Hey guys, you might want to keep the spoilers in check, or some more spoilers tags atleast.
I just finished the game for the first time. The obvious: The graphics really blew me away (most of the time)

I enjoyed the story too, although I can see where the criticism comes from... It isn't the best story out there, but I did enjoy it. My only real problem with the game, was that
most of the time I felt like I wasn't influencing the story at all. Looking back, I think I can name one, maybe two, decisions I made that had an impact. This diminished my enjoyment a little, as it made me feel like I was just along for the ride instead of creating my own story, like I did in Heavy Rain and The Walking Dead. Especially the Walking Dead has alot of really obvious choices, where you choose for one side, or another, or where you choose action A or B. In my opinion the downside to this is that it breaks the immersion a little, because it shows you (a little to) clear that your choice will turn the story in a certain direction. The upside is that it makes you feel in control of the story and it reminds you that this story is your story, and it's going in a certain direction because you wanted it to. I missed that a little in beyond. Interaction was already limited, the least they could do, is make me feel like those limited interactions add up to something.
Anyway, despite that complaint, I really enjoyed the game. No regrets! And I can't wait for QD's next game.