See You Next Wednesday
Haven't bought this game yet, but how non-linear is the game?
Like Bioshock 1 or more linear?
Like Bioshock 1 or more linear?
Haven't bought this game yet, but how non-linear is the game?
Like Bioshock 1 or more linear? I have not even thought to do half the shit you just alluded to. Awesome.
I didn't use Crows much first time through. What's its fully upgraded potential like?
Cheers, all.
Haven't bought this game yet, but how non-linear is the game?
Like Bioshock 1 or more linear?
beat game......
Possession for less is great, and so is the crow trap one. Personally I think charge and return to sender are the most "OP" vigors but it partly depends on your gear. Shock Jockey is good when combined with Storm gear for instance.
As for weapons I used the hand cannon, shotgun, and sniper mostly. Works well with return to sender.
I should have never made 1999 Mode as my first playthrough. : /
With that said...all three iterations ofare down.Lady Comstock
Fuck that series of fights. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck it.
this has been me for the last couple days.Just finished. What a game. What. A. Game. Crazy ending.
And that song during the credits sequence! I've been listening to it on repeat for like minutes. Not posting it because it's a spoiler, but it's awesome.
Some of the combat sections bugged the hell out of me. Like, really really annoyed me, but I'm just not very good at shooters with a gamepad so whatever. Game was nearly perfect otherwise.
I just pray this sells a bunch of copies and that this isn't the last story-based first person game Ken Levine makes. His work is a pretty good representation of why I love video games.
They're not required at all, you might appreciate some minor details a bit more but the story is completely unrelated.Folks, do familiarity with Bioshock 1 and 2 required to appreciate this game? I am really excited to play this game but I have never seriously played the previous 2 save for maybe half an hour each just fooling around. If playing and finishing those 2 are really gonna impact my appreciation towards this one, then I'll hold off playing this and make those 2 games my next play-it-to-the-end project.
Folks, do familiarity with Bioshock 1 and 2 required to appreciate this game? I am really excited to play this game but I have never seriously played the previous 2 save for maybe half an hour each just fooling around. If playing and finishing those 2 are really gonna impact my appreciation towards this one, then I'll hold off playing this and make those 2 games my next play-it-to-the-end project.
After finishing Infinite I decided to play Bioshock 1 again, and seriously what a game. It's a classic shooter with style and definitely much more challenging, gunplay is just so good.But you should still play Bioshock because it's a better game than Infinite.
The world, Elizabeth, the story, the sense of awe were just amazing in Infinite, whilst Bioshock 1 was more creepy, almost like a survival horror game in some parts. Big Daddy's kick major ass!
Folks, do familiarity with Bioshock 1 and 2 required to appreciate this game? I am really excited to play this game but I have never seriously played the previous 2 save for maybe half an hour each just fooling around. If playing and finishing those 2 are really gonna impact my appreciation towards this one, then I'll hold off playing this and make those 2 games my next play-it-to-the-end project.
I also hate the failure mechanic because: 1) I'd rather redo a few minutes of a section than lose money because it's less frustrating and 2) I don't feel any satisfaction from beating a section of the game that I "died" in a time or two.
I did the Shawn combo on 1999. Fight lasted 10 seconds. I feel like I'm cheating.
Folks, do familiarity with Bioshock 1 and 2 required to appreciate this game? I am really excited to play this game but I have never seriously played the previous 2 save for maybe half an hour each just fooling around. If playing and finishing those 2 are really gonna impact my appreciation towards this one, then I'll hold off playing this and make those 2 games my next play-it-to-the-end project.
wow so having restarted on 1999 mode, am having a blast so far. I get to play as a short-range vanguard right at the start with a 3 meter melee extended melee lunge attack and a 70% shock/stun effect. feels like a totally different game.
The Handyman encounters suck, unless you use crows on them they are a fucking nightmare, there is no strategy to use on them.
I'm really not enjoying the combat at all, there have been a few encounters here and there where it started to click and be fun, but for the most part it's a drag IMO. I preferred Bioshock's to this one.
I'm about 4 hrs in. I have to say, I'm really disappointed so far. I expected Infinite to surpass Bioshock 1, and I (oddly) find the gameplay to be frustrating and boring. I
actually liked 1's gameplay much more.
Infinite's gameplay relies on rampant shooting and firepower whereas 1 relied on very focused strategy.
The story and atmosphere are incredible, though. It's just annoying how the gameplay isn't getting in the way of this great world.
I'm just hoping the gameplay gets better because this was one of my most anticipated games of all time, and I'm simply too frustrated with the gameplay to move on.
I didn't find them to be too much of a struggle. I just used combo's with the Vigors, which seemed to take them down quick enough.The Handyman encounters suck, unless you use crows on them they are a fucking nightmare, there is no strategy to use on them.
I'm really not enjoying the combat at all, there have been a few encounters here and there where it started to click and be fun, but for the most part it's a drag IMO. I preferred Bioshock's to this one.
Great point. I never thought of it that way.The arrow is a great tool to use to find out where NOT to go, so you can explore every area of a map.
I can't believe I missed 11 Voxophones. Shit. I felt like I combed every inch of the game. Gonna have to find the ones I missed on YouTube or something.
I'm about 4 hrs in. I have to say, I'm really disappointed so far. I expected Infinite to surpass Bioshock 1, and I (oddly) find the gameplay to be frustrating and boring. I
actually liked 1's gameplay much more.
Infinite's gameplay relies on rampant shooting and firepower whereas 1 relied on very focused strategy.
The story and atmosphere are incredible, though. It's just annoying how the gameplay isn't getting in the way of this great world.
I'm just hoping the gameplay gets better because this was one of my most anticipated games of all time, and I'm simply too frustrated with the gameplay to move on.
im probably 80% to the end and the gameplay doesnt change. in bioshock or even system shock 2 you are brought into a world that has gone to shit and have to avoid or fight your way through whatever else still remains roaming in that world. in infinite it feels like youre always triggering a quake 3 battle. enemies dont really roam around they simply wait until you get to a certain point then attack while others spawn in. its like enjoying an interesting book then having a super bowl after party appear for a few minutes before getting back to the book. neither the combat or atmosphere/world are bad on their own but the meshing of them here pulls me out quite often and for that reason the game isnt clicking the way i had hoped.
We're making Mass Effect references for Infinite now? Really?
Folks, do familiarity with Bioshock 1 and 2 required to appreciate this game? I am really excited to play this game but I have never seriously played the previous 2 save for maybe half an hour each just fooling around. If playing and finishing those 2 are really gonna impact my appreciation towards this one, then I'll hold off playing this and make those 2 games my next play-it-to-the-end project.
Folks, do familiarity with Bioshock 1 and 2 required to appreciate this game? I am really excited to play this game but I have never seriously played the previous 2 save for maybe half an hour each just fooling around. If playing and finishing those 2 are really gonna impact my appreciation towards this one, then I'll hold off playing this and make those 2 games my next play-it-to-the-end project.
not having played them will make you appreciate Infinite a lot more
Maybe I'm misremembering, but didn't you always have to engage enemies in Bioshock? Maybe bypassing Big Daddies if you wanted to? I'm confused as to why people think it's so different here. You only see where they are coming in from because things aren't pitch black a lot of the time. Pretty sure they just sat there or walked from one end of the hallway to the other in 1. Nothing special that's missing here. You just get to see behind the curtain easier with the lights turned on.