Completed it on '99 mode yesterday, and disregarding the LOL worthy finale and overall plot, the game as a whole is a steaming pile of wasted ambition and compromised gameplay philosophies.
EDIT: Also what the fucking fuck is wrong with the checkpoint system?! I got three total in the last 9 hours of playtime, and two of those were virtually back to back. I lost 1 1/2 hours of playtime once due to a power outage and nearly snapped the disc in half
I agree on the wasted ambition and abysmal checkpointing. There's no excuse for bad checkpointing in a game that used to have a 'save anywhere function'. The game also blatantly lies about saving. After the final battle I had a "Autosaving" prompt on my screen. It was late so I turned off the game and returned the next morning, only to learn I had to redo the entire battle again because the game actually didn't save. :/ This also happened earlier in the game in Finkton. Don't really get how they managed to botch something like this.
The wasted ambition was already apparent when you look at the E3 2011 trailer. I mean wow. Don't get me wrong, you get some cool vistas and the art direction is top notch, but the actual action in this game is not on the same level as that vertical slice. At least Ken admitted this already during the development of the game. Also, the relative linearity of Columbia compared to Rapture surprised me, I expected more open areas with branching paths.
As far as the gameplay goes I also felt this was a step down from Bioshock 2, even if Irrational didn't work on that game. People don't get why a COD-comparison is made but you can set a COD-controller layout in the options, have regenerating health and a 2 weapon limit (because why? Juggling weapons in Bioshock was actually fun and the limit here just felt annoying and arbitrary to me, they could've rebalanced the enemy encounters to account for this I think). Only thing missing was grenades

. I didn't really care about the vigors except for Charge and Possession, but the selection was ok. I did miss my alternate ammo choices, that felt like a Bioshock staple but sadly didn't make it in the final game.
All in all I enjoyed the game (platinumed it yesterday) but I feel the ambition on this project was so high that the final product couldn't deliver on. Maybe if I didn't watch all that pre-release stuff the game would've made a bigger impact on me.