Navajo was pretty important in developing Jodie's character, I think that's pretty much it's only purpose. Also, to show some pretty environments.
Navajo was pretty important in developing Jodie's character, I think that's pretty much it's only purpose. Also, to show some pretty environments.
I have mixed feelings on Navajo but I liked it overall.
Navajo was terrible, and maybe racist.
I think Navajo might have been enjoyed by more people if they'd split it into two parts, maybe sandwhiched it in between a CIA chapter to emphasise her being a part of the CIA/ acting on her own in each.
Well, I beat it. I think I like Heavy Rain more than this, but I think I'll have to go through it a few more times before I decide.
Still some confusing plot elements though. I wonder if that's just a QD thing at this point.
This is definitely the type of game that makes it's flaws more apparent the more you critically analyse it. People saying this the best game of this gen are deluded. It was pretty enjoyable, but man is it rough around the edges. This reminds me of Prometheus. Great visuals, production etc, but even as a fan of the Aliens universe, I ended up nitpicking the shit out of that movie, once I had some time to reflect, read other reviews. I know I'm going to be doing that with this game sadly.
Just finished it, some confusing elements especially my very last scene at the end but it wasn't a 4/10 game for me, more like a 7 or 8.
I hope there are major improvements in QD's next game though, pacing and better dialogue choices (so disappointed in the lack of them compared to Heavy Rain and TellTales stuff) better gameplay options for the player.
I can see where Cage wants to go but he's not nailing it for me, need better writers for a start. A good game but could of been so much more considering the acting talent here.
This was apparently the last game that Cage is going to write, at least on his own. QD were hiring several writers throughout Beyond's development in preparation for their PS4 project.
Didn't know they were hiring other writers. Thanks for the info
It sounds like it's a pretty sizeable writing team they're hiring as well. I like Cage's overall concepts and direction but he needs some help getting the details straight. I have high hopes for QD's next game.
Yeah I feel that was pretty much the only goal. Create an amazing female protagonist. I think they fully succeeded in doing that, even if some other elements had to suffer for it. I hope it sells decently, so we can finally put the notion that games with female protagonists don't sell to rest.Yeah, I agree on all points.
Beyond is QD and Cage saying 'here is how you create an amazing character (with Jodie') so I really hope with their next game, they take what they've learnt and improved upon since HR, and make an equally compelling world to explore with a lot more depth. As a player, I don't want to just walk from point A to point B, albeit with a very beautiful path linking the two, I want to be able to either do that, or go and explore C, D and E too, if I choose to do so.
Well you can avoid it and just leave the bar earlybut those are usually followed by some horrid chapter like the emo Jodie segment, which just played out in the most predictable manner imaginable. I was groaning so hard at that part.
Nah, that would be so boring. Keep the games coming.I'm starting to think QD is better off being a graphics and face model only developer.
I certainly hope whatever negatives they have received has not put them off hiring well known competent actors. This is a good game despite the flaws, it could be to the benefit of their next release
It sounds like it's a pretty sizeable writing team they're hiring as well. I like Cage's overall concepts and direction but he needs some help getting the details straight. I have high hopes for QD's next game.
Well that depends on the sales. If it matches or exceed HR then I'm sure he will get more well known actors. Heck you don't even need well known actors, just good ones... who have a grasp of the english language.
I really hope his next game is a bit more fantastical with the setting. Not really digging modern setting in both HR and Beyond.
Well he has no 360° viewAlso, is anybody else bothered by how selectively protective Aiden can be? One second he's willing to defend her and the next she's getting blindsided by somebody and knocked out.
The graphics inare absolutely mindblowing. I thought I was watching a movie and I don't mean it in that trollish, forumertard way. Like the graphics omggggggDragon's Nest or whatever
I liked the credits. Sound mix is fine in stereo at least.Surprisingly lame credits sequence.
Edit: The sound mixing got pretty spotty. At many points, including the very last line, it was impossible to hear dialogue over the score (5.1 at least).
Any idea from the media how sales have been? I certainly hope it doesn't bomb
Hahaha OMGHeh, I could have appreciated a little scene where you have to smack open one of the drawers and thentoss one of the condoms at them
It will sell decently. Word of mouth is rather positive.Any idea from the media how sales have been? I certainly hope it doesn't bomb
So I finished the game last night and now I have some questions.
Or I just missed things.
What was the reasoning/explanation for the out of chronologically ordered events?
And why was the CIA trying to? What stage did that come in to play in the order of events?hunt her down, why was she the most wanted person
Clarification on one of the scenes.At the end of the embassy level i had a lady come into the toilet and steal the notes that Jodie was writing. Did i miss something, was it explained who this person was or why she took it?
I was very happy wih the abruptness of Jodie'sCIA training
I wonder if that was a conscious decision because that sequence is already so played out in films
I was confused about this too,I was actually scared the operation may be blown when she walked in. I'm just assuming she worked with the agency and was supposed to take the notes out safely, there really was no reason for this though.
Jesus dude. That sounds rough. Personally I had no problems with the characters. Looking at them chronologically it all makes sense.Overall, it was a good ride, though some of the revelations were a bit too close to home, especially since some of the names are involved. I'm not sure if I'll be able to let my fiancee play this for (ending related)her losing a still-born brother named Aiden, whose mother was Jodie.
