. Leaving the vault becomes a meaningful, interesting goal and finding your father is the same way. The 2nd half of the story treads off and gets dull but the first half is better than the story in Vegas.Ickman3400 said:By all means try to impress me.
And no you can't use "atmosphere" as a reason. That is exactly what I was talking about in my previous post with "I...just like it better". Atmosphere is an extremely vague thing that means something different to everyone.
Concrete stuff only.
Yes it was, which might be why I like F3 more. I see a lot of posts saying New Vegas is more similar to Fallout 1 and 2 so that's why they liked it more.bonesmccoy said:Angry Fork, was F3 your first fallout?
If it wasn't, which previous Fallout game did you prefer?
AlimNassor said:The Burned man looks awesome. I can't wait.
Angry Fork said:Yes it was, which might be why I like F3 more. I see a lot of posts saying New Vegas is more similar to Fallout 1 and 2 so that's why they liked it more.
Bugs is actually one thing I haven't experienced at all in NV. I've played about 40-60 hours of gameplay I think on it, I can't remember the number but in that time I only froze once. I haven't even experienced the usual weird glitches like weapons stuck in walls and stuff like that.bonesmccoy said:That's been the big divider. For us old-heads, F3 felt a lot like an Oblivion mod, whereas FNV was in almost every way 'truer' to the original two games.
It explains why, for example, I was able to put up with the large number of bugs in FNV and not have that negatively affect my experience, but then get fed up with what I saw as shallow attempts at Fallout humour in F3 (Republic of Dave/Tranquility Lane).
water_wendi said:Civilization in FO3 was at the brink of collapse? i never got that impression. What community was at risk of collapsing? Excepting any calamity that you cause personally like Megaton being vaporized i cant think of anything like that. i guess the 3 or 4 people that were being terrorized by vampires were at risk of collapsing (but not really.. they only thought they were at risk). The superhero town is at no risk.. in fact the locals hire you because they are tired of the whole costumed thing. The Vault you left is doing pretty well under Amatas leadership, iirc. Rivet City, the largest bastion of humanity in the DC Wasteland, has absolutely no tangible threat to it.
In fact, if there is any danger of society (as we know it) collapsing, its in New Vegas. There is the very real threat that the main democratic society in the post-bomb world (the NCR) is going to be consumed in its struggle against Caesars Legion and House.