really? Takes out groups so easily. It's pretty OP.I never even used that vigorIll have to try it.
really? Takes out groups so easily. It's pretty OP.I never even used that vigorIll have to try it.
Im not sure if this has already been mentioned, but did/has anyone else gotten major There Will be Blood vibes from the soundtrack? The music playing when you're escapingspecifically, but even the odd violin shrieks when you make that final execution kill with your Skyhook sounds completely similar to Greenwoods work on TWBB. The percussion work is spot on.Songbird
really? Takes out groups so easily. It's pretty OP.
The best Vigor in the game. Even Handymen are affected by them.
Starting to breathe a sigh of relief for not buying this. I rented it last night and played about two hours on hard (haven't met the girl yet) and the game is, personally, boring me to tears with the lightgun gameplay and repetitive NPCs. I intend to play another hour or so after I meet my companion and if nothing picks up, I'll move on. Dissapointing![]()
Starting to breathe a sigh of relief for not buying this. I rented it last night and played about two hours on hard (haven't met the girl yet) and the game is, personally, boring me to tears with the lightgun gameplay and repetitive NPCs. I intend to play another hour or so after I meet my companion and if nothing picks up, I'll move on. Dissapointing![]()
Played a lot of this yesterday as I was home sick from work. My god...I don't know how many times I said wow. Easily one of the best games I have played in years. I really don't want it to end and I will probably buy the season pass to get more of it. The art, the story, and the graphics are just awesome. Gunplay is good but nothing amazing, the way the implemented Elizabeth into this is great and I love how she reminds me of a old Disney movie character come to "life".
Truly amazing game.
As a massive old-school Disney fan this excites the hell out of me!
Im not sure if this has already been mentioned, but did/has anyone else gotten major There Will be Blood vibes from the soundtrack? The music playing when you're escapingspecifically, but even the odd violin shrieks when you make that final execution kill with your Skyhook sounds completely similar to Greenwoods work on TWBB. The percussion work is spot on.Songbird
It really is true.
I kind of feel like I'm in a Lost version of a Disney theme park. It's really cool.
It really is true.
I kind of feel like I'm in a Lost version of a Disney theme park. It's really cool.
Starting to breathe a sigh of relief for not buying this. I rented it last night and played about two hours on hard (haven't met the girl yet) and the game is, personally, boring me to tears with the lightgun gameplay and repetitive NPCs. I intend to play another hour or so after I meet my companion and if nothing picks up, I'll move on. Dissapointing![]()
Depends what you're looking for in a game. Mechanically, there are far superior shooters on the market. That's not even subjective; sorry.
Depends what you're looking for in a game. Mechanically, there are far superior shooters on the market. That's not even subjective; sorry.
Starting to breathe a sigh of relief for not buying this. I rented it last night and played about two hours on hard (haven't met the girl yet) and the game is, personally, boring me to tears with the lightgun gameplay and repetitive NPCs. I intend to play another hour or so after I meet my companion and if nothing picks up, I'll move on. Dissapointing![]()
Nice, I imagine they work on just about everyone other than Robo Washingtons.The best Vigor in the game. Even Handymen are affected by them.
This was absolutely my experience until you meet Elizabeth. Give it till then at least.
I imagine they work on just about everyone other than Robo Washingtons.
Also, Newton's Law + fire AOE when I land off a skyline is awesome.
Man, spot on. The city of Columbia is incredible.Whole game reminded me of main street at Disney World, brought back so much nostalgia
I don't think this is a good excuse. That's like 30 minutes into the game. If someone doesn't have the attention span to get to Elizabeth then they just shouldn't play games. The game is even amazing before then! That opening...
Like hell it's 30 minutes. A lot of people don't rush these games, instead taking their time to slowly explore the world, listen to NPCs, and get a good feel for the mechanics. There's a pretty gigantic chunk of "game" to experience before that happens that steers well over 30 minutes.
I always pick these sort of things based on what'll give me a new verb. Turning bodies into traps > greater damage and blast radius.Damn. I had enough money for that or the fireball upgrade. I went fireball. I love making things explode.
Took me like 1 hour minimum before I even met Lizzie. Maybe even more cuz the areas before her were very entertaining. 30 minutes? They must've skipped everything.
My thoughts on what I bolded, in order-Impressions after two hours or something of play (not met the girl yet).
- The setting, it's a wonderful world and so many of teh prettys
- The music. Oh god the music. The moment that quartet of crooners came by on their flying ship I wanted to stay in this wonderland forever, don't care if it has a dark side or anything. And after that it just keeps on giving.
