Thanks. I actually had another question, though it seems relatively minor. When you're in Comstock House, there are a few...what do you call those things...well, the things you look into and get Sightseer or whatever. Kinetiscopes, I think. But they were kinetiscopes by what seems like some random guy (his name escapes me). One was about hummingbirds. One was about the sunrise. And one was about his death on a battleship. What was with those?
There are some crazy banal ones, like looking up at the bottom of Lady Comstock's airship.
is this real life???
achievement :
Scavenger Hunt
Complete the game in 1999 Mode without purchasing anything from a Dollar Bill vending machine.
is this real life???
achievement :
Scavenger Hunt
Complete the game in 1999 Mode without purchasing anything from a Dollar Bill vending machine.
Yeah, that's crazy. I struggled at times on normal :lolis this real life???
achievement :
Scavenger Hunt
Complete the game in 1999 Mode without purchasing anything from a Dollar Bill vending machine.
True, but I just figured they had developed a bunch of crazy defense and weapons technology. Considering all the tech they have in 1912 and with Elizabeth being able to manipulate alternate dimensions. I mean her ability to control the tears could make Columbia practically invincible.Finished the game yesterday. Great game and one of my top 5 games of the year, but I miss several Voxophones, wish they had a screen litke Alice Madness Return, where you can see how many items you miss in each scene (and if there is one I haven't find it)
Other than that, the NY attack doesn't make any sense. The year is 1984, by that time the Air Force'd be able to easily defeat the zeppelines.
Ah, okay. Sort of figured it was something like that. Nice little touch.They are meant to be like the short films of the time. Moving pictures were a new thing still so a random shot of one object or event would be very exciting to most people as it's something they wouldn't have seen before.
It's not really as hard as it sounds. You're actually in a better position if you don't use the Dollar Bill vending machines anyway because that way you can spend all of your money on upgrades for both the weapons and Vigors. Ammunition, salt and health is so plentiful, even moreso when Elizabeth manages to thrown a rifle/health pack/salt bottle at you from the other side of the map with perfect accuracy, that you never really need to use them. With certain gear, they become even more redundant. When you die you're better off restarting from a checkpoint to avoid money loss for the same reason that you shouldn't use the Dollar Bill vending machines and, as a result, they become kind of redundant (since by the end of every firefight you'll usually get back full health and salt either through items, Elizabeth or gear).
EDIT: You can pretty much go with a combination of the carbine, sniper, and handcannon throughout the entire game without needing to ever resort to buying anything since they're so plentiful and Elizabeth refills your ammunition when you're low. Before you rescue Elizabeth is the most difficult part. Make sure you focus your infusions on Shield and Salts before you upgrade Health though.
ending fight has some lame stuff going on
-only 1 zeplin has people in it
-they don't burn until the moment you leave
-if you leave a zeplin alive enemies infinitely respawn out of a chamber ala CoD
Sorry if this was already covered - but did anyone notice the chalk board in Comstock's cabin upstairs from where he's killed? Did anyone else think that was a way or clue to some "true ending" when they got to the lighthouses upstairs from Rapture?
"She invented the technology that allows the city to float"
"Giant balloons?"
"Quantum Particles. Suspended in space time at a fixed height"
"So not giant balloons?"
How would you get past the Ghost battles? Only time I ever bought items. That thing just doesn't die without a million bullets in it.
EDIT: Booker doesn't say this, Elizabeth does: watching the ending for the third time, I'm convinced that the Booker that got drowned is the one who chose to accept baptism.
***Notice how Booker arrived at the baptism for the second time during the ending and said, "Wait..this is different." ***
It means that he arrived at his alternate scene of baptism---the future Comstock reality.
So yeah...someone need to fix the OP.
Am I close?
- Without Booker being alive, Anna ceases to exist.
Am I close?
The after credits scene points that at least 1 Booker is still alive back at 1893 and maybe Anna is still there.
It's whatever you want it to be maaaaaaan.Is that a real universe or just put there for people to not be so depressed about the ending
Honestly after all the time lines and posibilities I think that the "reality" concept is very vague in the Bioshock Universe.Is that a real universe or just put there for people to not be so depressed about the ending
Apologies for the simple question, but maybe I know I'm overlooking something here. Can tears not be seen from both sides? Were folks such as Jeremiah and Albert simply never caught eavesdropping or observing events of the other side from natives of the other side? I could only guess it would take many hours of observation to gain the knowledge the duo did to create/plagarize what they did in Columbia.