I do have some issues regarding how some of the characters evolve throughout the story, often making sudden changes
One issue I did have:There are some things in the game that happen that are hardly addressed again, if they ever are. We never get a reference to what happened at the party, which you'd think was the chief reason why Nathan was now opposed to Jodie going out when he was originally pushing her to. There was never a throwback to Aiden possessing Cole.
Also with the Najavo Desert chapter fresh in my mind.Why is it that Jodie seems to care about the two brothers much more than what was ever shown in their interactions? Like, you barely spend time with them and at the end you kiss the older guy and ride off into the sunset.
So I finished the game last night and now I have some questions.
Or I just missed things.
What was the reasoning/explanation for the out of chronologically ordered events?
And why was the CIA trying to? What stage did that come in to play in the order of events?hunt her down, why was she the most wanted person
Oh man. That was my exact response.Man...the more I think about this game the more I'm remembering I really glossed over a lot shit that would of normally driven me mad in any form of a heavily narrative-based story. Seeing other people also point out these plot holes and unexplained situations is disappointing.I turned to my friends and was like, 'who the fuck is she? Did she just steal the notes?' She never appeared before or after that scene as well. Really awkward direction if you ask me. We assumed she was working with you but, it was never explained coherently
Clarification on one of the scenes.At the end of the embassy level i had a lady come into the toilet and steal the notes that Jodie was writing. Did i miss something, was it explained who this person was or why she took it?
So far there is no plot hole I'm not able to explain.Oh man. That was my exact response.Man...the more I think about this game the more I'm remembering I really glossed over a lot shit that would of normally driven me mad in any form of a heavily narrative-based story. Seeing other people also point out these plot holes and unexplained situations is disappointing.I turned to my friends and was like, 'who the fuck is she? Did she just steal the notes?' She never appeared before or after that scene as well. Really awkward direction if you ask me. We assumed she was working with you but, it was never explained coherently
It's her first mission for the CIA. She is nervous as hell. Important moment for her life, that's why it is there. Also it shows her for the first time that the CIA doesn't care about their agents that much.Yeah, it was definitely really weird and random. I wish she'd not been involved at all and just started freaking out and asking where you got those papers/info. That definitely would've made the chapter more dramatic. I understand that, for the most part, that was a tutorial chapter; but it couldn't have killed them to make it relevant at least a little to the plot. It pretty much did nothing aside from some Ellen Page in a dress eye candy, showcase some good graphics (all the people there), and teach you how to press triangle and move two sticks.
It's her first mission for the CIA. She is nervous as hell. Important moment for her life, that's why it is there.
Yeah it was obviously designed as a tutorial scene. She probably did many more missions like this, they just show you the first one, considering it's probably the one she would remember the most. It's important to her character, but not really to the plot. The focus of the game is on her character anyway.Still, I feel like it could've had more relevance. I was still confused by the chapter more than anything, they never explained to uswhy we got the notes, what the notes did, etc.Obviously they didn't matter, at all.They honestly could've tied it in with it beings plans for a condenser and the US wanting to see how far the other countries were progressing. It just didn't really do much to move the plot forward. It could have worked if it was a later chapter, for advancing Jodie's character, as I didn't feel tied to her very much since it was at the very beginning of the game.
Yeah it looked awesome,EmptySpace just beat it.
what an adventurous ride. there were parts that went on for too long, and thewas really unnecessary from both a gameplay and story point-of-view, but overall the game was an adventure all throughout.chinese condeser
Yeah it looked awesome,pushed Ryan a bit and also introduced the containment field aspect. But it was quite obviously filler. They could have find ways around it. Probably was unnecessary overall. Especially since it opened up the game to some criticism of getting too James Bondish. Still, in no way this game is a 4.
While I wouldn't say it was "game of the year" because it almost doesn't fall into the 'game' category for me, I WOULD say it was one of the most enjoyable entertainment experiences of the year. It's just hard to classify this game as a 'game experience,' at least for me.
Yeah the VA was fine to me before I played Beyond lol The game has its well acted moments, but the majority is rather mediocre delivered. And prepare for the worst kids ever, especially after child Jodie. You better liked Shaun's acting so far, because he is amazing compared to what comes later. Controls are definitely worse as well.So I started playing Heavy Rain tonight. Got all the way to the 2nd character. I'm not hooked yet but I'm intrigued
The VA is terrible right after Beyond. It's almost as if the actors are not native English speakers lol. There's a lot more mundane stuff and I'm guessing they made a decision to streamline that for future games. I like that they got rid of holdin R2 to walk in BTS. It is pretty cumbersome,
Keep the impressions coming btw. This is pretty fascinating. I'm biased towards HR, therefore I can't really tell how well it stacks up to Beyond. Someone playing HR after Beyond could give us some interesting insight.
End of Navajo question:In the very last scene where Jodie drives away on the motorcycle, Paul and grandma were standing next to two brothers, even though we just buried the two of them. Was that to show that they are ghosts like the ancestors? Or was it a bug because I would have been able to save both of them in a different outcome? I realized at the burial scene that I completely forgot to visit the wounded Paul and try to save him, after Jodie commented that she thinks she could have saved him. I immediately approached the grandma because I remembered her blanket from the baby scene vision. So dumb of me
It's the souls watching over them yes. Not a bug. But you can save Paul. Then he stands somewhere else and just the ghost of the grandmother appears. Unfortunately she always dies.
Aw shit I didn't even think about that. Sad.
Do we know who was the actor behind Jay?