Was on blackout for this game and forgot about the release date. Pre-ordered it earlier today.
Grimløck;84438357 said:EmptySpace is no longer Peter Higgs.
Cage mentioned in an interview that they got a rather modest salary for the amount of work they did. Games aren't as big as films when it comes to this and both Page and Dafoe, while great actors, are not in a position to have unreasonable demands. Besides, both seem to be doing only projects that interests them. Dafoe has done everything, so if he works on something it's probably because he is interested in it. Page is notorious for turning down roles in big movies and only works on something if the character is interesting to her. They both also participated in a lot of indie films with tiny budgets, so I can't imagine Sony paying them more than 100k each.Wonder how much Sony paid Dafoe and Paige. I'm curious.
I really hope Cage's script for this is tight. Kinda seems like a riff on Stephen King's Firestarter from the trailers.
Awesome GIF haha. Rules are perfect!The rules are not to discourage discussion...absolutely that will not be tolerated either. The rules are to discourage shitty garbage trolling like "I don't think this is a game" (no one cares) or "David Cage doesn't make games and sucks" (again no one cares) and "I HATE QTES THIS HAS QTES AND BTW ITS NOT A GAME" (just go away).
I am a fair and impartial judge.
Beautiful. Looks almost 3D with the Dark Theme lol![]()
Snagged this one.
Cage mentioned in an interview that they got a rather modest paycut for the amount of work they did. Games aren't as big as films when it comes to this and both Page and Dafoe, while great actors, are not in a position to have unreasonable demands. Besides, both seem to be doing only projects that interests them. Dafoe has done everything, so if he works on something it's probably because he is interested in it. Page is notorious for turning down roles in big movies and only works on something if the character is interesting to her. They both also participated in a lot of indie films with tiny budgets, so I can't imagine Sony paying them more than 100k each.
Cage mentioned in an interview that they got a rather modest paycut for the amount of work they did. Games aren't as big as films when it comes to this and both Page and Dafoe, while great actors, are not in a position to have unreasonable demands. Besides, both seem to be doing only projects that interests them. Dafoe has done everything, so if he works on something it's probably because he is interested in it. Page is notorious for turning down roles in big movies and only works on something if the character is interesting to her. They both also participated in a lot of indie films with tiny budgets, so I can't imagine Sony paying them more than 100k each.
So people see names they recognise and buy it.
I still can't get it throught my head why they put the actors' names on the front cover, or anywhere on the box for that matter.
That dude is a dick. Wouldn't even be surprised if it is just her step dad. I'm going to make his life miserable as AidenJust finished playing through the demo and watching some trailers (refreshing myself).
Wow, Jodie's dad is hilariously a dick. "YOU'RE A MONSTER!" to an 8 year old girl. It's such a dramatic moment, but laughed and then felt bad for laughing but it was funny.
Indeed. His performance is going to be amazing. This GIF especially looks so emotional already, can't even imagine what will happen in that scene:But then again, it's Willem Dafoe.
Agreed.Soundtrack will probably rock.
You have enough time to do it. Impulse reactions are a bad idea trust me. You have like 3 seconds. Read her movement, take your time and then move the stick relative to the camera to finish her move. A good thing to remember is that you only have to press up when she attempts to hit/block someone in front of her and the camera is behind her. You only press down when her hands go down. In every other case it is either left or right (is she moving towards the guy or is she attempting to dodge?).The controls are taking me some getting used to. Got my ass handed to me several times at the CIA training thing cause I kept pushing the wrong stick or wrong direction. It's hard to tell sometimes which way to push the stick. Hopefully I'll acclimate quickly in the game.
If you want him to. You could have just opened the door for the scientists and ended the experiment immediatelyAiden's kind of a dick.
It can be avoided. You missed a huge town battle as the result. Watch it here: guess this game is bendable like Heavy Rain, yeah? You can make choices and the story will play out according to those choices, leading you into different scenarios. I'm not sure if I botched the motorcycle chase or what, but I wound up in the police van. Can that be avoided? I don't know.
That dude is a dick. Wouldn't even be surprised if it is just her step dad. I'm going to make his life miserable as Aiden![]()
Excellent. That was a spoiler worth readingA certain point in the game, you have the option of choking him. A trophy is unlocked if you do it >
I had no idea Willem Dafoe was in this game. As one of my favorite male actors (except for that Spiderman thing which we shall not mention again), this game immediately went from Not Interested to Hmmm Maybe!
I find it kind of weird that they made the digital avatars look like the actors. I can't remember another game that did this? I'm not sure I like it.
No casual gamer knows Nolan North. But they likely know Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe. It's not like they don't use the name Quantic Dream and Heavy Rain as an advantage at all, they do. But having the actors as an addition surely can't hurt. Especially considering the amount of work they did and the fact that they lend their likeness to the game. Also this is a niche game that is hard to market, so the marketing department is probably using everything they could for this game.Well, that's the thing, gamers are more likely to buy it because of the developer/publisher. Nolan North (Drake's voice actor) did the voice for the dude in the Capcom game, Dark Void, yet people didn't really rush to get that.
Great. So 6 GB bigger than Heavy Rain. Sounds promising."A week before launch and Quantic Dream's new supernatural adventure thriller, Beyond: Two Souls, starring Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe has been leaked to torrents... all 25 gigabytes of it.