No one read my post... :/
Okay, I won't if you don't want me to.As you wish.
No one read my post... :/
After watching the ending for the third time, I'm convinced that the Booker that got drowned is only the one who chose to accept baptism.
Notice how Booker arrived at the baptism for the second time during the ending and said, "Wait..this is different." It means that he arrived at his alternate scene of baptism---the "future Comstock" reality.
Liz telling him "Before the choice is made" means before he completed the baptism process. Thus...drowning him.
Btw...I'm taking into account on what happen with the post credit scene, what's with Booker seeming remember the events and all.
Was this real life???
achievement :
Scavenger Hunt
Complete the game in 1999 Mode without purchasing anything from a Dollar Bill vending machine.
The game and its story is rather complex and I can't get it out of my head after I finished it 3 days ago. I am always thinking about stuff and realising things while I should be working...
Anyway, what I do not quite get is the visions Comstock gets from the Archangel. He is told he needs an heir to take over Columbia and attack New York.
Is Comstock just a little bit crazy and imagines these events and is then conviced they are visions and desperately wants them to come true, or can he actually see the future through some tears maybe and then builds towards them?
They can. Songbird spots Liz and Booker through one, and some tears can be used in battle like the automatons and motorized patriots. The information Albert and Jeremiah stole can from other timelines, so the songs would be considered original in their worlds (unless someone knew the truth).
EDIT- To answer the question more directly: yeah, they weren't caught for some bizarre reason.
Was easy.
Its quite unrefined, hell its just a random musing that would make sense with the Man and Lighthouse multiple dimension idea. It'd give the player an excuse to go to three worlds, tie everything up, and ultimately clean all the stories up together.
Just for fun, this's the thread with the trailer debut and first impressions:
It's amazing how many people was angry at the game being called Bioshock, now it's pretty clear that the game can be placed anywhere.
If you listen to various propaganda around the city, Comstock supposedly received three golden gifts from the Founding Fathers when he was visited by the archangel: A scroll, a sword, and a key. I'm sure they represent different virtues, like wisdom, justice, and redemption (key to the New Eden).Also, a couple questions --
What is the significant of the 3 symbols/founding "Fathers"
Why can't Booker leave a piece of his body part in another universe to access powers?
Also I don't see many people discussing religion and the strong similarities between Christianity, because everyone is too busy trying to piece together the ending.
Why can't Booker leave a piece of his body part in another universe to access powers?
What an amazing finish to a game. I'm hoping that they do create a third in the storyline series (Bioshock 2 doesn't count.)
After finishing the game, I came up with a great concept for the 3rd in the series that ties all three together. Hear me out:
Your character plays as the scientist in an underground city that discovers ADAM, creates the tech behind big daddies/songbirds/handymen, etc. You discover how to tear open realities at the same time the twins do from Infinite, however you cannot control the tears. ADAM leaks into an ocean tear, Fink spies on your work/steals your work/etc. With the help of the twins, your job is to try and undo the damage you accidently created. You go to Rapture to stop the flow of ADAM, You go to Columbia to stop fink from developing tech, etc, etc. The crazy twist: You find out that Andrew Ryan, Comstock/Booker, and Yourself are the same person.
Its quite unrefined, hell its just a random musing that would make sense with the Man and Lighthouse multiple dimension idea. It'd give the player an excuse to go to three worlds, tie everything up, and ultimately clean all the stories up together. edited. I didn't see that the first time.
Btw...I'm taking into account on what happen with the post credit scene, what's with Booker seeming remember the events and all.
My speculation about what Infinite means is pretty terrible looking back.Just for fun, this's the thread with the trailer debut and first impressions:
It's amazing how many people was angry at the game being called Bioshock, now it's pretty clear that the game can be placed anywhere.
The Star Wars scene made it, it's when you first see Elizabeth, well, the second time I think, but in the tower.I cant remember that Revenge of the Sith scene from the trailer in the game or the horse thing i guess those never made it in the game? also im wondering about the dlc now. Maybe the batle of wounded knee? or booker dewitt the comstock years?