3/5ths as many of the normal collectibles
Beautifully done.
3/5ths as many of the normal collectibles
With upgraded bigots
Gotta undertow them suckers.
Or for less Salt you can use Bronco and then just shoot the floating body out into the abyss.
Best way to deal with heavily armored rocket baddies.
The best use of Undertow Ive found is simply blasting foes off of the barges. Quick and painless, though no lootage.
3/5ths as many of the normal collectibles
I love the game, too. I simply don't have all the time in the world to go back through nine hours of gameplay to get to an unlock I paid for. Having paid for it, and not being able to receive it, is the part that really irks me.
Outside of brief experimentation, I never use its pull feature. Might have to change that for the next run.
3/5ths as many of the normal collectibles
The best use of Undertow Ive found is simply blasting foes off of the barges. Quick and painless, though no lootage.
Outside of brief experimentation, I never use its pull feature. Might have to change that for the next run.
Anyone else still have the Columbia version of "God Only Knows" stuck in their head?? I think sound design has to be the single best aspect of BI.
Aside: The Beach Boys were actually the very first live "band" I ever sawin 1988, when I was 6 years old.
Anyone else still have the Columbia version of "God Only Knows" stuck in their head?? I think sound design has to be the single best aspect of BI.
Aside: The Beach Boys were actually the very first live "band" I ever sawin 1988, when I was 6 years old.
The best use of Undertow Ive found is simply blasting foes off of the barges. Quick and painless, though no lootage.
Outside of brief experimentation, I never use its pull feature. Might have to change that for the next run.
I can't believe I missed 11 Voxophones. Shit. I felt like I combed every inch of the game. Gonna have to find the ones I missed on YouTube or something.
i don't really listen to the Beach Boys so that song completely went over my head.
Undertow pull into Shotgun is a pretty beastly combination.
Sorry to hear that. The injection of well-known 60s/70s songs and melodies was one of my favourite parts of BI.
Welp, that's 1999 mode completed and the plat obtained. It started off in brutal fashion but just got easier and easier the more I unlocked stuff, until I got about two thirds in and the rest of the campaign became a cinch because of a certain gear combo I used, rendering any battle a trifling matter. Even the threebattles, which I was dreading because of what a surging difficulty spike they were on Hard mode, were practically a cakewalk.Siren
What did you use for these fights? The first oneglitched out and it died with most of its health left somehow... but I'm not looking forward to the others.in the graveyard
What's the shawn combo?
I wonder if DLC will be some kind of multiplayer mode. With the right map and some balancing tweaks, I think multiplayer would actually work for infinite thanks to sky lines, vigors and guns...
All these items are already in the game, including the exclusive shotgun! You just have to alter config files to unlock them. Anyway, FYI.
I can not be without the Hand Cannon. That gun rocks my world.
An hour or two left to go.I'm atHow far through am I?Comstock House after beating the ghost of Lady Comstock.
I'm atHow far through am I?Comstock House after beating the ghost of Lady Comstock.
I'm atHow far through am I?Comstock House after beating the ghost of Lady Comstock.
Check Andrew. reply on previous page.
Is anyone else getting "manic-pixie-dream-girl" vibes from Elizabeth?
Wikipedia said:Film critic Nathan Rabin, who coined the term after seeing Kirsten Dunst in Elizabethtown (2005), describes the MPDG as "that bubbly, shallow cinematic creature that exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly soulful young men to embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures."[1] MPDGs are said to help their men without pursuing their own happiness, and such characters never grow up, thus their men never grow up.[2]
Undertow shotgun? I'm not sure where it is..
Undertow shotgun? I'm not sure where it is..
Is anyone else getting "manic-pixie-dream-girl" vibes from Elizabeth?
Okay, so I decided to do something different. 1999 Mode, no reloading a previous save. If I die, I eat the penalty, if I run out of money, I restart from the start.
So far just at theand I've died twice. Really fun way to play, it makes death really painful. Managed to sink some money into an upgraded carbine, and took the discounted MG upgrade. For vigors so far just the devils kiss upgrade. Looking to do posession for less next, and I'd have enough if I hadn't died those two timeshall of heroes where you face the first MP.
This is such a fun way to play, i'm terrified of some of the big fights later on.
Does the Infinite disc need to be in to play the original Bioshock on the PS3?
Of course.
Question. If I'm late to buy the season pass, do you get the items from the The Early Bird Special Pack (weapon dmg upgrades, gold skins, all the infusions) with any new game that you start? even 1999 mode? Thanks in advance.