That dude is a dick. Wouldn't even be surprised if it is just her step dad. I'm going to make his life miserable as Aiden![]()
Indeed. His performance is going to be amazing. This GIF especially looks so emotional already, can't even imagine what will happen in that scene:
You have enough time to do it. Impulse reactions are a bad idea trust me. You have like 3 seconds. Read her movement, take your time and then move the stick relative to the camera to finish her move. A good thing to remember is that you only have to press up when she attempts to hit/block someone in front of her and the camera is behind her. You only press down when her hands go down. In every other case it is either left or right (is she moving towards the guy or is she attempting to dodge?).
If you want him to. You could have just opened the door for the scientists and ended the experiment immediately
It can be avoided. You missed a huge town battle as the result. Watch it here:
The full game has 23 endings.
No casual gamer knows Nolan North. But they likely know Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe. It's not like they don't use the name Quantic Dream and Heavy Rain as an advantage at all, they do. But having the actors as an addition surely can't hurt. Especially considering the amount of work they did and the fact that they lend their likeness to the game. Also this is a niche game that is hard to market, so the marketing department is probably using everything they could for this game.
sure it wasn't Aiden?I'm sure this had already been brought up, but, in the demo, during the first segment in the facility, did one of the workers call Jodie Ellen? (someone already updated it to include Beyond as an example rofl)
I would hope so judging from the reaction from people who've played the demo. I Just need to buy a new DS3 before this game drops.Great. So 6 GB bigger than Heavy Rain. Sounds promising.
October 8th unfortunately. So far we have three GAF opinions at least:When's the review embargo up? I just finished, just about 13 hours or so (so over the 10 hours David Cage said).
It was an emotional rollercoaster ride. I felt angry and sad. Angry due to some shit people did in the game (wanted to kill those people) and sad (most of the time). I even cried about 4 times or so.
The story is nothing like Heavy Rain. It was good, very well (both exciting and emotional) and I had just a couple of pauses.
The game was awesome. Buy it. cannot say anything about the game, but can say something about the embargo date: I'm very confident it's nothing to worry about.![]()
Haven't played the demo, but I was on the QA team.
without spoilng are u allowed to say if u liked it? it
I thought Carla from Fahrenheit was pretty decent except for the ending. I think he is going to pull off Jodie well.I'm worried about how he's gonna write Jodie. I dunno how good he is at writing female characters, especially a protagonist. Madison in Heavy Rain was incredibly superfluous. There was promise in the three male protagonists for sure, but the writing and acting was not up to snuff. I don't think writing a compelling female protagonist is difficult, but it's not done very well very often in video games.
But Quantic Dream never does sequels. They are an exception to the rule. Also Naughty Dog has enough brand power to sell games just based off the developer name, but Quantic Dream isn't quite there yet. But trust me, they try. Also some casuals are indeed going to pick up Beyond, just because Ellen Page. Some of them are even on this board. Believe me, these people definitely exist.The Nolan North example was more in line with fans rather than casuals. Those who played Uncharted games knew him, but they didn't bother with the game.
I get what they're trying to do, but I just can't bring myself to accept that kind of approach for video games. Casuals aren't likely to buy the game just because those actor are lending their talend. This is more of a personal objection rather than a right or wrong scenario. I just want devs to have more selling power than "random" actors who may not even agree to do a sequel.
really?OP said:Willem Dafoe (Spider-Man, Finding Nemo)
Yup. And Page couldn't hold back her tears in one of the sessions, so they had to constantly reapply the markers around her eyes, because they would just fell off all the time.![]()
Fuck me. Dafoe is so fucking good, and he's gonna make me cry in this game.
What is really surprising me is how Sci-fi/Mythical the story is presenting itself as. Heavy Rain disappointed me because it had these cool supernatural plot points (blackouts) that were just dropped, so this looks awesome!
sure it wasn't Aiden?
Was on blackout for this game and forgot about the release date. Pre-ordered it earlier today.
David Cage On Beyond: Two Souls and Non-Linear Narratives
I love that interview because David Cage talked about Beyond as the story of someone who wished to be normal then learns to accept her difference. For a long time I've felt different from other people (in a different way than Jodie's - I don't live with a ghost 24/7), which caused me years of suffering and depression. I almost felt like I should have apologized for even existing.
These days I've been starting to accept the fact I can't change who I am and would be much happier if I just embraced all aspects of my personalit, so what he said resonates with me. It's a long and still ongoing process so I hope the game will make me learn more about myself.
One more reason for me to like David Cage and be interested in Beyond.
"Life isn't a support system for art. It's the other way around." (Stephen King)
"What the public criticizes in you, cultivate. It is you." (Jean Cocteau)
I only have a PS3 and a PCOff topic, but you should really play P4G if you have a Vita.
And Beyond seems to deserve commercial success, I hope they get it.
Who else actually really likes how unclear some of the combat prompts are?
I think it's more realistic.
not in any way unclear. just look at where Jodie's hands/arms are going. do not try to predict what the movement is, but instead watch her limbs.
October 8th unfortunately. So far we have three GAF opinions at least:
Played around four hours of the full game tonight. Intense, beautiful and beyond recomended by me.
Use the BEYOND Touch™ app to control your BEYOND: Two Souls™ game on PlayStation®3. The app can be used on any iOS/Android device to replace your PlayStation®3 wireless controller. All you’ll need is for your PlayStation®3 console to be on the same WiFi network as your iOS/Android device and you’ll be ready to play the game with touch controls.
How it works -
Download the iOS App -
Download the Android App -
There's already a Beyond Two Souls (Beyond Touch) app on iPhone and android.
In OP.
Edit- you found it.