And by the same production company as The Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave. It's all connected, friends.
Person on the left looks like a hybrid of Reese Witherspoon and Justin Bieber
You see, sometimes, for the sake of comedic writing, you exaggerate things a little bit or make ridiculous assertions like "child actor legally changed his name to that of an oddly memetic character from a fairly run-of-the-mill film".
I would actually genuinely be curious about what would happen if adult Frankie Muniz came back to acting. If Justin Timberlake could have a not abysmal run at acting, adult Frankie Muniz can. I mean, bare minimum, it would have to be better than Shia The Beef.
When do I get Bedazzled 2?
I recognize the woman in that image from Dark Matter. that's all I got OP
the problem its lazy comedy writing and rarely funny, and never clever.
Actually I kinda want to see what Frankie could have done in the Jesse Pinkman role lol
Barry Bostwick's agent is a hell of a writer:
Tall (6' 4"), agile, energetic, and ever-so-confident as both actor and singer, especially on the award-winning Broadway stage, Barry Bostwick possesses that certain narcissistic poise, charm and élan that reminds one instantly (and humorously) of a Kevin Kline -- both were quite brilliant in their respective interpretations of The Pirate King in "The Pirates of Penzance". Yet, for all his diverse talents (he is a Golden Globe winner and was nominated for the Tony Award three times, winning once), Barry is indelibly caught in a time warp. Even today, 35 years after the fact, he is indelibly associated with the role of nerdy hero Brad Majors in the midnight movie phenomena The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975). While it is extremely flattering to be a part of such a cult institution, Barry's acting legacy deserves much more than this.
Barry Bostwick's agent is a hell of a writer:
Tall (6' 4"), agile, energetic, and ever-so-confident as both actor and singer, especially on the award-winning Broadway stage, Barry Bostwick possesses that certain narcissistic poise, charm and élan that reminds one instantly (and humorously) of a Kevin Kline -- both were quite brilliant in their respective interpretations of The Pirate King in "The Pirates of Penzance". Yet, for all his diverse talents (he is a Golden Globe winner and was nominated for the Tony Award three times, winning once), Barry is indelibly caught in a time warp. Even today, 35 years after the fact, he is indelibly associated with the role of nerdy hero Brad Majors in the midnight movie phenomena The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975). While it is extremely flattering to be a part of such a cult institution, Barry's acting legacy deserves much more than this.
So when do I get Max Keeble's Even Bigger Move?
I would love e to be in the room with whatever locked in the basement producer makes this pitch.
the problem its lazy comedy writing and rarely funny, and never clever.
There have been 5000 Land before Time sequels. Science has gone too far for quite a long time.
I get that this movie probably had a budget of about $700 and the cast and crew were mostly paid in cold ham sandwiches and Circuit City gift cards, but even so, I'm pretty sure there's no way that this movie will make its money back. I figure that the writer of "Puss-in-Boots" and the director of "Beethoven's Treasure Tail" and five episodes of the ill-fated "Animorphs" tv series aren't exactly going to combine their creative talents to light up the home box office, but even that doesn't explain the depths of depravity one has to sink to in order to make this film.
This movie looks fucking terrifying.
It's already on Netflix, make sure you watch it
So, to clarify, are you going to bat for Frankie Muniz, or against making references?
I just really don't get why you're upset about that line in particular, when it's just a gag line that isn't even an insult, just a reference to two different other things Muniz had been in.
So when do I get Max Keeble's Even Bigger Move?