- I like the way (so far at least) that religion is handled. Sure it's a crazy ass sect, but the wording they use is surprisingly believable.
- Gunfighting is okay I guess.
- My major pet peeve with Bioshock 1 was that it devolved into a lame corridor shooter instantly, at least this time around they let you buy into the world before you need to do anything. Makes your actions a bit more meaningful.
So far it's a solid 8. The plottwist needs to be really good to deserve the gushing from professional critics.
- But it goes to crap the moment the world becomes hostile. From one moment to the next every citizen disappeared and you get waves and waves of baddies swarming you.
- I hate the gameyness of it all. I've already eaten 600 pies, drunk 200 beers, robbed people in plain sight of everything they own and still going strong.
- The fov. My initial thought was 'is this a joke?'. After the initial queasyness of cybersickness wore off I'm okay with it now, but it compounds another problem.
- The game is terribly signposted. It's frequently unclear where you have to go to. Doors that were static scenery suddenly open when you walk towards them without prompt, etc. I forgot what the hint button was and kept running in circles on more than one occassion.
- The NPCs are useless simpletons. They have one line of text and then proceed to gawk at you moronically. The grating part of this is that the game creates some kind of mystery to the place that slowly becomes apparent, but I could just ask any civilian, but nope.
- I'm here to save a single girl and so far I already massacred 600 others. Is this logical? Nope. Any suspense of disbelief your world creators were working so hard on is long out the window.
- Whoever thought it was a good idea to not subtitle the audio logs thus making half of the game incomprehensible to the weak of hearing, but did subtitle the videos with text on them is a major bellend that deserves some minor leg injury from tripping over. (my hearing is fine btw, I just hate having to turn up the volume every time I see a audiovox)
Around 3 hrs here. But I also took 20+ hrs to complete Dishonored so I guess I'm a slow player.Took me like 1 hour minimum before I even met Lizzie. Maybe even more cuz the areas before her were very entertaining. 30 minutes? They must've skipped everything.
[*]I hate the gameyness of it all. I've already eaten 600 pies, drunk 200 beers, robbed people in plain sight of everything they own and still going strong.
It depresses me that we live in a world where it is now a bad thing for a video game to be a video game.
So far it's a solid 8. The plottwist needs to be really good to deserve the gushing from professional critics.
Not what's meant at all. 'Gameyness' is a negative in the sense of including tropes that distract from the experience in this specific case, not a principled objection.It depresses me that we live in a world where it is now a bad thing for a video game to be a video game.
This is my biggest complaint. There are some pretty important story information in the audio logs, and I hate when I miss a bit because some asshole decides to shoot at me, Elizabeth yells "hey I found some cash" over it or because my english is not perfect.[*]Whoever thought it was a good idea to not subtitle the audio logs thus making half of the game incomprehensible to the weak of hearing, but did subtitle the videos with text on them is a major bellend that deserves some minor leg injury from tripping over. (my hearing is fine btw, I just hate having to turn up the volume every time I see a audiovox)
in emporia I found the code book, but I can't find the cipher to it? went completely around, but nowhere to be found...
do I need to go to comstocks house first?
Just listening to the Bioshock Infinite Soundtrack, suddenly I get to the track titled "Lutece" and I hear the background music that only plays when the "Gentleman" and the "Woman" appear...
Did I just accidentily spoil myself as to?Identity of Lutece![]()
yes, and then after a while you'll be sent to the bank. It's somewhere in the bank, but you can't access it before going to Comstock House first
Shouldn't it be extremely cold in Columbia? If the city is above the clouds, those are temperatures well in the negative range of the thermometer.
Not what's meant at all. 'Gameyness' is a negative in the sense of including tropes that distract from the experience in this specific case, not a principled objection.
QUANTUM PHYSICS!Shouldn't it be extremely cold in Columbia? If the city is above the clouds, those are temperatures well in the negative range of the thermometer.
Now you come to mention it, the whole premise is kind of ludicrous...Shouldn't it be extremely cold in Columbia? If the city is above the clouds, those are temperatures well in the negative range of the thermometer.
Actually something totally like this does happen.- I don't think it has the dissonance of, say, an Uncharted game where you're shot in the leg in a cutscene and it's suddenly a huge deal and the other deaths don't matter. It's handled better here. At the start you're also hired to kill Elizabeth, not doing it out of the kindness of your heart, and most of the enemies are crazy brainwashed people trying to kill you. But I see your point. Having the 'main bad dude' of an area scream "have at em boys!!" while waves of goons pour after you isn't the most unique thing in the world.
Shouldn't it be extremely cold in Columbia? If the city is above the clouds, those are temperatures well in the negative range of the thermometer.