I was reading an article (Eurogamer's review of the Dark Souls Board Game to be specific) when an ad appeared mid-article that undermined my entire sense of whether or not we live in a truly just society.
My day has ground to a halt. I can't fathom the existence of this movie, a 15-years-later sequel to a bad and forgettable comedy starring Paul Giamatti and the main star from "Malcolm in the Middle", a young man whose name I am fairly certain was legally changed to Agent Cody Banks. Surely this must be a prank? It would be cheap and easy to throw together in GIMP and buy some ad space for, as a sort of ridiculous gag. But no. It's real.
Here's the IMDB page.
There's a single, 1 minute trailer.
In the process of trying to readjust my understanding of the world to include this movie, a number of questions came into my head. Why make a sequel to "Big Fat Liar"? Why make it at all, much less fifteen years after the original?
Does that ad say "ON DVD & DIGITAL HD"? Yes it does. The movie was released on home video, but not in any HD format. This movie knows where it belongs. It released directly into the $3 DVD bin at Walmart, despite the trailer promising a Blu-ray release.
I don't understand how movies like this get made. Don't get me wrong, I understand the direct-to-video market, where worthless schlock and indie charmers alike release with limited budgets and lowered sales goals, probably making more money back through deals with streaming services like Netflix and being sold for cheap as air-time filler at 3am on local tv stations. And some of these little films are even good! Many a small-time actor and director have started with movies like this. I am going to hazard a guess that this will not be the case for anyone involved with "Bigger Fatter Liar", a movie which does not involve any of the original cast or crew and the existence of which Dan Schneider probably is not even aware of.
I get that this movie probably had a budget of about $700 and the cast and crew were mostly paid in cold ham sandwiches and Circuit City gift cards, but even so, I'm pretty sure there's no way that this movie will make its money back. I figure that the writer of "Puss-in-Boots" and the director of "Beethoven's Treasure Tail" and five episodes of the ill-fated "Animorphs" tv series aren't exactly going to combine their creative talents to light up the home box office, but even that doesn't explain the depths of depravity one has to sink to in order to make this film.
As far as I can tell, "Bigger Fatter Liar" can only exist for one of two reasons: either as a convoluted moneymaking scam in the vein of "The Producers" or "Uwe Boll's Entire Career", or this movie is a glitch in the matrix, a blip in the fabric of reality whose existence can be given no possible reason and cannot be justified in any value system familiar to humanity.
No sane or compassionate world produced "Bigger Fatter Liar", and discovering this film has only caused me to slide further into a bitter, confused cynicism from which I may never escape.

My day has ground to a halt. I can't fathom the existence of this movie, a 15-years-later sequel to a bad and forgettable comedy starring Paul Giamatti and the main star from "Malcolm in the Middle", a young man whose name I am fairly certain was legally changed to Agent Cody Banks. Surely this must be a prank? It would be cheap and easy to throw together in GIMP and buy some ad space for, as a sort of ridiculous gag. But no. It's real.
Here's the IMDB page.
There's a single, 1 minute trailer.
In the process of trying to readjust my understanding of the world to include this movie, a number of questions came into my head. Why make a sequel to "Big Fat Liar"? Why make it at all, much less fifteen years after the original?
Does that ad say "ON DVD & DIGITAL HD"? Yes it does. The movie was released on home video, but not in any HD format. This movie knows where it belongs. It released directly into the $3 DVD bin at Walmart, despite the trailer promising a Blu-ray release.
I don't understand how movies like this get made. Don't get me wrong, I understand the direct-to-video market, where worthless schlock and indie charmers alike release with limited budgets and lowered sales goals, probably making more money back through deals with streaming services like Netflix and being sold for cheap as air-time filler at 3am on local tv stations. And some of these little films are even good! Many a small-time actor and director have started with movies like this. I am going to hazard a guess that this will not be the case for anyone involved with "Bigger Fatter Liar", a movie which does not involve any of the original cast or crew and the existence of which Dan Schneider probably is not even aware of.
I get that this movie probably had a budget of about $700 and the cast and crew were mostly paid in cold ham sandwiches and Circuit City gift cards, but even so, I'm pretty sure there's no way that this movie will make its money back. I figure that the writer of "Puss-in-Boots" and the director of "Beethoven's Treasure Tail" and five episodes of the ill-fated "Animorphs" tv series aren't exactly going to combine their creative talents to light up the home box office, but even that doesn't explain the depths of depravity one has to sink to in order to make this film.
As far as I can tell, "Bigger Fatter Liar" can only exist for one of two reasons: either as a convoluted moneymaking scam in the vein of "The Producers" or "Uwe Boll's Entire Career", or this movie is a glitch in the matrix, a blip in the fabric of reality whose existence can be given no possible reason and cannot be justified in any value system familiar to humanity.
No sane or compassionate world produced "Bigger Fatter Liar", and discovering this film has only caused me to slide further into a bitter, confused cynicism from which I may never escape.